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Top Video Games of 2007


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Well it would be easy to just post a list of my top games of 2007, but where would the fun be.  Sinister came up with a fun way to determine the top Games of 2007 (as selected by the Seanchan Org and their guests).  Basically anyone can nominate any game they want.  In order to make it to the final voting, the game has to be seconded by another member.  Once we have a nice listing, ever person will rank their selections.  Once everyone has ranked their selections, we will tabulate the final list of games.  Sounds complicated doesn't it.... so...errr... just follow along then.


Start off with your nominations:


Empy noms:


Gears of War

Call of Duty 4


Assassin's Creed

Halo 3

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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Mass Effect


Orange Box

- Portal

- Team Fortress 2

- Half-Life 2: Episode 2


Time Crisis 4

Hellgate London

Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (Expansion)

Ratchet & Clank Future

Heavenly Sword



I'm suprised you didn't say rockband or GH3?! :P

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Assassin's Creed

Mass Effect


Halo 3

Settlers of Catan; XBL Arcade




To many 360 titles on the list, so I'll have to toss in;


Flow - PSN Title

Twisted Metal 2 - PSX port to PS3 psn. ;)


(btw, its kinda ironic that all the titles seconded, except for mass effect are multiplatorm titles. ;)

(bioshock is on pc, so its not a 360 exclusive. :P )

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Any of the Call of Duty games (they still pwn)

Ill second Mass Effect

Ummmm.....Warhawk was pretty much the only good game on PS3 so ill add that to :P

My gamertag on Xbox Live is backshotguru add me if u wanna get pwned at halo 3 or COD


Have you played Uncharted yet? Tis the best ps3 game todate. ;)

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Nah I havent played it looked like to much puzzle solving for it to be a good shooter which would be the only part id be interested in ;D ;D ;D


Oh, theres plenty of shooting... it may not be an fps but its definately fun as hell.

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yeah, been playing Super Mario Galaxy as well, and while great, wouldn't say it's a best of the year. I'm on the 3rd observatory and the missions are pretty easy so far. The game play is great though, with lots of cool varieties. Hmm, well perhaps best platform game of the year.


ok yeah, I'll second Mario Galaxy then

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I haven't had the opportunity to really delve into it too deeply, but i've heard that the second half of the game is not quite as easy as the first. I'm awaiting it eagerly. No, i don't have the 360. I have a PS3, Wii, and a decent PC. I can't afford a bloody 360 on top of all of that. :p I consider myself lucky as is.

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