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AvP: Requim


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Saw this today, I enjoyed it alot more then I did AvP. (Thats not saying much to others though...)

Theres a nice little tie in at the beginning to AvP, and a nice lil tie in at the end to Alien.  ;D

I don't quite know how I'd rate it, but I will say its one to see in the theaters, if not more then to see a movie with some REAL blood shed.  ;D


The beginning started off kind of slow, trying to make ties between characters, and all that other fun stuff making me go.. "COME ON! MORE HOT PREDATOR ON ALIEN ACTION!"


The movie however, does make you, or at least me, Think about the ending, and just what it means... It has a beginning, a middle, and most defniately an ending, but the ending is just open enough to let your mind explore the pandora's box it just opened...


Now if only we can see Aliens: 5. With some Predators in the mix. (or at least explain WHY we haven't seen any predators in the 'Aliens' universe...) ;)

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Here is a review I just read.... if strong language offends you turn your little eyes away.  The review makes me think the movie sucks though.


First time reviewer . . . will try to keep the spoilers down, but really, you won't care.


Remember Alien?


You know, that sci-fi flick where that spider thing grabs onto the guys face, and then later this thing bursts out of his chest and runs off? And you never really saw the alien, and the tension just kept building and building till the end?


And remember Predator? That kick-ass action movie with Arnold, the guy who played Apollo in Rocky, and Jesse The Body Ventura with the coolest gun EVER? And they were being hunted by this thing in the jungle that could make itself invisible and shot a laser cannon, and left skinned bodies hanging everywhere?


Yeah, those movies were awesome. I'm sure all you guys remember them.


The Strause Brothers, however, apparently have no fucking clue what I'm talking about. Which is pretty unfortunate since they were SUPPOSED to be directing Alien vs Predator: Requiem . . . turns out they were raping everyone in the theatre, taking their money, and stomping on babies as they ran away before the credits rolled. That's about what this movie felt like . . . watching babies getting stomped on. It's a horrible mess that you can't look away from, can do nothing about, and you know in your heart is just wrong, wrong, wrong.


It's almost like they were giving a sophomore english class book report on all the previous movies, but they just read the backs of the DVD cases instead of actually WATCHING them.


We start off right where the last AVP ended (and, for the record, I enjoyed that one . . . didn't love it, but it was definitely watchable and had some moments). The hybrid Predalien has just burst out of the dead Predator, and it runs off. About three seconds later, it's a full-blown Alien with dreadlocks . . . and right there is the problem that plagues the whole movie: NOTHING is properly developed.


Not one single character matters in this movie. They show up, they say exactly what their cliche demands, and then they're gone. A jock actually says, as seriously as possible: "we need guns" . . . in the convenience store . . . standing next to the gun rack. I'm pretty sure the entire audience isn't supposed to laugh their ass off while the people on screen are supposed to be terrified. Also, I think this is the most daylight an Alien has ever been in . . . and it is NOT scary.


What surprised me a bit, though, was how uselessly mean-spirited this movie is. ***SPOILER*** For example, a father and sun on a hunting trip find the downed spaceship with the Alien in it. Naturally, this allows all the facehuggers the Predators kept on their ship to escape (why the Predators had these things on the ship, I'm afraid we'll never know), and both the kid and the dad get an alien muzzle. Just leaving it at that would have been creepy, but later when the kid wakes up, he watches his dad die, and then we see the KID have his chest turned inside out. Now, in a GOOD movie, we would have had some relationship with the kid, and actually CARED that his torso now has a giant hole in it . . . but we don't. His entire screen time had to be less than 2 minutes. The scene was neither shocking nor cool . . . it was just there. Remember Newt? Cared about her, right? Felt nervous when she was gonna get eaten by the bitch? Thought so. If you're gonna kill a kid, at least let us learn the little fuckers name!


Now, about the Predalien . . . ugh. It really does look like they took an alien, gave it a weave, and glued some fangs on the side of it's mouth. That is, it looked like that when I could SEE the damn thing. It got almost no special treatment or time, and when it was fighting a Predator, all you could see were dreadlocks whipping around . . . couldn't tell who was who or what they were doing.


Oh, and ***SPOILER*** it can lay multiple alien embryos into human bodies through it's mouth. I literally yelled 'What the fuck!?' in the theatre. Fuck the alien eggs, it just puts 5 of the worms directly into already pregnant women, and they burst out about 3 minutes later. This means we get shots of dead pregnant women with burst stomachs in a paternity ward, and one live 'birth.' This, like the father and son, is over and done with so quickly it doesn't even register. Like I said, pointlessly mean.


And don't think you'll at least get to see some good Alien on Predator action . . . you know, like the word VERSUS would otherwise mean in a title. The total time with both of them onscreen couldn't have been more than 5 minutes . . . and it was pretty weak.


So, basically what I'm saying is this very well might be the worst film of the year . . . worse than 'Hitman' . . . YES, WORSE THAN THAT. There's one, ONE cool death, but I'll leave that alone for anyone who finds themselves trapped watching this waste of celluloid. No tension, no buildup, no payoff, no point. Go see 'Sweeney Todd' again, I guarantee you'll have a better time.


Hope that wasn't too much rambling, but yeah . . . this thing pissed me off.


If you guys use this, call me Toulon.



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I just saw this movie and while you do get your Alien, Predator fix I thought overall it was a let down. As the above reviewer mentioned overly mean for no apparent reason other then to shock. No advancement to the story, little depth to the characters. Good for mindless action and not much else IMO.

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I saw this last night, and I enjoyed it as a mindless killing movie... comparable to the DOOM movie for mindlessness actually... if you are looking for a movie that requires a single thought process at all though, don't go see this one.

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