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The moon...no...not the moon...


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K Moiraine, need your help here.  How can we make the damn moon go away? 


I hate tides, so that is one reason.

Werewolves are a bit to nippy, so there is another reason.

The moon causes extra light at night, making it hard to see stars.  3rd reason.

I believe (due to 'The 5th Element') that the moon is really a dead body of a great evil thing.  Creepy to have that just watching over us.  So a 4th reason. 



Do we need more? 

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The moon causes extra light at night, making it hard to see stars.  3rd reason.

No, it doesn't acutally. The moon reflects the light from the sun, which makes it appear to give off light at night, when, in fact, it's just a pretty lump of rock.  ;D (See, I know some things.) Therefore, you have the sun to blame for that. It isn't extra light, as we get sunlight in the day, moonlight in the night. Also, the moon has never stopped me from seeing stars; perhaps you're not looking properly.


You destroy the moon, and, as I said before, when I considered it irrelevent, we would all die.


And Moiraine, that has not proved anything apart from that the moon orbits Earth because of...gravity?...and increasing and decreasing energy.  :-\

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