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Unreal Tournament 3


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  • Community Administrator

I just got this for the PS3, I've played the PC Demo (which looks like crap, and is about as sluggish as running in mud...

It looks beutiful, and plays damned good (so far) on the ps3. I can use my pc/keyboard (meaning I don't suck! actually, Its the opposite of suck. :P)


Online is fast paced, faster then Warhawk or Resistance, Fall of Man. But not 'quite' as fast as the pc version (At least, thats what everyone says!)


Now, I just have to get my hands on the PC version to make mods to use on the ps3. ;)

(I found out a few days ago, that the PC version comes with the 'UT3 Editor' and can 'export' to the ps3. PS3 is just UT3 with out the editor. (unfortunately, wish it included UT3 editor!) Oh well, I can still make mods for the ps3 version!

Now, I just need to figure out how to make that painting with the stairs that make no sense and incorporate it in UT3. :P

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  • Community Administrator

Isn't Unreal Tourney made by the same company as Gears of War?


I think that is what I saw on the commercial.  It looks good too.


Gears of War is made by the same guys who made Unreal Tournament. ;)

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  • Community Administrator

Indeed, UT came first.


Barm, you've played more UT games then I have. (UT3 = my first one :P)

Is it common for UT games not to have gernades?

ITs kinda off for me that a FPS that doesn't have any nades.. you know, the kind you drop when you die, so when the enemey gloats over your corpseand tries to 'sit on your face', just as the gernade blows up right on his ass killing em instantly.. I love doing that.. pisses those gloaters off so much...




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There are no grenades such as what you want. The closest thing you come to a grenade in any previous game is in UT2004 in Assault mode you get a spider grenade gun, but you have to be alive to detonate them, and they go away after you die.


But the weapons you have should be plenty devastating enough. Rocket Launcher's, Flak Cannons, and of course the beloved super weapons... the Ion Painter, the Redeemer, and so on...

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  • Community Administrator

Well, I noticed that the Flak Canon Alternate Fire, is similar to a gernade in that it 'launches' said round in an 'arc'. then 'explodes' on the ground... But it is semi-odd for an fps not to have nades. But then again, that would just make the game 'more' chaotic. :P

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