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The Re-Read Begins . . . backwards.


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Hello All


I decided this morning, over a chicken biscuit and the ridiculously named "Pure Life" Nestle water, that I am going to re-read the Wheel of Time.  I think this makes it four times all the way through with the odd chapter or even entire book thrown in from time to time.  However, I do have a question for all you--who has read the books in reverse order?  I don't know if the idea is simply insane or just . . . idiotic, but I think I'm going to try it.  Given the perennial mysteries that the books contain, I think that perhaps I might find some answers if I start at the last point that anything occurred and work my way to some conclusions by going backward . . . think Memento, but with less tats and no Carrie Anne Moss. 


if you read the books in reverse order, tell me how it turned out--if you haven't I still want to know what you think of the idea.  it is probably foolish . . . almost certainly foolish, but I hope it yields something nonetheless.






I don't think I've ever read them in strictly a reverse order.  I have read them in a random order a couple of times but never completely backwards.




Only 4 rereads...wow a newbie.


I have not read them in reverse order, but hey, you can do whatever you want. You have already read them in the correct order so it's not like you have to worry about spoilers.

If you read them in reverse I would suggest making a list of things you want to find answers to or connections you want to make between events or visions and foretellings in the books. Maybe that will help you find something new.


Done it, both series-wide and with individual books. Brings some of the more "odd" foreshadowing, like Min's early viewings, more to the fore. I normally do it with the more involved series I read, and do recommend it.


A reread backwards? Will it end something like this: niaga semoc htrib ti evag taht egA eht nehw nettogrof gnol si htym neve dna htym ot sedaf dnegeL .dnegel emoceb taht seiromem gnivael ,ssap dna emoc segA dna ,snrut emiT fo leehW ehT?


I am going to have to do this. Never occured to me.  I guess I am just thrilled because it's another excuse to dig out the books and read them for the 14th time.


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