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[Movie] The Mist (and why I hated it!)


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Ok avoiding spoilers only about 3 people in the whole movie get any character development and only 1 of those is really a main character. There are other main characters but they stay pretty much stagnant throughout the whole movie. It also has a really stupid ending that while I won't spoil doesn't fit the shown personality traits of any of the other characters.


Really! I am a complete chicken when it comes to scary movies but I spent half of the movie laughing with some drunk guy next to me talking about how awesome the old lady is.


Still, it has decent gore looking gore but theres really not to much of it, and there are certain plot elements of the movie and character issues that made me think to myself "they need to die for the sake of Darwinism"


/end rant

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Haven't seen it, but I doubt it's even half as bad as The Fog... a horror movie with just about every cliche possible in it.. and all done poorly.


Hey! The orginal was awesome with all the nudity and the ghost pirates that rape and plunder the town! :P

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