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All is Quiet....


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And that really scares me when you people get quiet...  so what's up?


I know i'm doing Nano (or pretending.  Currently i'm just avoiding Nano.) I know Sil and Andrea are too.  Anyone else?


What else are you people up to?  Anyone need me?  Anyone miss me?  Anyone just wanna randomly squuze the stuffing out of me?


Do I need to beg more?  :P


Come on.. show the love people.. you know you want to tell me all the gory details :P






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meh work.  My group is being off shored and I find myself having to scramble to place good people in jobs.  Then there is finding one for myself which I have but it is intense.  Should slow down after the first of the year.  Howl on my lovelies

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I am supposedly doing the NaNo but in all honesty I have written more RP posts than my story :P Avoiding doing something else seems to be my best RP motivation.


I'm sorry to hear about your job, Steve. Good thing that you have another one secured already.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*snugglenuzzles Steve* THat does suck.



*nibbles on Arette* You could always complile the posts you make and see if you can match that in your nano, or make it your nano. :D see how much you're wasting on something that isn't nano..



Not that i think your posts are a waste... i rather love them.

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:P  I was rather annoyed to realize last night that my word count for posts far exceeded my Nano count.  Not that it should be a surprise to me really... but at least I made my daily goal yesterday, even if I didn't catch up.  That's what weekends are for, right?  :P

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I am working 13 hour days, trying to work on a build article for a SturmTiger and am having problems with my broadband provider*sighs* Other than that it is the 26th anniversary of Lyn and i living together this weekend, so we are going to be *ahemming* i think ;)



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Guest Arie Ronshor

"weekends" are awesome for catching up. :)


I've set my own rule for not being allowed to post until i meet my min of the day. thusly not many posts.. just the one with Arie being all bad-arse. :D

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sort of at a stallmate point with Scar where  i need to finish off an old rp before moving on to know just what will happen to him..


Other then that planing of making a human char for here somewhere within the next two years or somewhat (ie char made, gonna play her before howling first, and bring her over when i run off some energy and ideas)

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