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Fabula Nova Crystallis Project: Final Fantasy XIII


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Final Fantasy® XIII for PlayStation®3 system...


A tale of souls from a futuristic civilization illuminated by the Light of the Crystal.


This eagerly anticipated title takes full advantage of the PlayStation®3 system's advanced hardware, providing tangible, intuitive controls while delivering seamless transitions between real-time gameplay and stunning in-game cinematics. The latest in cutting-edge technology has been utilized in development of Final Fantasy® XIII, thus making this newest addition to the Final Fantasy® series worthy of the title "next generation."





Final Fantasy XIII's story begins as something from the lower world invades the Cocoon, causing a panic. The people of Cocoon are generally afraid of the outside world, and anyone who is believed to have received outside influence is forced out of Cocoon. This influence could be regarded as a virus according to Toriyama.


Cocoon inhabitants are worried mainly of their home which could fall from the sky. Anyone who could make Cocoon fall are deported from Cocoon to Pulse. This includes the people who are believed to have the ability to do this.









Lightning is the main character of Final Fantasy XIII.


She is an independant and strong-willed female hero who wields a weapon similar to the gunblade from Final Fantasy VIII. Character designer Tetsuya Nomura describes her as 'not very feminine', and says that he was asked to create a 'female version of Cloud' when designing her.


On her shoulder are bars, similar to something you may see on an army officer's shoulder etc. This points towards possibly her rank and social status.


Her name, Lightning, could well be a nickname or codename, yet could be her real name as many character in the previous titles also bare weather-related names.


In addition to being a skilled fighter, she also has power over gravity and time-based magic.


[glow=red,2,300]Un-named Man:[/glow]




A blonde man who wears a bandana. Not much is known about this character other than that he's supposed to be big for a human being and has size 33cm feet. He rides a motorcycle and wields some sort of gun as seen in the trailer when he comes to Lightning's aid.


It also has been recently released that this character's name is related to weather, and that he is not related to Lightning in any way. Also confirmed by the director of the project, Toriyama, that the blonde male and Lightning are supposed to have a unique relationship. He has also been described by the staff as cowboy-like.


As for his combat style, a latest interview with Tetsuya Nomura stated that he will have a "humourous" fighting style.



[glow=red,2,300]General Gameplay Details:[/glow]



The battle system director in Final Fantasy XIII will be Toshiro Tsuchida, the same director who worked on Final Fantasy X. He also created the Front Mission series.


Tsuchida was asked from the start to create a flashy, speedy battle system. He felt that the command-based systems that have been used for previous Final Fantasy games wouldn't allow for this. However, Square Enix wanted a battle system that was as fast as an action game while allowing the player to input commands. That's apparently what we'll be getting in Final Fantasy XIII.


The battle system is still considered an ATB (Active Time Battle) system, complete with time flowing by as you input commands. However, the actual means of input has changed a bit and, according to Tsuchida, will now allow for more control options. You'll be able to, for example, select between carrying out a simple slash, or charging and then slashing. Some characters will be able to combine magic with standard attacks. And all of this is somehow connected to a new animation system that will blend individual motions to result in a single smooth motion.


Final Fantasy XIII's battle system may share a few points in common with the Final Fantasy XII system. Rather than a standard encounter-based system where battle begins with the allies and enemies in a face off, Tsuchida suggested that Final Fantasy XIII's battles will begin with the player noting, "Oh, here's an enemy."


Players will be able to change the battle conditions to an extent. Tsuchida gave the example of a player considering what can be done in order to create a winning situation for an upcoming battle.


This doesn't mean we'll be getting an evolved version of the Final Fantasy XII system either. Toriyama stated that the Final Fantasy XIII battle system will be something that's not quite encounter based and not quite seamless. Players will have a new way of getting into fights with enemies.


Square Enix has confirmed that the game will feature real-time battles in a similar manner to Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XII. However, instead of using the colorful arcs from Final Fantasy XII, the battle system seems closer to something seen in Kingdom Hearts.



[glow=red,2,300]Magic Abilities:[/glow]



In a developer interview, Motomu Toriyama stated that the E3 Trailer shows what is known as the 'Gravity Bomb', known as the spell 'Gravity' in previous games. Lightning seems to be able to use this to her advantage and use Gravity to harm her enemies.


Another example of a magic ability that is used in the game is Blizzard, as shown in the trailer/screenshots situated in the in-game menu.






[glow=red,2,300]Overclock Status:[/glow]



In the upper right-hand corner of the battle screen seen in screenshots and trailers, a circle-shaped gauge is visible. With this, under certain situations, Lightning can enter a so-called "Overclock" status. This status has a slow-motion effect, slowing down everyone but the player. "Overclock" seems to resemble the Trance mode in Final Fantasy IX which means that this status could replace the Limit Breaks from previous titiles. Also judging by the media, this status lasts for a certain amount of time before residing.






[glow=red,2,300]Job System:[/glow]



Another piece of information from an interview with Tetsuya Nomura stated that the game may feature a job system but there isn't any information on how this will work.









In relation to online/offline, Yoshinori Kitase has stated in the developer interview that players will also be able to take advantage of special online features although the game is primarily a single-player game.


Tetsuya Nomura has also recently stated that Final Fantasy XIII could well feature an online mode but right now, it's still only a possibility. Not a confirmed feature.





[glow=red,2,300]Game Engine:[/glow]



The game runs on the White Engine, an all-new exclusive seventh generation game engine built for Square Enix's future games. This engine was originally planned for the PS2 but was now moved to the PS3 in order to help with the Final Fantasy XIII development.


One of the main aspects of the engine is that it allows CGI to be rendered in real-time. It also handles advanced audio processing, cinematic cut-scene transition, physics effects calculations and special effects rendering. The White Engine reportedly uses 4 of the 6 synergistic processing elements (SPEs) available to games, of the Cell processor, to achieve near-pre-rendered CGI quality in realtime.


Square-Enix also recently announced they had licensed Epic Games' Unreal Engine 3 to use on a number of particular next generation titles, but will still use the White Engine for most exclusive Playstation 3 games.


However, it was reiterated that Final Fantasy XIII will still use the White Engine instead of this Unreal Engine 3.








Final Fantasy® Versus XIII for PlayStation® 3 system.


Harmony is realized in this alternate tale of Final Fantasy® XIII.


Not a merely a sequel, but a wholly independent story unfolding in a different world with different characters. This title will appear alongside Final Fantasy® XIII on the PlayStation 3 system.


When coupled with Final Fantasy® XIII, Final Fantasy® Versus XIII completes the core of the Fabula Nova Crystallis™ Project.









Final Fantasy Versus XIII focuses on a mysterious protagonist, the last heir to a dynasty ruling the only remaining city in the world which can control the crystals.


This heir is forced to make a stand when his kingdom, people, and its crystals come under attack from marauders who try to conquer the city and take the crystals as their own.


All of these titles take place in the same universe but not at the exact same time.








Unknown Main Character:




The protagonist is a mysterious young man with dark blue hair and crimson eyes. He is the last heir to a dynasty ruling the only remaining city in the world to control crystals.


He wields a number of different weapons, including swords, spears, and lances, and can even use telekinetic powers to move them in the air independently of him and form a whirling barrier around himself.


He has also demonstrated the power of teleportation and he can also create a barrier of swords that can deflect attacks.


[glow=red,2,300]Unknown Female Character:[/glow]


Nomura has confirmed that a heroine will appear in the game. It is unknown who she is, what she looks like or what business she has.






[glow=red,2,300]Setting Details:[/glow]



Final Fantasy Versus XIII takes place in modern times, thus explaining the vehicles and modern-style cityscape that were seen in previous trailers. In the most recent trailer, a modified version of the E3 trailer that was aired at last year's Jump Festa in Japan, we see the main character seated in the backseat of a car which speeds down a highway and eventually emerges from a tunnel. The highway is based on Tokyo's own "Shutoko" expressway system, and the tunnel is based on a specific tunnel near the city's Ginza area. Nomura's development staff drove down this section of road over and over again as part of their research. The only thing missing are the real street signs, although Nomura joked that having a big Ginza sign would be a bit out of place for the Versus world.


The cityscape as a whole takes influences from Tokyo. It's specifically meant to be in the image of the city's bustling Shinjuku area, which is also home to Square Enix's corporate headquarters. Nomura said that he passes through this area every day and always thinks its cool, so he took the chance to make use of it as material for this project.


Nomura also shared a few details which help to clarify some of the game's background story. The cityscape is a part of the main character's home country. But the entire world isn't as advanced. Surrounding the main character's modern city-like country is a world that's stuck in the middle ages. The main character's country is the only one that's reached modern times.


The reason for this split was hinted at in the Jump trailer. As the main character's car speeds down the Ginza-influenced highway, we hear a radio broadcast discussing an end to a cold war. This cold war was over crystals. The main character's country has crystals. In fact, the main character is part of a royal family who has, for generations protected the crystals. The outside world once had crystals, but lost them due to continued war. They focus their resources on weapons rather than the development of their culture, which has left them in their current backwards state.


Incidentally, Nomura likened the main character's royal family to the modern day mafia. In the initial trailer, we saw people in black suits who'd collapsed outside the royal palace. Those are members of the royal army.







Nomura announced that the in-game "extreme action" will be designed by the Kingdom Hearts team whilst the E3 trailer which was shown was done by the Advent Children team. He also said to imagine what both teams could create when working together. He also provided a slight amount of insight to "Versus", which will feature a modern environment and "emotional, realistic characters and a storyline that has "bonding as the underlying theme."


Nomura has stated that he aims to create previously unseen "tricky" battle sequences, reminiscent of the CGI film, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. This means that the game will be very much reliant on action suggesting that this game will be more action-oriented than RPG.


Final Fantasy Versus XIII will also use the motion-sensing capabilities of the Playstation 3's SixAxis controller. The controller's special features could be used when it comes to the combat aspects of the game.


Tetsuya Nomura says that it would be too much work to do Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy Versus XIII at the same time, so development on Kingdom Hearts 3 will wait until Final Fantasy Versus XIII is complete.


The latest all-CG trailer showed some impressive combat visuals as the main character single-handedly dealt with hundreds of enemy combatants who'd surrounded his palace. For the game's actual battle system, Tetsuya Nomura suggested that we picture something like a realistic Kingdom Hearts. On top of this, the game will have elements of what Nomura referred to as a "TPS," or third person shooter. Your view of the action will change based on the weapon that you're using, in order to give the best control.


In addition to a real time battle combat system, Final Fantasy Versus XIII looks like it will have quite the world to explore. Nomura wants to make the main character's entire country into a battle field. He also has to deal with the outside world, though, and he's concerned that the game world may end up being too big. The game will have air ships, over which players will have direct control.



Got it from


Which contains some source links there.

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I noticed that the chick in FF13 looks a lot like the princess in FF12 who in turn looked like Yuna from FF10 and FF10-2.


They look similar, thats a given, But there are some major differences, mostly in the 'tone' or whatever you want to call it they are projecting...


Yuna = Insecure, Youngin, happy and giddy. Did I mention young?

WhatsherfacefromXII = Obviously princes, strong, and greiving over loss.

XIII chick, is probably a mix between yuna and XII With one major differnce, being elf like ears.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

While I think it's cool they are coming out with another one, I will probably not play it for a very long time, as I have no intention of shelling out the astronomical amount of money for a PS3. That, and I've yet to finish 12, and I'm still avidly playing 11, after 3 years. Oy....I think I'm on FF overkill, lol.

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  • Community Administrator

While I think it's cool they are coming out with another one, I will probably not play it for a very long time, as I have no intention of shelling out the astronomical amount of money for a PS3. That, and I've yet to finish 12, and I'm still avidly playing 11, after 3 years. Oy....I think I'm on FF overkill, lol.


PS3 now costs about the same as the 360 did, so unless you aren't buying a 360, until it drops down to a $200 price tag, theres no reason why the ps3 is to expensive. After all, the 360 was at ps3 price less then a year ago. :P

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

I don't own a 360 either because I thought it was way too expensive :P. And they are supposed to be raising the price back up on the PS3's after they sell all the extra stock they've got, perhaps they've already done so.


I refuse to pay anything more than $250 for any gaming platform, other than a pc. For me it's just ludicrous, when after a time they are going to come out with something bigger and better. If that means I have to wait the three or four years, that's fine with me. The games won't be going anywhere, and I am patient. I've got a family to support, I can't justify spending what I consider large quantities of money for the platform, and then the games. Sorry guy, but you have fun though. :P

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  • Community Administrator

I don't own a 360 either because I thought it was way too expensive :P. And they are supposed to be raising the price back up on the PS3's after they sell all the extra stock they've got, perhaps they've already done so.


I refuse to pay anything more than $250 for any gaming platform, other than a pc. For me it's just ludicrous, when after a time they are going to come out with something bigger and better. If that means I have to wait the three or four years, that's fine with me. The games won't be going anywhere, and I am patient. I've got a family to support, I can't justify spending what I consider large quantities of money for the platform, and then the games. Sorry guy, but you have fun though. :P


Actually the ps3 price where it is now, is going to stay that way until the next price drop...


They released a 40gb unit, that is $100 cheaper, actually it was released today.

So the 40gb sells at $399,  and the 80gb at $499. the 80gb used to sell at 599, but the 60gbs 'were' selling at 499, when they ran out of stock, the 80gb replaced them, as it is going to be 'much' harder to find them.


FYI, the orignal 360, launched at 399,  core at $299, and elite at $479, and they were released a full 'year' before the ps3, so the fact that the ps3, which has by far more spendy things (blu-ray alone is worth $500, ) makes the price your getting it, in many aspects a deal, except for the lack of games 'for now'  ;) )


But if your limit is $250, yes the 360 and the ps3 are going to be to much for you, though the 360 arcade is nearing the 250 mark.


Its interesting that you mentioned the $250, since that is the 'cut off point' for most gamers it seems today, the Wii, which is/was in the lead (pre-halo 3, it'll catch back up in no time) is just below that crucial line.

$249.99, the 360 is just at the $279 point. (and that was introduced right before or right after sony announced the price of the 40gb for $399, which is/was the oringal cost of one of there more common units. :P


In the near future, I'm expecting a ps3, to do something similar to the arcade 360 in the near future, like a 10gb ps3, and 'fewer' fun stuff that the 40g is missing.... The only thing I could think of that would possibly reduce the price is taking out the blu-ray, but honestly, if they did that they may as well call it a ps2 >_>


Oh well, hopefully with Toshiba buying sony's cell processor factory, Toshiba can make cheaper 'cell' processors for sony, thusly reducing the price of the ps3. Now lets just hope Toshiba isn't going to play dirty in the HDVD vs blu-ray format war. :P

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The funny thing with the PS3 is that you can buy the cheapest model and then just switch out the crappy HD for a far bigger one with relative ease and a huge difference in price. I've been meaning to switch mine out to a 250GB one for some time now, I'm just being lazy.


You still play FF11, FDM? I quit a month ago or so, gave my account to a friend. *nods*

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  • Community Administrator

The funny thing with the PS3 is that you can buy the cheapest model and then just switch out the crappy HD for a far bigger one with relative ease and a huge difference in price. I've been meaning to switch mine out to a 250GB one for some time now, I'm just being lazy.


You still play FF11, FDM? I quit a month ago or so, gave my account to a friend. *nods*



When I buy myself a 250gb Hard Drive for my Notebook (more room for pron!) "JK" I'll be swapping out my 90 or 100gb in my notebook into my ps3. :P I don't really 'need' that much more room (at least 30gbs more) but What am I going to do with that spare hard drive? Have it mate with my 300gb HDD for my desktop sitting at home, being abused by my mother? (you know, those crappy lil 2d games, that older women play. :P)

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I traded in old used DVD and games to GameStop to earn over $270 in store credit.  When I get the cash to buy a PS3 I'll have over half of it paid for. :)  That's not counting the money I would get for tradeing in my PS2 and controllers. :P ;D

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When you come in with the largest duffle bag you own, and is stuffed full of DVDs and games.....even the one I only got 83 cents for add up.  I also got a free edge card which gave me a 10% increase in the value of trade ins.


They had to do two seperate transactions. ;D

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