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Fantasy Football Week 8 Recap, Week 9 Projections


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Let's go ahead and get it over with. 


Empy vs. Boyo - Ouch.  Boy did my team fall off the wagon.  From 2nd place to 7th place in 2 weeks.  Final score Boyo 95, Empy 58


Karana vs. Paityr - What can one say about Karana.  It looks like she will waltz into the championship this year.  She once again got the most points of any team.  Final score: Karana 155, Paityr 90


F Horn vs. Hax - Actually a pretty close game. Hax had some players that put up great points... but F Horn had more consistancy throughout his team.  F Horn wins,  97-84.


Wooly vs. Kynwric - Kynwric is disgusted with his own team.  Usually you use smack talk to stab at the other team.... the message for Kynwric is "These Guys suck".  You guessed it, Wooly wins 119 to 92.


Tenshin vs. Empy's Bro - So I updated Ten's team to give him the best chance at winning.  It isn't my fault he doesn't have players that actually play each week.  Empy's Bro easily takes this victory.  89 to 38.


Saldean vs. Seggie - Saldean is the other powerhouse in the league and looks to be the only threat to Karana at the moment.  Saldean wins 115 to 58.














F Horn

Empy's Bro






















Projections for Week 9:


Seggie vs. Empy:  Well last week we scored roughly the same points... which means we both suck equally.  Empy's first team is mostly on a bye week as well as some of Seggie's starters.  Projected winner:  Seggie


Empy's Bro vs. Karana:  Ummm... maybe it is because Karana hasn't made any moves, but at the moment my Brother is favored to win this game.  Projection:  Empy's Bro


Boyo vs. Hax:  Close game in the projections which means it could swing either way.  Projection: Boyo


Paityr vs. Wooly:  The projected points between the teams are less than 1 point which means this is the closest game of the week.  I flipped a coin and the Projection goes to Wooly.


F Horn vs. Tenshin:  Ummm.... Projection F Horn


Kynwric vs. Saldean:  Close match up once again.  Projection:  Saldean



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*looks at F Horn*  While that is true, how could you possibly know that?  Why on earth would anyone be discussing my avatar, lol?


Empy, it's true I lost to you in the championship a few years ago, and you may be right, I may not have what it takes to win the big game this year.  But there is one thing I DO know.  If I lose in the big game, it won't be to YOU, Mr. 4-4!!! 

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The only reason Adrian stat's look so good is because he had one good game against Chicago.  The other games he's been in he's had fairly average stats.  Of the 6 games (minus the chigago games) he only has three touch downs (one was receiving) and only went over 100 yards rushing in half of them.  So don't hail him as the ultimate just yet.  Plus I think he's gonna get worn down in the last half of the season.

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If you give me Adrian Pederson for LenDale White, I can ensure that happens!


Hah!  Trade me Braylon Edwards and Joseph Addai for, say, James Jones and Ryan Grant, and I'll make sure it happens.


Plus I think he's gonna get worn down in the last half of the season.


Please ... pleeeeeease let him get worn down ...

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