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Fantasty Football Week 7 Review and Week 8 Preview


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Let me get this game out of the way....


Empy vs. F Horn : What can I say... you rock.. I suck.  You are my world and great and merciful.  I bow to you.... No player really stood our for F Horn, but his whole team came to play.  I got screwed when the NY defense dominated and therefore Manning and Plexico had little work to do.  F Horn wins 130 to 108 (note my 108 would beat most other teams though!)


Wooly vs. Karana - When your kicker is the second best player on your team... well it would usually mean defeat as with the case of Karana.  After dominating the league in points each week, she comes in 6th with total points.  But does that really matter when you still pull down a victory?  I would say no.  Karana wins 96 to 81.


Empy's Bro vs. Hax - Hax had a little trouble this week as his team scored the second lowest points of the week.  Even with LT on a bye week, my Bro picks up a win with a strong running game.  Empy's Bro takes the win 105 to 74.


Saldean vs. Boyo - Wow what a game.  Both scored high points but when you have a QB that scores 6 TD's  you are going to be tough to beat (Brady had 52 points alone..wow).  Saldean rides his Brady pony to victory with a final score 129 to 111.


Paityr vs. Tenshin - Ummm.. Paityr got the easy win this week.  Nuff said.  Final 90 to 30.   


Kynwric vs. Seggie - Both teams overcame some difficulties to put up a good showing this week.  Both QB's had sub par games and each had a WR that did nothing.  Seggie somehow comes out on top due to the great play of the Dallas defense.  Seggie wins 80 to 77.















F Horn

Empy's Bro

















This week projections:


Empy vs. Boyo - Early predictions have Empy ahead 10 points.


Paityr vs. Karana - Karana has the bye week blues.  Paityr is the early favorite.


Hax vs. F Horn - Hax also has bye week problems.  F Horn has a good chance in winning this week.


Kynwric vs. Wooly - Kynwric has a chance to get out of the cellar as he is projected to win.


Empy's Bro vs. Tenshin - My bro gets the easy win this week unless Tenshin decides to tend to his team.


Saldean vs. Seggie - Seggie has 6 of his starters on a bye week.  Ouch.  Saldean is favored to win.

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Ten:  I updated your team with players that will actually play this week.  Please let me know if you have questions about how to update your team.


Group:  I am letting you know that Ten has had some trouble updating his team and all I did was update his team with players he currently has in his roster for week 8. 


RAW: After I finish beating down Soy this week, I will be gunning for you.  Without Brady you are NOTHING!!!


Somebody beat Karana already!

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