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Military Tactics


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I thought they have been a bit stabby lately what with Dobraine almost buying it froma stabbing and bashere's wife getting attacked in search of the seals. Just recently, Mat and Tuon were located by a cell of darkfriends and they were nearly stabbed to death too.

I'll have to disagree. I think there's plenty of stabbing on hand and in the works.


I meant more specifically why the Shadow doesn't go out and kill the leaders of countries. Why haven't there been assassinations left and right? Why don't we have Forsaken opening gateways into throne rooms and letting Trollocs and Fades in? It would be no problem for the Forsaken to take a trip out to the throne room for long enough time to learn it, and then send in the troops.

  \ said:
I meant more specifically why the Shadow doesn't go out and kill the leaders of countries. Why haven't there been assassinations left and right? Why don't we have Forsaken opening gateways into throne rooms and letting Trollocs and Fades in? It would be no problem for the Forsaken to take a trip out to the throne room for long enough time to learn it' date=' and then send in the troops.[/quote']


I think part of the chaos is letting team light feel like they have a grip.. they're not trying to pull the carpet out yet, and the surprises in store, probably make that kind of thing obvious and overkill.


Just a guess


  \ said:
I meant more specifically why the Shadow doesn't go out and kill the leaders of countries. Why haven't there been assassinations left and right? Why don't we have Forsaken opening gateways into throne rooms and letting Trollocs and Fades in? It would be no problem for the Forsaken to take a trip out to the throne room for long enough time to learn it' date=' and then send in the troops.[/quote']


Umm...shadowspawn can't pass through a Gateway.


Plus, what good would it do to wipe out ever ruler when you cannot be sure who will replace them? There's always someone else. Strategy impies that you're doing things for a reason and you're specific about it. If you're one of the Forsaken and are looking to rule over a territory after the War, you want some kind of structure of your making in place in order to secure your rule. If you're going to assisiante a King, you have to have done the work to replace him with yoursekf or one of your puppets. The climate has to be such that if you're going to commit resources, you have to get something more out of it than random chaos.

Semirhage spent most of her time setting things up in Seanchan. She obliterated the entire royal family and the Court just to set up her puppet. Now, it seems like she just wontonly killed everything that moved, but there was a purpose to her slaughter.

It's not a video game guys.


Well there would be a purpose.... creating chaos...Rand can't win TG without a united world behind him...what's not most likely if every countrys leaders decided to die, but on the other hand it might make it easier for Rand to conquer these lands without them having a ruler...

What counters this is the fact that every time a leader dies... a great many people think it's the "terrible dragon reborn"- thats behind it... so i do see a purpose with those murders...

  \ said:
Well there would be a purpose.... creating chaos...Rand can't win TG without a united world behind him...what's not most likely if every countrys leaders decided to die' date=' but on the other hand it might make it easier for Rand to conquer these lands without them having a ruler...

What counters this is the fact that every time a leader dies... a great many people think it's the "terrible dragon reborn"- thats behind it... so i do see a purpose with those murders...[/quote']


Good points.


I still contend that there are plenty of plots in play to kill most of the leaders.

Dobraine was killed and he was Steward of Cairhien. Tylin of Altara was torn to shreds by a Gholam. The plot to kill Elayne was foiled, but it was indeed a conspiracy in play.


It is not safe at all right now to be in power. I guess I can't understand how much more chaotic the world can get. We'll see once the trolloc hordes pour into the South. Then, I don't think it'll matter too much who is under threat of assisination when the murderers are coming at you by the thousands and through the front gate.

  \ said:
Am I falling apart' date=' or is Dobraine alive???? Wasn't he healed?[/quote']

Oh sorry. I meant to say almost killed in the last post.

he was healed, but he was almost dead by a stabby attack.


Refresh my memory please and tell me where the plot to kill Elayne was? The Black Ajah made sure NOT to kill her, they wanted to capture her. They killed every Aes Sedai with her though, except for the undercover black sister.


The attacks on Mat and Perrin in KOD were random "opportunities" that darkfriends had. They were shown an image of Rand, Mat, and Perrin and told to kill them on sight by Moridin I believe. So they did, err.....tried.


In Winters Hart, there was a so called attempt to kill Elayne... But that fellow in her guard, forgot his name, killed the assasins, it later shows that he was a DF and it was all planned to get him closer to elayne... so actually there hasn't been any attempt to kill her... that's at least what i figured...


thats right, 'captain' mellar is a pretty nasty darkfriend, but his intention was ALWAYS to spy on elayne and bed her if he could.

there was no plot.

and tylin was killed by that golem because she was there and mat wasnt, it came for him.


there is enough chaos in the world, and the effort required to assasinate world leaders would not really be worth it to slightly increase the chaos.

they have better things to do with their time.


if they raell wanted to make a difference, killing or turning one of rands women woulld be a start...but ot such a good developmant from our point of view

  \ said:
thats right' date=' 'captain' mellar is a pretty nasty darkfriend, but his intention was ALWAYS to spy on elayne and bed her if he could.

there was no plot.

and tylin was killed by that golem because she was there and mat wasnt, it came for him.


there is enough chaos in the world, and the effort required to assasinate world leaders would not really be worth it to slightly increase the chaos.

they have better things to do with their time.


if they raell wanted to make a difference, killing or turning one of rands women woulld be a start...but ot such a good developmant from our point of view[/quote']


When I think about it, though, if they were able to kill every ruler at once, team light would be hard pressed to field an army.



Well, if the Shadow wanted to kill the leaders of countries, they should take a grey man, dress him up like an Ashaman, and have him go kill some people. That way the blame is very strongly placed on Rand and his people.


It might also behoove them to slay Bashere... or the other great general (the one with the beauty mark, I forget his name). They would want to keep the Hall's general alive for awhile, because without him I think the rebels would give up and join up with the tower... however, once that is done, he should be killed.


The generals are a better choice than kings because they are not easily replaceable and make life generally easier for the shadow to win the battles coming up. It is also a great demoralizing act to perform against an army.


i agree, the generals would be a much more effective target.

but why a grey man...nobody would see him,

they have a whole sqadron of dreadlords (dark ashaman), it would be better to use them.


Most of the "Great Captains" that are left alive are in places that even the Forsaken would fear to attack, or at best find.


Gereth Bryne is smack dab in the middle of over a thousand women channelers (though Halima had many chances to take him out undoubtedly)


One (his name doesn't come to mind atm) is hiding out trying not to be found while kicking the Seanchan out of his country


Davram Bashere is with Rand


I think that is all the living great tactical minds.

Except Mat, of course, but he's unknown to most.


Bashere is easy to find and not nearly protected enough to prevent murder by Grey man or Slayer. Gareth should be assassinated once he is no longer being used in the Tower/Hall conflict. The last one will probably be left until his fun with the Seanchan is done.


The order is to increase chaos. For now, the work against the Seanchan and the divided Tower do this. However, once those two things end and the countries start banding together, it would behoove the Shadow to take out the military leaders in order to decrease the military power of the Light, thus allowing better chances to rape and pillage into the sunset. They would want to leave the Seanchan alone for a bit longer as they won't want to give them any reason to join with Rand... but once they do, I say kill off as many high ranking officers (and the bat-thing riders) as they can.


I also expect we'll soon see occasions of Forsaken and dreadlords popping into cities, throwing a few dozen fireballs, and popping out. A single fireball will destroy a ship or set a district to blaze. Hit the graineries and such and you have a bunch of very unhappy people out there.

For Christ's sake! Can't you keep the homelands of minor character straight? Irutalde is Domani.




I think somebody only read WoT once.


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