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Just stating the obvious


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I'm not particularly active at the moment.  :P I know, I'm usually the bright and shining light of activity, always replying to threads well on time without any poking from you guys what so ever, but...


ok, fine, I'm a slow poster at the very best :p


but right now I've just managed to come down with my second flu in 3 weeks, and nanowrimo is coming up, and I'm smack in the middle of my internship and... well... give me a break already ;)


I'll be active again in December, if you have any questions, requests or demands you know where to find me. Or just poke James and TaeaDawn, as these two are responsible for my presence here in the first place :p

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*sniffles* and I am not? 



*hugs* take care and I understand. :) I'll chain James into jumping forward with AP with me, if you do not mind.

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