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[Movie] Resident Evil: Extinction


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  • Community Administrator

I just saw this in the theaters tonight...

Now fair warning, if you hated 1&2 you will hate Extinction, but if you liked 1&2 you'll like Extinction.

The basic plot is that after Racoon City incident, the virus spread, it was not contained. It spread within weeks through out the united states, and in months, the world was infected. There are only a handful of survivors across the world, mostly either constantly moving around (else be swallowed up in an endless horde of zombies), or underground in Umbrella Corpe underground super Bunkers (makes the one in the first movie look like a play toy. :P)


Anyways, The movie centers around your main heroine, from the first 2 movies, on the move from gas station to gas station, eventually randovuing up with old friends, and of course. Zombies zombies zombies, crazy doctors, zombies, zombies, A real Nemisis, and of course, the basic simplictic yet complex intrigue of the umbrella corpe that the other movies had. Its fairly predictable (like all zombie movies), but like the others, the ending left you grinning just knowing that there is going to be a sequel.


A few of the cast from the 2nd movie made appearances in Extinction, however your favorite new buxom blunet Jill Valentine from Apocalpyse, did not reapear. However you do meet another famous Buxom from the Resident Evil Franchise, albit, less hot as Alice or Jill.  ;)


If you hated the others, but still want to see it, rent it, or not... If you just liked wasting time, and are not really interested in but will watch it if its on; Rent it.

If you liked/loved the movies, watch it in theaters, rent it, buy it. :P


And I know there are nay sayers, most of which are the game fanatics, I mean really, any retard will tell you a movie that is a directly based off of a video game, litterally 100% will suck, they have to change plots, they have to make it into the form of a movie, a game is meant to be played, and a movie is meant to be watched... How would this be for a movie?

"you wake up, walk around, Zombie attack! you kill it, O noes! the door is locked! (3 hours later) I found the key! Open door, zombies horde chase! you kill them. O noes! A room with no doors and a statue with a hand that looks like its holding something! (4 hours later) I got a sword?! I wonder what this is for......

Yea, that movie is going to suck, and its not like the resident evil franchise is exactly remaining 'canon' anymore... We go from Mansion to rancoon city, to more racoon city, to itally with possessed demon like squid entaties... Yea...... that makes PERFECT sense... :P


Each film left you at the end grinning, knowing whats comming next,

Resident Evil, Left you grinning going, Its racoon city baby! + The friggen nemisis!

Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Left you going "Wow she's like Carrie with a gun! And she's free! + She's totally going to mess up the umbrella corpe!

Resident Evil: Extinction, leaves you going. "wow, who woulda thunk it? Thats one hella impressive army she has there.  ;D

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  • Community Administrator

i wana see it but the wife wont let me, somthing about zobies scarring the kid  :(


When I was in the theater, I had some jack-ass 13 year olds shrieking every time something 'loud' happened.

On a related note, when was the last time 'you' saw a scary movie? I mean, resident evil isn't scary. Not by a long shot. :P

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