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(Moved from Tinker DG) DM Caravan Trip!


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meh... my mouth's sore, but mostly numb... took me a couple of hours to be able to talk at all :P and each time i tried to swallow or speak with all that gauze in my mouth I nearly gagged... and my face is itchy and I can't really scartch it because bieng numb I doesn't really have that much of an effect, lol.


and the Kin is out 6th stop ^^ we'll have plates needing mending from after Christmas for htem ;)

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while laughing gas does numb the senses, you can still feel a needle going in and them digging aorund for hte vein and giving me that knock-out stuff T.T said he hadn't done that since before Thanksgiving. I was thinking, "Uhhh, doctor dude? Thanksgiving wasn't even a week ago..." I thought i was screwed. At least I get to eat lots of ice cream, chocolate pudidng, and applesauce! and tomorrow I get to eat chicken or beef broth ^^ yum!

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ahh, alright..


actually, i dont think ive ever been on laughing gas.. i had an aneasthetic gas once, but i dont think it was laughing gas..


ive had muscle relaxant though.. a (expletives not allowed at DM :P) load of muscle relaxant :P put into my arm, and it had to be enough to stop the muscle in my throat from contracting, cus i had my operation on a full stomach so they had to put a closed tube down my neck so i dident throw up.. i woke up later, and it doesent really suffice to say it was difficult to move :P i managed it though ^^

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I'm supposed to sleep the days away, but I can't. at least I got 3 hours of extra sleep today, lol. I think I best sleep tomorrow off since I have to go back to school on Monday T.T


but I got the link to the Illuminator's ORG up now

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well, even in my dreams I have somethinga bout my teeth hurting and I keep touching them in my dreams and I'm not sure if I am in my sleep, but I know they hurt when I wake up.


unfortunately it hurts to laugh, too, and Casey keeps making me laugh :P

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