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Guest durram laddel cham

okay crazy idea here, but 'sacrifice for man's salvation' mean that galad sacrifes himself at SG for rand(man's salvation)

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GLD I thought you said you were going on vacation...


Anyways, very unlikely that Galad will die, he is actually somewhat of an important character. He now leads the Whitecloaks, and is going to ally them with the Aes Sedai. Hopefully he'll tell Gawyn that Rand didn't kill Morgase...


Reading throuh this thread I've come accross the idea that the OP might be eliminated at the end of the Age. I'm new here and this had never occured to me before.  Two things to say about it.


1) I really hope this doesn't happen.  I feel I've too much invested in the channeling characters, and the recent advances in channeling itself - the recent rediscoveries, being able to heal severing etc. to want this.


2) There is the fortelling from that irritating Novice whatever her name is. "..the great battle done..the guardians balance the servents.."


To me this implies at least that the OP won't vanish immediately after the Last Battle. Now if we assume that the last battle marks the change of the Age then this seems to knock the theory on the head.


Now that's obviously a bit of an assumption - maybe the OP decays gradually, or maybe there is another event after the Last Battle which will signify the end of the age. But adding this to how much time RJ invested in the whole channeling thing (and the fact I don't want it to happen :P) ) gives me hope that the OP will still be around in the 4th Age.


Most people who have been thinking about OP disappearing, including me, sees that happening during the 4th Age. Perhaps even being what ends that Age.


ok I can see that - if our present age is meant to be part of the wheel then it has to happen at some point. I just feel it would be really unfair on our characters if they went through all this and ended up living in a giant worldwide stedding...


When the harem bonded Rand, they told him that he has veins of gold. Could this be an indication of something special about him blood? Something that when his blood spills in SG, it will be man's salvation?


I don't think Graendal did it.


RJ was once quoted as saying "all the clues are there" or something to that effect, to find the killer.


I've read this series abgout a dozen times and nothing points to her.


Since Asmodean recognized his killer, and he was only around for two books, it shouldn't be too hard.  heh heh heh.


I'm going to reread just TSR and THoH this weekend to see if I can pick up something new.


Graendal works by elimination- hence "all the clues."


No one else *could have* done it- or rather, the few that could admit later they didn't in their minds, meanwhile we find out Graendal raided Sammael's lair after he died.


Graendal's the best suspect (only one assumption required- that she would be there, and that's not even groundless). But form your own opinion- that's what reading is for.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Dreadlord

I want Perrin dead. And i want Shaidar Haran to kill him! Obviously it wont happen, but I would like it.


I want to see Rand crush the Seals of the Dark Ones prison under his feet. Didnt someone have a vision of that? I dont know if it would happen, but the image of that scene in my head, of rand stood on the black slopes of Shayol Ghul with his followers, crushing the seals and waiting for the Dark One to confront him... would make for a good scene in a film, that.


Also, Rands link with Moridin could become a really good thing in the next book...they should be able to talk through it. Rand needs to learn who Moridin is, and he needs to figure out the nature of the link ie "if either moved a hairswidth, they would touch."


Most of all though i must say Im waiting for Moiraines return and Mats quest to the tower of ghenjie. Oooh cant wait!!!

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest durram laddel cham

I hope egwene will wine for a very long time, driving elaida crazy and killing herself. wouldn't that be spectacular  :D


If Egewene does become Amyralin or whatever, how on "Randland" will she fix the WT? It seems too broken to fix


Her actions in KOD is quite a start. Undermining Elaida, and planting quite a few seeds of doubt among the sisters remaining in the WT.

And then, her actions during the seanchan attack on the WT might have something to do with it...


We know that the Seanchan will almost certainly attack the White Tower because of Egwene's Dream in CoT ch 20.  She saw a white plinth on top of a mountain with a glass oil lantern on top, and two ravens flew by and set the lamp tottering.  She woke knowing that the interpretation was that the Seanchan would attack the Tower.  Now, since Dreaming is not 100 percent certain like Min's viewings seem to be, it is not 100 percent certain ... but I'm not laying money against it.  Its a safe bet that the Seanchan will attack the White Tower.  In fact, that may be the opening scene in AMoL.


A touch more , in the way of corroborating evidence, when the Seeker Almurat Mor first approaches Furyk Karede in CoT ch 4, he glances at Karede's table and sees a map.  He says, "You are involved in Lord Yulan's plans, Banner-General Karede?  I would not have expected the Deathwatch Guards to be part of that."


Now ... for some background on the signifigance of that, remember that Abaldar Yulan is the Captain of the Air, supervising the raken and to'raken for the Corenne.


When Mor says this, Karede reaches over to the table and rolls up the map.  To quote:


Karede moved two bronxe map weights shaped like lions and let the map of Tar Valon roll up on itself.


(Cot ch 4, emphasis mine)


So, a well informed Seeker sees a map of Tar Valon, and immediately associates it with "plans" led by the Captain of the Air for the Seanchan ... the man in charge of all the raken and to'raken ... hmmm ... I wonder where they are going?    ;D


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