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[TV] Dancing with the Stars - Season 5


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Ladies Night


This season we're starting out with two nights of one over an hour dancing.  Tonight the ladies dance.  Tomorrow night the gentlemen dance.  With a results show on Wednesday.


Sadly, I'll miss the last few dancers as Heroes premieres tonight as well.  Punks!


Jennie & Derek:   90210 and the new guy.  He's what, 19?  Probably not.  Watch him by my age, hahaha!  Anywhoo, it's the cha cha for Jennie tonight.  And it was SO CUTE!!  It wasn't perfect and she needed to loosen up just a bit at the beginning.  And she did.  But it was very entertaining and cute and choreographed to showcase how cute she is.  Only thing is I think I saw her make a face once or twice where she was having a hard time.


Josie & Alec:   A very uncoordinated model dancing the foxtrot.  Holy crap, yeah, she's skinny, but has no muscles.  Wow.  There are points in this dance where it's smooth and nice to watch.  But mostly, she's just not coordinated or flexible at all.  At least she's mostly graceful.  And very pretty.


Sabrina & Mark:  Awww, they put the Cheetah Girl with the cute new guy who again, is Really young!  They're so gonna make out.  Uh oh, they're already gonna piss off Len with the hip hop additions.  I haven't even seen the dance yet and I'm a little afraid.  Well hello chick version of Mario Lopez!  She's already pretty good.  And with a willingness to break the rules, I see a crowd favorite coming alive.  That dance had a lot of Wow!  She's the ringer of Season 5.


Marie & Jonathan:  Marie has very graceful arms.  She rarely had spaghetti arms.  Her hands are graceful and relaxed.  This dance was just a joy to watch.  I know it wasn't spectacular or perfect at all.  But it was fun and she looked very cute doing it.  It was both elegant and fun.  I'm hoping she excells at All the dances.



Ok, so I have to start taping Heroes now and go to my meeting.  Suckage.  So I won't be able to watch Jane or Melanie B.  If somebody else catches it, will you let us know how they did?  Except I think Everybody will be watching Heroes.

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I think so (well, it seems like it). The good thing is that there are never enough B Grade celebrities to participate in DWTS. I think it humanises them to a degree as well, we realise they are not all perfect! But DWTS has been going strong for quite a while, in fact, I think we sent one of our girls over to dance on your show (Kym Johnson who danced with Jerry Springer).

I compare it to Australian Idol type shows, which seem to get worse and worse. We dont have the population to keep the show running! I may have to audition next time!

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

I watched this for the first time ever, and it was only because I was waiting around for Heroes.


Very funny. Funny as in watching young Cheetah Girl dance(who has lots of experience from her movies), to Marie Osmond. I probably won't keep up with it, but I got a chuckle or two. :)

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The Gentlemen


Ack!  I missed the beginning!  I'm a dork.  I was home.  I just missed it.


Cameron & Edyta:  Well, I was hoping that since they finall y put Edyta with a young good looking guy, that she would have a chance at winning.  However, he's got flexiblity problems due to a childhood disease.  That sucks.  He's doing ok.  But he's no where Near winning potential.  And Edyta's thong is hanging peeking up out of her dress.  She must have forgot her doublesided tape.  Man, that stuff's a life saver!


Floyd & Karina:  Len's not gonna like how modern it was on Floyd's end.  And it looks like wardrobe forgot the double sided tape altogether as Karina's outfit kept falling off her butt too.  I didn't hate it at all, he did a decent job, especially for the first time out.  But I didn't love it and I tuned out.


Helio & Julianne:  Ok, Helio had some places where he messed up the counts, I think, and he was a little stiff, but near the end, he relaxed and started having a good time.  I think he has potential to be really good.  I'm actually surprised that they didn't clock him on the counts messing up.  Or maybe it was my imagination.  I dunno.


Albert & Anna: Haha.  This guy is gonna be funny.  And he's gonna drive her insane.  Good for TV.  He looks like he's half a** dancing.  He's putting more into his funny faces than the dance steps and I don't think that's for lack of ability.  I get the feeling he's just not putting effort into it.  I could be wrong, though.  I think he needs to just let go and he'll be really good.  Pahahaha!  I LOVED Carrie Ann's review.  "I'm still confused!"  And Bruno, "nobody was watching the feet."  Hmmm, maybe I'm just being a poopooer today with the guys.  That's two dancers that didn't get clocked for things I thought they should be clocked for.


Ok.  I have to checkout Reaper now.  So I'll miss the remaining dancers.

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Night two was almost as good as night one.  The only guys I didn't care for were Floyd and (I hate to say it) Wayne.  They both looked stiff, flat footed, and out of their element.  Not saying they can't improve, but they have a long way to go especially with how good everyone else was in comparison.  Even Cuban was pretty good.  That surprised me.  I thought he'd be the worst one.  I must say this show with do wonders for his image.  I always saw him as this renegade loud mouth idiot from all his antics in the NBA, but last night show put him in an entirely new light that actually had me rooting for him. 


Still too early to have any real favorites, especially with how good everyone was.  This season is shapping up to be one of the best talent wise.

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I totally missed Mark Cuban and being from Dallas, that's the one guy I really didn't want to miss.  *frowns*


It's not surprising to me that Cuban did well.  He apparently taught disco at one point in his early life.  And yeah, if you have only been exposed to him as the loudmouth NBA owner, I can see how you would see him the way you do.  He's usually a lot of fun in radio interviews, so I expect him to be a lot of fun on this show.

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Melanie B & Maxsim:  I barely got to see this dance.  But what I saw looked pretty good and Len loved it, so it must not have stunk.


Cuban & Kym:  I didn't get to sit down and watch this much either, but what I did see was oozing with Cheeeeeese!  Of course, that's Cuban's style, so why am I surprised.  But it's not gonna win him the trophy.  The hours he's putting in just might keep him in for a long while if he keeps improving.  But that's also typical Cuban form.  He hates to lose.  And he'll work until he drops to stay out of the botton two.


Wayne & Cheryl:  That was just tragic.  He's an old guy who couldn't get it up to speed.  There were a couple of times I was afraid he was gonna fall down and break something.  I don't think he'll last very long simply because he's not going to be able to keep up.


Marie & Johnathan:  I love watching Marie!!!  She's So Cute!!!  And that dance was fantastic for her.  And she looked Very saucey in that dress.  She's the older lady that I want to see give the younger folks a run for their money.


Albert & Ana:  This dance was for his grandpa who was a ballroom dancer and died last year.  So it was a special dance.  The beginning was fun, and the end was fun, but the middle was a bit stiff.  And I think that's because he was concentrating to hard on being Perfect for his family.  By the end, he ended up loosening up quite a bit and enjoying himself.


Helio & Julianne:  This dance was really fun to watch as well.  The choreography was amazing Again.  She looked great, He looked great.  Jus over all a lot of fun.


k time for heroes.

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Sabrina & :  This was a good dance.  Except that I didn't really watch it.  I hate to say it, but I already know she's going to be good, so I'm not all that interested in watching.  Her being on this show isn't fair.


Cameron & Edyta:  Hahahaha!  I liked that they played on the Superman theme.  I thought it was cute.  But I can see how it didn't look very characteristic of the actual Tango.  Sometimes that bothers me with these dances, but it didn't bother me with this one at all.


Cuban & Kym:  Oooooh, this has Got to suck for Cuban.  I can't imagine it feels good to do this dance after his hip surgery.  You can tell he's in pain during the dance.  He's just not going after it and that's not Cuban's style.


Jennie & Derek:  Ew.  I don't like the way Jennie's holding herself.  It's odd.  I didn't much like that at all.


Mel & Maksim:  Wow.  That looked like a lot of fun.  What I like about Mel is that you can see how she's getting better and she's not afraid to just go for it.


Wayne & Cheryl:  Ugh.  Is anyone other than me just creeped out by Wayne Newton.  I mean, we've had older guys on the show before, but Wayne Newton is just odd.  And I find him hard to watch.


Floyd & Karina:  Well Floyd Turned that Mutha Out!  I loved the dance and I really loved that Karina brought out the African origins of the dance.


Heroes time!

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Wow.  We have a lot of active threads!  I had to dig through to page three for this thread.


Well, I didn't get to watch very much of this week's competition.  I missed Cuban, who I Really wanted to see doing the waltz.  And I missed Sabrina's dance that was apparently so good it got 10s.  But I did see Jane Seymore and she was Fantastic.  And Floyd Mayweather was funny.  And Marie Osmond was pretty to watch.  And I think I saw Mel B. and she was good too.


I think I may be getting bored with reviewing this show.  So I might take a break from the in depth commentary for a little while. 

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Ok, so I know I said I was taking a break from reviewing this show.  But this calls for an exception.


Marie Osmond just fell out, y'all!


I'm serious.  She was waiting for her critique from the judges and POW.  Down for the count.


She's ok.  She says it happens from time to time when she doesn't breathe and she had literally just bounced up and down like a nut, so I imagine she had held her breath.


Oh, and I hope to GOD that when I'm 50+ I look like Jane Seymore.  Well, except for the boobs.  I don't plan on installing any of those.  But she is Amazingly beautiful. 


Ok, back to my couch and my roll of toilet paper I'm using on my nose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Sabrina got voted off last night.  What do you think happened?  I thought she was the ringer.  And honestly, her doing so well and making everyone else look so bad is part of the reason I've only had half interest in the show the last couple of weeks.  BUT, that doesn't mean I thought she should go home!  Honestly I thought she would win or at least make it to the final round!


Here's what I think.  I think that either people voted en masse for Marie Osmond to make sure she didn't get voted off after she danced horribly on Monday.  OR people just don't much like Sabrina personally as much as they like the others.


It's a shock that she's gone because she had the most talent, but then again, it's not a shock because I think she was a ringer and it was partialy ruining the show for me.

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Ugh I hope not.  I enjoy Howard Stern from time to time, but I dated a Howard Stern Lackey once and it just makes my skin crawl that someone over the radio literally has that much power over his minions.  I mean, it's silly that it bothers me over a silly show like Dancing with the Stars, but I can't help it, it just ooks me out.

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Well she does have a career in dancing/performing... which puts her a step above the rest.  I thought the primace of the show was to bring non skilled B list celebs on and see how they learned dance steps.... not bringing on seasoned dancers that already knew many of the moves.  Seems like a ringer to me.

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Ah, got it. It doesn't really seem appropriate to include a dancer in a group of people who are supposed to be learning how to dance nearly from scratch.


On the other hand, Drew Lachey won a couple seasons ago, and he had a decent amount of dance experience from 98 Degrees, though probably not quite as much as the Cheetah Girls (I've never seen or heard them, I have no idea how much dancing they actually do).

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Unless it was ballroom dancing, previous dance experience doesn't mean too much.  Styles are completely different.  True they might have an slightly easier time picking up new routines, but the sames goes for the other celebrities.  As the weeks go by the good ones without any dance experience catch up to the ones with and the playing field levels.  The only advantage having some dance experience might have given her is in the early rounds.

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Well, personally, I do have to agree with Howard Stern on one count.  She is a ringer.  And it's not fair for them to put her on.  I said the same thing about Mario Lopez.  He's had a lot of dance training himself.


Now, Drew Lachey I kind of don't count as a ringer.  Because as far as I know, he was only trained in dancing for his videos and concerts.  That doesn't necessarily count as dance training.  He hasn't had years of training.  We saw how true that was last year with Joey Fatone, another boy bander who has had training for his band.  Sabrina has had jazz dance training.  She knows about technique and style and a whole host of other things that a boy band member won't because he's simply mimicking someone else.  She's very different in my eyes.


Whitestar, you're right. Dance training that is not ballroom doesn't necessarily mean that there's an advantage.  Ballroom is Very different.  But a person who has trained for years to pick up, interpret and perform dance routines does have a larger advantage over someone who has never done that before.


But being a ringer isn't cheating.  The network made that decision to put her on.  And I'll be they did it for the same reason they cast Mario Lopez.  to guarantee that there would be at least One person who is Very attractive And a Great dancer on the show to keep people's attention Should everyone else Suck Royally.  That's not Her fault.  Therefore she didn't cheat.  She was placed in that position.

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