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[TV] Journeyman - NBC Monday 10 est


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More troubling news for “Journeyman” fans!


Series mastermind Kevin Falls says, much to his sorrow, it looks like NBC may not air the 12th and final “Journeyman” completed before the writers' strike.


An excerpt from an interview Falls did with Bullz-Eye.com:


So we’ve got this Episode 12 dangling out there, and…I don’t know if it’ll ever see the light of day on the network. And it is…in some ways, it could very much be the series finale. And it’s really good. It’s directed by Alex Graves, it’s a really strong script, and it answers questions, and it’s gonna be one of those things that people are really, really gonna want to see.



More frustrating? Episode 12 concludes a two-part story to launch in episode 11.


Episode 8 aired Monday, Nov. 19.

Episode 9 airs Monday, Nov. 26.

Episode 10 is the “Christmas episode.”


It’s strange to think that NBC wouldn’t want to delay the January season debut of, say, “Law & Order” for one week to give fans that final episode of “Journeyman.”


Here’s Falls’ comment in a larger context:


BULLZ-EYE: So what is going to happen with the remaining episodes? Because Ain’t It Cool News got everyone up in arms by saying that the network was gonna cancel the show unless the two-parter that started last night (Nov. 19th) and finishes next Monday (Nov. 26th) brings big numbers.


KEVIN FALLS: Here’s what…I think what got twisted around was that episodes 8 and 9, the episodes in question there, were certainly important episodes. We’d up-kicked on 7, and 8 and 9 were sweeps, and so they’re gonna be watching that closely. That, coupled with the fact that, on Dec. 3rd, “Life” gets our slot…there’s gonna be a “Life” episode on that night, and I think they’re doing a Monday / Wednesday episode that’s a 2-parter, but you’d have to check on that…and I think that made it seem like we were gonna get yanked after that, but that’s not true. We will air Episodes 10 and 11; 10 is our Chris tmas episode, and 11 is the first part of a two-parter that leads into our…season finale.


Now, here’s what no-one knows about and what I just found out about last night: there’s no room for Episode 12. And the idea is…they’re not saying, “We’re not going to give you that back 9.” I mean, no-one can predict what’s gonna happen with the strike. But I think the idea is that NBC, what they want to do is tie up all their loose ends. Like, “Heroes” and “Life” and our show, have all that stuff done by the first of the year, so that they can, if there’s still a strike, air new programming or mid-season shows like “Medium” and “Lipstick Jungle” or another “Law and Order” and a ton of reality wallpaper, so they can start fresh. I think that’s (NBC President Jeff) Zucker’s thinking, and, business-wise, I get that. It makes sense.


But what’s frustrating…and this is the second time I’ve been frustrated with the network…is because I love them so much and I think they do the best TV shows. It’s like being angry at your parents; you love them, but sometimes you don’t like what they’re telling you to do. So we’ve got this Episode 12 dangling out there, and…I don’t know if it’ll ever see the light of day on the network. And it is…in some ways, it could very much be the series finale. And it’s really good. It’s directed by Alex Graves, it’s a really strong script, and it answers questions, and it’s gonna be one of those things that people are really, really gonna want to see. Now, I’ve been told that there’s gonna be a DVD, so you will get it. But it’s…what makes us so frustrated is that, at a time when writers are striking and networks need programming, why on earth would you not find a place for Episode 12? And that’s the question for which nobody seems to have an answer.



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  • Community Administrator

Man, if writers cared about there work, they wouldn't basically shuv a shot gun up this shows ass and hold it hostage! I mean, sure, it would be pointless to have a strike if you finished all your work, but have they ever thought, maybe they'll get paid more if they don't write shoddy scripts!? :P


I mean, if the 'writers' of the sci-fi tv shows/movies are on strike, i'd say, Good riddence! Maybe now sci-fi will just hirer better writers! :P

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Some interesting nuggets from a new If Magazine interview with “Journeyman” mastermind Kevin Falls:


* Since Livia was able to travel to 2007, it looks like she might be alive as an old woman somewhere.


* Young Livia will find herself jumping in lingerie in episode 11.


* A number of people Dan has saved will play into the season finale (if there is a season finale).


* Falls originally intended to explain what’s causing Dan and Livia to time-travel in the SERIES finale, but is rethinking that plan. Now it looks like we’ll find out in the first or second season finale, if the show gets that far.


* “Journeyman” has one of the biggest music budgets on TV, and all music is cleared for broadcast as well as DVD. (As closed-captioning belies, two weeks ago a Jefferson Starship tune was subbed for a Stevie Winwood song at the last minute due to an inability to clear the Winwood number for DVD.)


* Falls confirms that episodes 10 and 11 will air regardless of ratings. Unlike “Chuck” and “Life,” “Journeyman” has not yet received a full-season order.


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  • Community Administrator

All you had to say was Lingerie ;)

Also, its quite obvious from monday nights episode that the FBI agent is definately the kind of person the 'physicist' warned Dan about... Now, was the FBI agent that got shot on monday night the same guy? If it is, that may either be a good, or a very bad thing...

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I'm kinda bummed this show is probably getting canceled.  After a really really really slow start it lost most of the peole who might have kept it alive.  Now that the show is actually good and fun to watch it will soon die.  I really hope that they show the 12th episode and can wrap everything up for those of us who stuck with it.


Those are some interesting thoughts that Empy put up.  I like the thought of Old Livia being around somewhere.  Maybe she's connected to the physicist somehow. 


That was also a very interesting twist for the FBI agent to have knowledge of the time jumpers.  I must say I did not see that one coming. 

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Journeyman Fans--


NBC has decided to air the 12th episode ("Perfidia") on Wednesday, December 19th at ten o'clock. That means our 10th episode will air on Monday the 10th ("Home by Another Way"), the 11th will air on 17th ("The Hanged Man").


The decision to air the 12th episode had a lot to do with the passion of our fans through SaveJourneyman.net, the online petition and letters and emails to NBC executives.


And is it true you can vote once a day for the People's Choice Awards?


There's still no news on our long term future, but we can promise you this: three terrific episodes inside of ten days. Oh, yeah, and you'll get some answers, too.


Your comments and pro-active attempts to save the show are very much appreciated by me and my fellow Executive Producer Alex Graves, Kevin McKidd and the cast, writers and crew. But more importantly, it's working.


But don't rest. We need you. We want a back nine--and beyond.


Thanks again,


Kevin Falls




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