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Minor Changes (Please Read and Respond)

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor

This is a basic information update as far as policy changes go. It doesn't really need advertising, but just to keep you all informed. :)


1 - All NSW Sisters of Rank now receive a +3 to their OP score. James put up a decent argument and I no longer have issues in restricting the WT Ranking NSW's from this. This however does not effect NSW Sisters.. only Sitters and Ajah Heads.


2 - Bonds - The bond limit has now been lifted. HOWEVER to bond beyond the normal slots (3 Green, 1 Any other Shawl) You must first petition and receive permission from both Matalina and Myself. We are doing this ONLY case-by-case and will not simply allow a bonding fest but only those that will genuinely RP this with the quality it deserves. ;)


- Red Sisters have full permission to Bond a Female Tower Guard. There is no given Max (at this time). Ashaman Bonds are still under discussion. :)




Thank you, that is everything. ^_^

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Good stuff :)


So does change nr 1 also include the Amyrlin Seat?


Also something you might want to point out to people when you make this public is that the changes take place ICly only after Annais has become the Amyrlin Seat. So we are not going to have newbie Green Sisters hundred years ago bonding 4 Warders or Reds of old bonding.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Well, It's more a lax on the rule of a limit. The WY doesn't 'like' it, but will accept a 2nd or 4th bond if the claim to bond is legitimate. (as apposed to making it a new sport).


But, Annais is an NSW, why would she bond more than one, or even bond at all? :P (yes, I know I claimed the bond spot, but that is besides the point)

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*chuckles* It's just like the books ladies and gents, a green sister with more than 3 or 4 is very rare and a sister of another ajah with more than 1 is almost unheard of, but it does happen, so that's why we are allowing it on a case by case basis and with very good reasons.

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Annais is a character and her own person no matter what her status is (which is currently PC after our chat about it). If she has a good IC reason to bond, she will. But she will be cautious about it as she has never bonded before and her position as an Amyrlin puts her into danger that she might expose her Warder into too. And there are some things Warders aren't very effective against (like other channelers, especially Black Sisters). Annais will carefully consider all the pros and cons before making the decision to take a Warder. Just like any other character.

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  • 5 weeks later...

1st Question.  Only NSW Head's and Sitter get +3 to the OP or do all Sitters and Heads get it?


2nd Question.  Shaneevae had no bondmate, unless you count that crazy man that forced a bond on her, could she at some point bond a warder type person or does being bonded by an Ashaman fill her warder spot?  ;D

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i'd guess at no...as in that case she is the "warder" :P

and there are others in there who have warders before being bonded if i recal coretly


so she'd be quite capable of bonding i asume *looks to those who really now and aint just taking a somewhat qualified guess*

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The whole being forcibly Bonded to an Asha'man lasts only about an month ICly. After Shan is back in the Tower, she is totally free to take a Warder :)


And I think that the +3 OP score is only for NSWs. Annais would have gotten it except that she got upgraded to a PC status so now I need to actually do the work for it *grins*

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The whole being forcibly Bonded to an Asha'man lasts only about an month ICly. After Shan is back in the Tower, she is totally free to take a Warder :)




From reading your thread with Brennie, I thought the Black Tower was refusing to end the bonds, but we'd be able to return to the Tower with bonds intact.  Did I read it wrong?

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the Bonds will still be in place when the Aes Sedai are initially returned to the Tower.  Once the White Tower publicly recognises the Black Tower's equality, the Asha'man will come and release the Bonds.

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The Asha'man should definately come to the WT to release the Bonds :) If for no other reason, then for the cool RP chances with Sisters and BTers *grins*


Also it is better from Tower PoV that the BT comes to them than that they have to go to the BT.


So is anyone keeping the bond?


No one has expressed interest in keeping the Bond but any Sister who does not want to be released would become someone who is not trusted in the White Tower anymore. Because the Compulsion effect is constantly on in the Asha'man Bond, there is no telling which of the Bonded Sister's deeds are ordered by their Bondholder and which they do out of their own will.

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So, we're not going to get to the point where sisters bond asha'man as they do in the books?


In the future we likely will. But we are not at that point yet. The Towers are only now actually starting to have peaceful communications.


I hope that AS Bonding Asha'man might be possible in 6 months of RL time but I am not the DL of the BT or the WT and it is mainly up to them. As the GL of the BT I can of course try to smooth things out and it is a goal Annais works toward ICly... well, not specifically Bondings but they will be one possible consequence of the better relationships.


And nothing stops you from RPing with Covai meanwhile and making him and Shan close enough friends that they genuinely want to Bond each others.

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