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WTF happened to Sirayn Simeone ICly?


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No one is not going to know for certain where Sirayn vanished and why, not even her closest friends.


This is a fertile ground for most outrageous rumours so lets have some fun and think them up OOCly :) Feel free to gossip and speculate ICly too.


Here are my ideas:


- Sirayn tinkered with some ter'angreal and just vanished. The t'a was related to the Dreamworld and she is now lost there.


- The Black Ajah did it. Any N&A caught whispering this will get a VERY severe punishment. Which could only strenghten its credibility.


- Black Tower kidnapped her in retaliation for sending the Watchers


- The Dragon arranged her kidnapping


- The Sitters deposed her in secret for some reason and now try to appear innocent


- Sirayn just got tired of it all and retired


- Sirayn is really not gone but is watching how everyone reacts and will make a comeback


- She Traveled somewhere and something bad happened to her there


- Sirayn had a secret lover who killed her in jealousy / because they were a DF

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She started referring to herself as Waldo, dressed up in a red and white striped shirt and hat, and suddenly nobody could find her?


We should go with this one, and add that she found her death in a candy cane factory when a fat kid mistook her for candy and ate her in one bite.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

during :D she sends the first party.. disapears a second Party is sent (Annais Leading) they return and Annais become Ammy.


It's about a Month IC that this will Occur. :)

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during :D she sends the first party.. disapears a second Party is sent (Annais Leading) they return and Annais become Ammy.


It's about a Month IC that this will Occur. :)


Good Lord!  I haven't even RP'd with my bond rapist yet.



Sirayn had a lot of enemies, I'd say the most believable rumor is someone killed her or has her tucked away somewhere being tortured.

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  • 2 weeks later...

and less you got a novice tied to mainplotline which means she got few chanses of becoming AS, the rule in the past has been they dont interact with the mainplotline so the intiates wouldnt be affected by this ;) as they are intiates long  before it happens and so by the time she do disapear they are all raised to AS...

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yes the question is in what mathers you do it and the effects of the chars as the mainplotline moves so slowly


while novice today and mainplotline is at time x...then 2 months ooc time might be an AS and time in mainplot is on x+2 weeks...while your novice potentialy aged 50-100 years


the interaction you had with other chars etc can then be rather disturbing, i do fuzz timelines and dont keep mine clean by far...but some logic is a lil longstreached even so, cause then in the aftermath you need to find logical bends and ways around things to futher interact without having to explain how your char 2 ic weeks ago was lectured and sent to scrub pots, by the same AS they now are doing a serious debate with as an equal ;)



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my in char char posible atm is well one green stuck up in borderlands and a potential nsw that i will play as soon as i know what to be posting for her


for now anyhow, but a new char has been shiped in and should be usable so soon oh queen i'll abide your wish *lol* ;)

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