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Amyrlin Raising thread


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  • 2 weeks later...

With the Ajah head not even pushing in the green then i doubt Kareja would stand to easily, her bio list her as one of the oldest greens, a traditionalist (they had 2 greens who both dead/wanished seems the battle is on and greens is needed), and she have a red streak so in the last rp she had her thougths that if anything a forced keeper should be red...Tarmon Gaidon and all coming the green and the red would pretty much be the ones needed the most in her view as i read her anyhow


Aramina is green though so that could be the reason if known to the green for casting suport...and green and gray could goten some cooperation through the green + gray (wasnt there first a gray sitter that was nsw suposed to die or something beside sira)


i intended to post but found i needed more info and still not quite sure what exactly to post

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Aramina's position as Keeper won't be debated in the Hall.  It will come as a surprise to everyone except Aramina when Annais makes her announcement.


And yes, the last Keeper was an NPC Gray.


And I plan on posting on this today.  Aramina won't be first to stand and she'll want some feet washing, just because of her dedication to the previous Amyrlin, but I think no one is willing to post standing first so i'm just going to push ahead with Aramina.. :P

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nods but as i get it at this point all ajah's more or less agreed? and its more a formality how fast they confirm...is there a rp playing how or why...i feel i need some background info to get into the mindset of reasoning for acts of the char before beeing able to post


why would the green suport the gray in this?


just posting going standing without showing any reasoning behind nor include the process is doable but then i dont see much point in doing the rp, cause that can just as easily be made by just writing it into the history that after much discusion and so on the hall in the end accepted so and so char as amy


the point would be to show the process to have it as rp background in the future for how alliances happen along with how the relation between hall and amy is etc...


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Can we plase get this thread moving? We have a few now standing. It would be nice to see this completed. I waited long enough to give others a chance to jump in, but now, over a month later, there really is no reason to leave this waiting. Just one post summery for each Ajah should do it, at the very least. :)



Thank you! ^_^

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