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Character Info?


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As any of you who have looked at the BT site will notice, it is very out of date. Well, I'm looking to change that! If you can all look at this page: http://www.blacktowerdiv.com/memberslist.php please, and post below if you are not on there, or if any of your information is incorrect. So if you're listed as a soldier when you're actually Asha'man, please let me know! OP score wrong (or not listed), post it here! The changes won't be made in effect on the site yet, but soon I hope to have an updated site for us.


So post away! And thankyou! :D

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Actually I'll have his info here...This is the list that hasn't been updated in almost 2 years? :P


So I'm expecting people to be missing. Tomorrow I should get time to go through the list of OP scores I have, and that should fill in a few gaps at least. Well, I'm hoping so!

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hey Kate, everything's good but got a question


so wondering what you'll do with all the stuff from Isha after I kill him off?  Move it to a hidden archive?  Delete it?  I'm just curious

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