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Just Passing Through...


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*Walks his horse slowly keeping a wary eye on the Warders and an even warier eye on the Aes Sedai*

Hey all, future Band Cavalry General and future Stone Dog here...yep, feelin like a fish outta water.

Just stopping to check out the fabled White Tower...and yeah, guess I'm a sucker for the pretty Greens out here too.... ;D ;D

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Glomped by a warder...just my bloody luck!! Why couldn't it have been a pretty Green or hell even a red?

*eases his blade*

*gulp*  :-\

might as well go dancing with the Jak 'O' the Shadows...


Vemy, play nicely with our Guest! *winks at Calyn and then smiles at the tall, handsome, future General* I'm sure we can find some Greens for you.



*runs off to find Cleo and Min* 


*knuckles his forehead and grins sheepishly at Loreina Sedai*

Alas this cannot last, its only a matter of time before my superiors start giving me my orders...in the meanwhile, just enjoying the view and steering clear of the Gaidin


*Grinning ear to ear like a donkey* ;D Whew, that dancing with Calyn was more of a workout then drills with the Infantry!!

*wonders as to exactly what Damane is listening to and learning* Better keep an eye on that one....


Still no greens but I'm a yellow accepted.  I'll just say hi though or the glomp monster might attack.


*racks his brain for a plausible answer to keep the pretty Yellow's attention*

Oh, um, got mega-glomped by Vemynal!!! So, bout that healing now.... ;D


*walks back in, slightly out of breath*  Sorry it took so long - I got caught up in a conga line at Min's party. That's where all the Greens are.  :)

But I might be able to find a Red for you. Would you like that Nikhil?

*winks at Calyn*




Well, even Reds need some luvin too...I suppose I'll just have to take one for the team and snuggle with some Reds ;)

Calyn!!! The Band has a certain standard of playerness they expect in the Raw Recruits you see, and I'm just barely meeting the quota...but u will always be special....my first accepted crush!!  ;D


Whoa...now I've gotten the attention of a Sitter...

*what have u gotten yourself into this time Nik?*

eh, Far'Dareis Mai, Wise Ones, Accepted, Sisters, bring on the Amyrlin and the Daughter of the nine moons I say...

*puts on his most charming smile, hopefully its not an ingratiating grin!!*

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Hah!!!..who needs Greens...The Red can be just as much fun ;)


*checks Nik up and down*


Hmmmm...not bad, got the attention of two sitter now ;D


*grabs the newcomer and snugglebites him*


Welcome to the White Tower


*blushes as she notices the nice future general has addressed her as Aes Sedai*


*points to her siggy space and says*


I am only an Accepted as yet, kind sir.


*giggles as Talya Sedai snugglebites the visitor*




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As lovely as our Greens are (except for Bling, of course), I think you'd do better to consider the lovely ladies in ALL our Ajahs.  Why limit yourself?


And you speak her name she WILL appear.... *winks*


*heals Nik of all glompy wounds and sneaks in a snugglebite of her own*


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