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If yer talkin ter me... I guess I'd better start makin' friends around here, else it'll get mighty lonely... well I'll have Pol to keep me company :wink:




*Shakes Goldeneys' hand*

Sooooooo... SG's all about spam... what's this place all about? I'll look at the sticky notes, I just felt like asking here, lol... :roll:


* hugs*


do not hesitate to wander in any thread...and have a drink in one of the band of the red hand tavern ! :wink:


noooo! dont do it! its all lies!

*slaps her hand away*

filthy dirty lies!

*refuses to tell stephen that hes an algai*

run back to the dankness that is SG! dont hug! dooonntt hugggg!!!!!!!!!!!

*gets hugged*



*looks suspiciously*


do i have missed something?


but it's too late, i've already hugged...




what'll happen to me, then?


*Rolls over and stands up yawning*

Sorry ya'll I was very tired...



I don't do hugs...

*Makes sure not to get hugged*


I don't know what I do on these boards... I think I'm on my second week...


So far though... I've learned the way of SG spamming is quite funny... Haven't had any fights, yet... but being bad... I save that one for Poledra *eg* of course... If I didn't save it for my girlfriend, she'd probably drop kick me, or something


*Looks around to see if she's around*

Yep, I do bad stuff with her, quite often...



nvm, forget I said anything...



(Just for ya'll that don't know... wait... that's everone... *shrug* I joke around a lot... but, uh... anyhoo... different subject... so how's life treatin' ya'll?)



*Pulls out death ray and turns the settings dial to the A mark, points it at Goldeneys, fires the gun and hits Goldeneys with a direct hit*


"A for Amnesia, mwa ha ha ha... No more remembering for you..."


*Turns to Chaelca and shoots her too*


"Now no one will know, mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!!!"


Sorry ya'll just ramblings of insanity.... wait, what was I talking about again? j/k





*Pulls out Bazooka and blows Goldeneys away* :twisted:


Take that, you stupid... immune to death rays... guy... yeah!


*Starts up his Cloning machine and makes an exact clone of Goldeneys just before he heard Stephen say anything, and gives the clone Goldeney's memories up to that point*


There... that's better :twisted: Now you don't have anything to remember... 8)


*flies out the window*

*looks back as his clone explodes*

*yells back "sorry Stevey I think you did something wrong, somehow I can still remeber things"*

*hits the ground and dies*


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