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Book 2 - Verin Channels inside Stedding??


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On page 515 in book 2, Verin lays her hands on the Ogier who got caught by Machin Shin inside The Ways... She then jerks back and says he is empty.... How could she tell anything about him like that if they are inside a stedding where she cant even fell the true source, much less channel anything.


As Berelain makes clear in WH, the sensation of a person lacking a soul is very distinct... they feel cold. To those who know the signs it requires no channeling to percieve.


There is nothing forbidding her from having a well, though we have never seen any indication of it. But its irrelevant because in that situation she wasn't... we know that that test she adminstered is a non-channeling test, and besides, RJ, when asked how Verin did that, said we were going to learn more about souls in the next book. The next book was WH in which we have this little comment.


You slept like a man already dead. [Annoura] said you almost felt like someone who had lost his soul, cold no matter how many blankets were piled on you. I felt it, as well, when I touched you


~Winter's Heart - Flags


Thank you for the quick responses... I all the books that were out about 4-5 years ago and now am re-reading the series.  I just finished Book 2, and that particular thing stuck out as something odd.



Well, I would say that you are welcome, but it was Luckers here that was able to answer your question correctly.


However, don't forget that wells enable you to channel inside of a stedding. The Eye of the World itself was an enormous well of clean saidin.


Perhaps... the Eye of the World was unique, and certainly contained the power seperate of the power itself, and therefore fits in the well category, but it also does things that no well ever did, such as create a physical mass of the power, and we've yet to see it used to channel in steddings or the like... so... perhaps.


But Ealder is very correct about Wells....

Guest cwestervelt

Well, I would say that you are welcome, but it was Luckers here that was able to answer your question correctly.


However, don't forget that wells enable you to channel inside of a stedding. The Eye of the World itself was an enormous well of clean saidin.


The Eye of the World wasn't in a stedding.  Moiraine was able to channel there too and she didn't have a Well.  Stedding have fixed boundaries.  The location of the Eye changed and it was never found in the same area twice.  Wherever it was they found the Eye, it was something held together by the Green Man's presense.


I never said the Eye was located in a stedding. I said that the Eye--the part that constitutes the actual Eye--for all intents and purposes, could be considered an enormous well of clean saidin.


Wells contain the OP. That is what the Eye was, the only differences being its size, and how it contained clean saidin.

Guest cwestervelt

I mistook what you meant when you combined references to channeling in a stedding being possible with a Well and the Eye being a Well in one sentence.  Both sentences are accurate as long as the reader doesn't think you are connecting them as I did.  Assuming the artificial Power disruption used in Far Madding is a close enough match to a true stedding anyway.


Well the AS say it mimics the Stedding in the ways that are "important."  This implies to me that, in the matter of blocking off the Source, it's exactly the same.

Guest cwestervelt

I believe you can use a Well in a stedding too.  We have never seen it done though.  I don't really put much stock in what the Aes Sedai say though.  The claim a lot of things as fact that aren't.

Guest cwestervelt

Far Madding is not a stedding.  It Ter'angreal that duplicate the steddings ability to block a Channeler sensing and touching the True Source.  We can only assume that Wells also function in a true stedding.


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