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[TV] ABC Fat March.....


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"All you need is a pair of sneakers! Twelve overweight people set off on the walk of a lifetime! It's an epic, life-changing journey that begins at the starting line for the Boston Marathon and ends in Washington, DC. The contestants and their two charismatic fitness trainers, Steve Pfiester and Lorrie Henry, will walk over 570 miles, passing through nine states, with the goal of shedding unwanted pounds and getting fit along the way in an attempt to permanently alter their lives. In addition, they all will compete for a prize pool of $1.2 million. Stressing team work, the more people who finish, the more money each person wins, on Fat March, premiering TUESDAY, AUGUST 7 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. "


The above was basically what I read last night flipping channels and making sure I was not missing any important TV.  When I read the info on my TV guide, it was basically the first sentence.  My first thought was.... "I hate reality TV".  Then I remember a book by Stephen King... or more accurately, Bachman, that detailed a long walk with a prize at the end.  Except if you stopped in the book they shot you.  Could this be Fat MArch?  I was suddenly intrigued... not because I would enjoy seeing people being shot, but the idea of a show where we force out of shape people to walk non stop for days would be..... different. 


anyway, I have it DVRed and after reading up on it, I think the show will be awful.  But I wanted to share.

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I'll bet you, that 8 of the 12 'contestants' will get heat exastion, heat stroke, or even better, dehydration before a heart-attack sets in.


However' if these people are 'morbidly obese' I think the show would probably do bette rif it were 50 miles ant not 570. :P

now if these people just have a 'beer belly' I'd laugh at the concept... I mean, who cares about someone whos about 10 pounds over the 'recommended weight' walking 570 miles? They'll be back down to the goal weight in less then 75 miles. :P *if for nothing else then sweating out all that extra water >_>*

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well, lets just hope the producers were smart enough to either

A) get them to sign wavers

B) get them a phyical check up to make sure that the trainers don't kill the people. :P


Though, given the status of ABC, I wouldn't doubt they want one or two to die, just to up the ratings....

(dear god... don't give the idea to fox! it'll be a slaughter house! And then, fox will cancel it.) :P

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  • Community Administrator

you know, this show could potentially have a lot of episodes....

570 miles.. Figure about 10 miles between each town, thats at least 10 miles a day, or 57 episodes. And possibly more for 'breaks?' or if they did 1 mile aday, thats 570 episodes...

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Its done Running Man style, with such villains as the Pizza-nator, and Donut-a-saurus, Over Eaton, Hearty Attack, Secundus Pleasey, and the ever present, Captain Arterial Clog.


This coming from a man who at the beginning of the year weighed 310, and is now an almost svelt 260. 

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No such luck SD, I'm 6'2 was 310 now 260.  I had a waist size of around 54, now 42-44.  The real benefit is that my biceps are getting huge.  Not the 24" pythons, but getting there ;)...


And TY, Cads I like bragging about it now that I've hit the 50lb mark.

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