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Say Hello to Kami, your newest... you'll see.

Jagen Sedai

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Kami looked over his shoulder, painted lips parting. A crow had been following them, how bad of a sign was that? Was it malicious, or even… a good sign? He tried not to think in that line of thought. Crows meant the Dark One. It had to be a bad side. His blue-green eyes narrowed, eyes that were brightened by the black mascara around his eyes and the power that paled his face. With long black hair framing it, he looked an odd site. A dark one. Btu he did not mind.


“Kami, we’re almost there.” Helina smiled encouragingly. No one would have guessed that days ago his cousin had been on the verge of death. Thinking of how she was better now, how she got better, didn’t help his mood. He shifted, plucking at the lace of the black and gray, high-necked divided-skirt dress he wore. Though he often dressed as a woman Kami still had somewhat masculine features to his face, like his strong jaw and somewhat strong nose. Helina’s face was much narrower and soft looking. A blue butterfly pendant necklace completed his feminine look.


“We’re only spending a few days here, I hope. Maybe a week. Who knows. But there are whole families here from what the rumors said, so if we just introduce ourselves to the women we’ll be alright.” It was Kami’s idea to learn by word of mouth how these channeling men learned to control what they did. And once he found that out he could turn around and go right back home. He’d be out of this channeling saidin mess and no one would know he was ever there. He planned on playing the part of an observer and be gone.


Letting some of his hair fall in front of his face Kami smiled at his cousin, looking curiously at him. “Shay—I mean Kami, are you sure this is a good idea?” His name had been Shayne but he changed it to something more personal.

“You’ll do the talking, remember?” he asked. His own voice was light, even dreamy by some standards. More than one girl had fallen for him back at home when he sang ballads, but he turned them all away. Helina missed those times and hoped they could return home soon.

Straightening in his saddle he took in a deep breath as the Black Tower came into view, and men in black coats.



ooc: Open thread ^_^ Little does Kami realize BT guys can sense his ability to channel. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arath strode purposefully toward the gates of the Black Tower, a silver sword pin clutched in his hand.  Promotions were usually given without much fanfare or ceremony at the farm, and this one was no exception.  The new dedicated who would be receiving this pin was on guard duty today, probably not at all thrilled about his assignment. 


The soldier was surprised as Arath walked up to him and fastened the sword pin to his collar, but surprise gave way quickly to smug satisfaction as the Attack Leader gave the necessary words of explanation.  As the new dedicated was celebrating with his comrades, Arath was ready to return to his own projects.  So many things had been cropping up lately that he wasn't ever sure what he should be doing next.  As he turned, he heard the unmistakable call of a crow and looked down the road to the source of the sound.  Saidin rushed into him and a moment later the crow exploded into a small pile of gore and feathers.  An odd trait he had picked up from the borderlanders, to kill crows and ravens on sight, but most useful.  He wished the crow was all that occupied the road, but Arath also noticed a pair of women riding into view and immediately stiffened.  After the recent intrusion and capture of the Aes Sedai, strange women were not given much trust of late.


As the pair approached, Arath couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.  Something wasn't right about this.  Something about one of the women didn't sit well with him.  With his power enhanced senses, something didn't look quite right about her.  As they approached, Arath wove shields of spirit, ready to cut off any attack, and held up a hand to stop them.  "Can I help you?  What is your business here?"


OOC: I'm pretty sure men can't just sense the ability to channel in others.  Only if Kami is actually holding Saidin.  And welcome to the farm :)

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yay someone finally replied!



Kami turned his eyes down to the man before him, his gloved hands holding onto his horse's reigns. He looked over him to take in his appearance and turned his gaze over to Helina. His cousin cleared her throat gently and said, "We are travelers good sir, and entertainers. We've heard of this place--the Black Tower?--where men gather." She slipped off her horse. So did Kami, wiping away any dust from the fine gray silk before taking hold of the reigns again near the horse's bridle, his other lacy-gloved hand patting the animal's nose. The two stepped forward together, though Kami wore only a slight smile. "I sing and dance, and Kami here plays the instruments. We're looking for a bit of coin, so where better to turn?"


The two Saldaeans looked to each other, Kami blinking once and inclining his head, then Helina said, "May you show us to an inn? You have some here, right?" To them it certainly seemed like a big enough place to have an inn or two. "A fine one, if you have it, but we'll go with what you have here." She tried peeking through the gates to see what was beyond. "You have a place where women stay too right? That's what I've heard. Everything looks so new."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Arath eyed the two suspiciously.  Who in their right mind would come searching for the farm to provide entertainment?  Arath couldn't remember anyone doing so since he had arrived so long ago.  Occasionaly someone from the Band would stay at the inn and play an instrument or something, but mostly the Asha'man had very few visitors who sought to entertain them.


"We do have an inn, right down the road.  A fine enough place for the kind of men who live here.  There should be plenty of open rooms there for you.  We don't have many visitors around here.  I'm sure you'll have quite the audience."


He motioned to the dedicateds on duty to allow the women to pass by with their horses.  Arath decided to escort the pair himself.  Something was definitely not right, and he felt as though he needed to keep an eye on them.  As walked down the road, leading the horses, Arath tried to keep up a conversation, to learn as much as he could about the strange visitors.  "So where do you come from?  And how is it that you ended up here of all places?"

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Kami pat his horse's nose and handed the reigns to Helina before walking up beside this black-coated man. He lightly fanned himself against the heat. He hated being outside in the sun and was rather pale from staying inside all the time. "From Saldaea," he said, keeping his voice light. But for someone who had a naturally deep voice it was kind of hard.


Helina moved up to them as well to walk on the other side of this man. "We travel wherever we think is interesting," she replied to his question. "We've been to Arafel and Arad Doman so this place is the farthest we've gone. What about you? Why are you here?"


"If we may as of course," Kami added with a smile. The man before them seemed to be on his guard by the way he stood and Kami wanted him to ease up. After all they had nothing to fear from him and his cousin. He had come to learn and entertain and slip out the way he had come.

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Arath couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as the women came up along either side of him, but he tried to set it aside and answered the questions.  "I'm here, because I made the mistake of picking the wrong pocket at the wrong time.  My choices were limited, and coming here was a much better alternative to ... well, it was an easy choice."  He smirked a little at the memory.  It was a fun one to share at times.  Everyone had a different recruitment story, but his was one of the more interesting.


"I'm from Caemlyn, so coming here wasn't exactly a long journey.  But my duties here have taken me to Tear, Illian, western Andor, even into the Blight once."  He glanced at the two.  "I'm sure you Saldeans can appreciate how unpleasant that experience was."


As they approached the inn, Arath siezed Saidin.  Small flows of air stripped the reins of the horses from the women's grasp and opened the front door.  They did a remarkable job of not showing any unease at the invisible helping hands.  "Inside you'll find a man named Covai.  He's the owner of this place, and he'll be sure to help you with whatever you need.  I can lead your horses around to the stable for you if you wish."

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Kami and Helina both listened with some disapproval at his profession of choice but he seemed fair enough, now, at least. Though, Kami was wondering if he should bother taking any items from their horses before deciding against it. He didn't want to seem obviously distrustful. That was just against proper etiquette.


Though what caught their attention and swept other thoughts away was just how much this man had traveled. Kami's only sense of how the world was set up was from maps, and his own travel experiences had been nothing more than a few visits to the larger towns surrounding his home city. To hear how far this man had been, and to hear of him speak of it so casually, made Kami wonder if it was the One Power that had made it possible.


He was caught somewhat off-guard when the reigns were taken without a hand, though a..feeling... distracted him from it. He watched the front door open with a seemingly distant gaze, becoming thoughtful. What was that he felt so keenly and yet so...?

"Kami?" Helin whispered.


He took a moment to riase his chin and take in a deep breath, walking in ahead of Helina was a purposeful stride. Helina quickly followed yet he could tell she seemed a bit nervous. From the use of saidin or something else?

"Thank you, sir," Kami said lightly. "You've been a help." He soothed his dress and Helina smiled, checking her hair. He shared that smile with her. "We'll be having some fun in no time, Helina." Then they fell silent, ready to meet with this man called Covai. Now was time for business and they had to be careful.

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Arath led the horses around to the stables, still wondering about the odd pair of women.  Who in their right mind would seek out this place?  He supposed there was quite a bit of money to be made from the bored Asha'man but still . . . "Strange as Tinkers," he muttered to himself.  At least there could be some entertainment that night.


* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


Later that evening, Arath found himself leading yet another new comer to the inn.  A young man this time, wanting to join the ranks of the Black Tower.  People like this were becoming more and more common as word of the Asha'man had spread, but Arath still had to question their sanity.  Like walking into an Illuminators hall with a torch in each hand.  Pushing open the door, he heard an instrument playing and a female voice singing.  It seemed that the visitors had already started their show, and judging by the silence through the rest of the crowded common room they had a captured quite an audience.


Pushing hiw way through the crowd, Arath arrived at his usual table which happened to be fairly close to the performers.  A tap on the shoulder and a stern look sent the soldier at the table scrambling away with a slightly annoyed expression on his face.  Arath grinned.  Rank did have its advantages.  Directing the newcomer to take a seat, Arath briefly explained the testing process.  "All you need to do is concentrate on this flame."  He wove a tiny weave of fire and a single tongue of flame burst into existance, hovering a foot above the table.  "If you can channel, I will be able to tell.  It may take a while, but I will feel it."


Out of the corner of his eye, Arath noticed one of the women staring at them.  Probably a little nervous about the nearby channeling.  Taking a deep breathe, Arath settled into his seat and waited.  If he didn't feel a resonance in twenty minutes he would send this man away and enjoy the show.

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Helina was sitting on the edge of one of the tables in the front of the large tavern so she could be seen by all the men there, the skirt of her red and white dress spread out to show off a rose design. She sang a rather flirty melody, leaning near to one man and giving him suggestive looks. Then she hopped off the table and began to dance around in a manner that had the men clapping and whistling and calling. Kami stayed where he was by the table, in a black lace dress decorated with sky blue threads. Blue flowers decorated his done-up hair. He played a lute and a harp sat by his slippered feet. A small basket on the table laced with ribbon was there to collect tips.


Kami was fairly wrapped up in the music, as he usually was, but he had played this tune so many times he could play it now with only half a mind; he looked around as newcomers came in, smiling away as some of the men even looked at him. He also spotted Arath, giving him a smile too as he came in, but the man seemed not to notice. Kami looked away and concentrated on his playing again. He ended the song with Helina's last note, but then launched right into another as the clapping died down a moment later. This song had Helina singing about how she wanted to find the perfect man--one who would love and spoil her and how she deserved to be with him; as she sang she pretended to 'search' for that man among the crowd, getting close to several patrons. Kami found his gaze going to Arath just a bit after he sat down, frowning. Was he channeling then? He had thought he felt... something.


As much as Kami was as into this as the crowd--a happy crowd always made him feel better--he found himself distracted... but by what? Some feeling... He concentrated more on his music; which notes to hit, watching his cousin dance. But that feeling of something nearby, of a resonating energy, kept pulling at him. At the end of the song he was no longer holding his smile but looking directly at Arath pass the other patrons, a thoughtful look on his face. He felt something very clearly now, coming from him. His own mind and body seemed to tingle.

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Sitting patiently and waiting was difficult with all the music and singing.  Especially when it seemed this boy couldn't channel.  The alloted twenty minutes were nearly up and still nothing.  Arath was about to release Saidin when he felt a resonance.  He opened his mouth to announce this but stopped himself as he realized something was wrong.  He hadn't resonated.  Someone had, but not this boy.  Arath swung his gaze around, looking for whoever he had felt.  One of the other Asha'man maybe?  His eyes grew wide as he realized where the feeling was coming from, and he swallowed hard.  One of the women, the one playing the lute.  Kami, wasn't it?  How?


"Sorry, but you cannot channel," he quickly said to the man he had been testing as he looked around the room.  Nobody else was holding Saidin in the whole room, so nobody else had felt the resonance come from the wrong place.  Uneasiness played around the edge of the void as different possibilities raced through his thoughts.  He saw a few of the Asha'man staring at him and he realized that he had drawn nearly his limit of Saidin.  Trying to calm himself he released the source.  It wouldn't do to alarm anyone.


He stood at the back of the common room for a while as the women continued to play and sing.  When they finally announced to the crowd that they needed a small break, he decided to act.  Walking up to the woman in question he motioned for her to follow him.  "There was a problem with one of your horses," he lied.  "You might want to come take a look."


When they reached the stables and he was sure nobody was around, Arath siezed Saidin and slammed a shield onto Kami, making sure that she wouldn't channel.  A moment later flows of air had her pressed against the wall, where she looked stunned and terrified.  Taking a deep breathe he began.  "You never mentioned before that you can channel.  Who are you?  And why are you really here?  I want the truth, or you will not live to see tomorrow."

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Kami picked up the hem of his skirt as he followed Arath outside. How could something happen to one of their horses? Well, the packhorse had seemed a bit over-exhausted on the way here... did it collapse perhaps? He hoped not; Kami hated it when animals got hurt.


In the Barn he felt that tingling sensation again. He wasn't alarmed by it this time, it was rather expected. These men always seemed to be doing something with the Power.

However, what was unexpected was being slammed into the wall. He gasped in surprise and from his back hitting the wood of the barn. Indignant, he had no time to speak before Arath began throwing questions at him.


""You never mentioned before that you can channel," he accused. "Who are you?  And why are you really here?  I want the truth, or you will not live to see tomorrow."


At first, Kami was still too surprised to reply. First of all, how in the Light did he know he could channel? He hadn't done anything! And secondly, what if this man really met to kill him? My plan is ruined. He knows--what do I do? If I lie again he may hurt me... Putting on a rather stubborn expression, Kami tried to make his posture at least halfway descent. But that failed, being held up against something he could not see. And the hard air was making it difficult for him to breath.. He was afraid this man would crush him to death; he couldn't afford to lie.


"Let me go, I'll explain everything. But by the Light I can't breath! Release me!" He struggled even though it was futile and after moment gave up. That would do no good. And Arath didn't seem content to let him go at all. If anything Kami thought the air around him felt tighter. He tried taking in a deep breath, to calm himself and to make sure he still could. He couldn't die here!

"Stop--I'm not what I seem..." He groaned. Those were dangerous words, and as much as he wanted to keep himself hidden, he couldn't in this situation. He dropped his voice to its normal, rather deep tone, a tone he had come unused to speaking in. "I'm not a woman. And I don't know how to channel!"

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"Stop--I'm not what I seem..." Obviously, thought Arath.  The change in tone of the next words caught him off guard all the same.  "I'm not a woman. And I don't know how to channel!"


Arath blinked, not expecting the deep voice he heard.  The woman - man? - person in front of him struggled against the air wall, trying vainly to get free.  Arath pressed the bonds a little harder and hissed, "You can channel Saidin."  His instincts told him to kill this person on the spot, but the situation was almost too bizarre to be threatening.  Instead, he repeated his question, "Why are you here?"


Kami pursed his lips at him. He had stopped trying to fight now. "To learn. That's it. I almost killed someone with this... this saidin. I want to control it, that's it. Then I'll leave. Teach me and I'll go!"


Arath's eyes narrowed even more.  "I don't believe you."  Really, he did believe, for reasons he couldn't explain, but he needed to be absolutely sure.  If this was some sort of Dreadlord plot he needed to be sure.  Holding his hand up to the other person's face, he formed a fireball.  If he already knew how to channel, he would begin slamming against the shield to save himself now.


Kami only swallowed. Unfortunately, it was all he could do. That and beg. "P-please... now just wait. Surely I can prove myself some other way? Get my cousin! She'll tell you the truth! Please!" he begged, back to that higher-pitched feminine voice.


He held his position for a few moments, but after feeling the shield closely for even the slightest brush, Arath had to concede.  Kami had no control over his channeling.  Slowly he lowered his hand and let the fireball unravel.  He was silent for another moment, and when he did speak his voice was low and dangerous.  "You are a fool.  You thought you would be able to learn by observing?  That we wouldn't detect you?  We've driven one of the Forsaken from these grounds recently, and don't take kindly to intruders."


Kami frowned. "Let go of me," he said, indicating whatever invisible wall held him in place. "We'll talk then."


Arath almost laughed.  "You think you're in any position to set conditions here?"  Shaking his head slightly he unraveled the wall of air, but replaced it with a bond of air around the wrist.  "You're lucky to be alive.  Be content with that for now."


Kami directed a frown at his wrist before looking back up to Arath. "I know nothing of the Power. I'm not afraid to admit that. I don't know anything about this place and I do not care. I do not plan on staying for any length of time. I just want to control this horrid curse and go back home."


Arath did laugh this time.  "Go home?  No, I don't think so.  I don't think you'll be leaving for quite some time.  If you want to learn anything at all, you'll be calling the Black Tower your home first."


"This place is not for me," he snapped. "I will be leaving when I chose! You cannot force me to stay!" He made a fist and tried jerking his arm as if to fight the solid air but it didn't budge. He growled in frustration. "Helena will be coming soon to look for me. You shouldn't make me appear as if I am a prisnor of this place! I did no wrong!"


Arath stared thoughtfully at Kami for a moment.  "Very well."  The bond of air vanished and Kami stumbled a little at the sudden release.  "I leave the choice to you.  You have two options.  Number one, go home.  Back to Saldea, where you will eventually destroy everything and everyone you ever cared about.  Number two, learn to control it, away from your family and friends, and delay the inevitable.  You can either do that here, or at Shayol Ghul."  His eyes darkened and narrowed again.  "And I will kill you before I let the shadow have another dreadlord."


Kami crossed his arms as if he was hugging himself, his frown uneasy. He did seem more than feminine in his manners, even the subtle ones. He spoke more calmly now that he was released. "I don't want to harm anyone. I just want to help. That's it. I'm sick of harming things. I want to heal."


"Then I suggest you learn to control Saidin.  We can teach you to heal as well as destroy.  But unless you are willing to commit to this, we will teach you nothing."


"I don't want to destroy..." He looked back towards the back door of the inn. "Can I go back inside? This is too much for one night and I have to get Helena. We're going to bed."


“Fine.  Do what you wish.  Just remember, you will never stop channeling, controlled or not.  The taint will destroy you.  And you will most likely destroy Helena as well.  Think on that tonight.  I’ll expect an answer from you first thing in the morning.” 


Kami's lips tightened as he looked over to him, but then a smirk came to his face and he held his chin high. "You know if you weren't so uptight I'd like give you some 'personal entertainment'."  He threw a wink at him and strode through the door as if nothing had happened.


Arath blinked as Kami shut the door.  What in the light . . . ?  What was that about?  He shivered a little, and shoved the image out of his mind.  He would need to do some things before he could rest tonight.  Set a guard on the room for one, and inform Covai about his guests.  Shaking his head he walked inside and set about his self appointed tasks.  This was definitely one of the strangest things to happen to him in a while.

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Kami strode inside and straight to Helena, who seemed too busy sitting on one man's leg and laughing with him to even notice her cousin had disappeared. "Helena," he began, motioning her up. She looked at Kami and sighed before hopping to her feet and walking over to him. "What is it?"

"I'm tired, let's stop for tonight. We've done enough."

"What? But the night is still you--"

"Helena." He made his tone more firm. She gave him a pout but turned around. "Well gentlemen, it seems time for us to be off. Thank you for coming."

Kami himself put on a small, grateful smile and bowed as Helena collected the money, he the instruments, and the two went up to a freely given room for the entertainment.


"Kami what was that all about? You went off without a word--where did you go? Don't tell me you were fooling around with someone."


Kami ran his hands through his hair to loosen it up, taking out the few combs in there. "No Helena. Something else. One of the men..." he trailed off.

"Tell me."

"Forget it. Not tonight, please. Go to bed. I don't want to talk anymore."

"There you go again! As soon as something even remotely bad happens you never want to talk! What happened?"


Kami shot her a glare. It was enough to keep her quiet. Helena huffed and got ready for bed, dressing into a long nightgown, similar to the one Kami put on himself. They slipped into their respective beds.

Helena was asleep fairly quickly but Kami wasn't tired at all. All he could think about was that man's cool manner and colder words. And the air around him... he still felt as if it was holding him. He drew the blanket around himself more. The channeler wanted his answer. He already knew what he had to say but the problem was he didn't want to say it. How had the Asha'man figured him out? This question was the one bothered him the most but he knew if he kept dwelling on it it wouldn't solve anything. He could get no answer from his own mind. That, then, left the question of how to approach this situation. Yet the Asha'man hadn't left him much choice than to openly train like everyone else. The Light forsake him, he didn't want to! He just wanted to learn enough to control it and go home, to his nice room and house, to his mother and the horses and his servants.


But the man was right, I'd go mad if I stayed there and didn't learn. I'll go mad anyway. I'm sorry, Helena, and mother. He raised his hand to his face and scrubbed at it. He was not going to cry. But he already was...



The next morning the sun had barely risen when Kami sat up in bed, feeling rather hot despite it being cool outside. He stretched and got out of the bed slowly. It felt good to rest in a bed again but he still ached. A massage would have been so nice. He used to get those at home from one of their more skilled servants. Ignoring his aches he just tried stretching until they went away, then started picking through his bag for a nice dress. He was in no hurry to go to find that Asha'man. He's take his time dressing himself up and he'd take his time eating a good breakfast.


He chose out a dark gray velvety dress with blue-colored ivy vines covering most of it it for decor. His blue butterfly pendant always stayed around his neck and he drew up his hair into a bun and held it together with a clip of small blue flowers made from folded silk. Next he did his make-up--some foundation and powder to pale his skin, then some dark lipstick and black liquid around his blue eyes to bring them out. Smiling, he went downstairs by himself. Helena liked to sleep in so he often let her if the situation permitted.

Downstairs he took a few minutes to greet the men there and ask how they were doing, wanting to be polite, but by the time he sat down to eat it was by himself. The innkeep provided Kami with a warm biscuit with butter and some hearty soup. He ate it slowly and stood, thanking the innkeep again before walking outside into the morning sunlight. He had been awake for nearly two hours now. Looking around, he wondered if this man would come to him. How was he supposed to find him otherwise?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arath sat outside the inn in the early morning hours, watching and waiting.  The warding set upon the door upstairs had alerted him when Kami had left the room more than an hour ago.  He would continue waiting until Kami came looking for him.  Truthfully, Arath wasn't sure what kind of answer he wanted.  Another soldier was always welcome and needed.  But there were a lot of potential problems here.  It might just be easier to gentle him and send him on his way.  But that wasn't how things were done at the farm.  Arath experienced an odd moment where he missed the traitors tree.  It had been a grisly, disgusting thing, but it had made people easier to handle in difficult situations.  Gave power behind the Asha'man's words.


The sun had just cleared the horizon when the front door opened and somone stepped outside.  Seated in the shadows at the corner of the building, Arath escaped notice until he spoke up.  "Have you decided then?  What are you going to do?"

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Kami drew in a breath at hearing Arath's words and as quickly let it out again. He walked over without rush and sat beside him. His eyes scanned the area, watching everyone, yet his hands plucked nervously at the skirt of the dress. I can't go home now. I have to let that go. But I miss my mother... His hands stilled, coming to rest flat on the smooth cloth. This was duty, wasn't it?


"I have no choice," he finally answered. "I don't want someone to die. I almost killed myself and others with the Power. If I hurt Helena or my mother or anyone else, I won't be able to forgive myself." His tone sounded quite forlorn but he sounded slightly more confident as he continued. "What I want to do if I can, is help. Help people instead of harm them. Isn't that possible? People go to Aes Sedai all the time for Healing--can't I learn to do the same?"

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"We have healers here at the Black Tower that make the Aes Sedai look like foolish children.  If it's what you want, you can learn to heal.  But at the same time, the Asha'man are weapons of the Dragon Reborn.  We are the Guardians, and often times it takes deadly force to protect others.  You will learn to heal, but you must also learn to kill.  As it happens, killing is much easier than healing, so you will have to learn that first.  At the very least to learn better control of Saidin."  Arath paused and looked at Kami for a moment, gauging his reaction.  "If you can accept that, we will teach you.  If not . . ."  He let the sentence trail off without finishing.  Let him imagine the worst possible scenario to fill in the blank.

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Kami's expression was both neutral and hard at the same time. He didn't want to kill! Hadn't the Asha'man fellow listened to his words? He had no interest in harming others. Yet it seemed learning to do just that was the only way he could learn saidin.

Why did things have to be so complicated?


He tilted his head slightly at his last words and looked away, not wanting to think about it. He suspected they would just let him go, but if he didn't learn anything he could very well kill someone.

"What if you just teach me enough to not hurt anyone? Can't you do that? And then send me on my way? However..." he began hesitantly, "If not... I suppose I'll learn what I must." His voice was a soft whisper by the end, ever feminine in tone. His shoulders slumped; he obviously did not want to do any of it.

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Arath tried hard not to roll his eyes.  "No, we will not teach you to merely control Saidin.  Our training methods don't work that way.  We are an army.  Soldiers that cannot fight are less than useless; a liability on the field.  In a normal army, even a field medic needs to know the basics of self defense.  You may become a healer here, but you will be a soldier first.  And there will be no 'sending you on your way' once you are trained.  Once you begin at the Farm, you are here for good.  Until your death, or Tarmon Gaidon whichever comes first."


Arath stood up and stretched a little bit, stiff from sitting down for so long.  "So what will it be?  Stay and learn, or run and hide until some accident happens to those around you?  I have things to do."

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Kami's lips parted in surprise at the man's tone and words. Then he snapped his jaw shut and stood. Of course he knew something bad would most likely happen if he left. But the man didn't need to be so curt! "You know, you're very rude. I practically gave you my answer! You don't have to be so...tart... with me. Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners?"


He brushed off the skirt of his dress and raised his chin, "I may be able to learn things from you but you need some lessons too. Just because the end of the world is coming," he said it quite casually, and only because Kami truly doubted Tarmon Gaidon was that close, "doesn't mean you should be so cold. Otherwise you'll have a very lonely and depressing death, no matter how your life ends, on or off the battle field."

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Arath gave a very false and slightly hostile smile.  "If you want to 'practically give me an answer', join the Aes Sedai.  They're the ones who deal with subtlety and assuming half truths.  We are direct here.  Get used to it."  As Kami opened his mouth again, Arath cut him off.  "And no, my mother didn't teach me much of anything.  I watched my mother die when I was five years old.  Murdered at the hands of a group of darkfriends.  And I killed my father when I was sixteen, when I first brushed with Saidin for the first time.  Speak to me of loneliness and depression when you can say the same."  Arath subconsciously rubbed the massive scar over his heart, souvenir of the day his mother had died.


Turning toward his house, he set off at a brisk walk.  "Come with me," he called over his shoulder.  "If you're staying, you'll need a uniform and some idea of what you'll be doing and what is expected of you."  Without waiting to see if Kami followed, Arath walked on.  He wasn't going to bother convincing the younger man with his words.  If he was serious about wanting to learn, he would follow and listen.

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Kami looked around as Arath got up, as if looking for a way to not quite follow. A uniform? These men were mad! They weren't really soldiers, just a bunch of channelers gathered in one spot. He saw boys as young as him here, if not younger, and men old enough to be grandfathers, wearing those awful, plain black coats. "You mean I have to wear that?" he called, following anyway, hiking his skirt up and nearly jogging to catch up. How frustrating this was already! He resolved to  either stay far away from Arath the rest of the time he was here, or spend so much time around him he'd finally break and not be so rude. True, the man had a sad story, but still...


"Don't you have anything more tasteful?" he asked, "Why can't I wear what I want? Can I make my own coat?"

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  • 10 months later...

Arath tried not to grind his teeth as Kami whined about the black coat.  He briefly considered sealing the man's mouth shut with an air flow, but decided that it probably wouldn't be a good idea in the long run.  It would just add to the complaints later.


None too soon for Arath, they reached the Attack Leaders house and entered his office.  As he rummaged through the uniform closet, looking for the roughest wool coat he could find, he answered some of the unceasing questions.  "No, you can't make your own uniform.  This is an army, not a Cairhienen fashion show.  And yes, you are expected to wear it at all times."  At last, pulling a coat out of the closet he tossed it to Kami.  "You'll get another one as soon as we're able."


"You know, I don't really care for Cairhienen fashion anyway." He caught the coat and lifted it up. "I can sew better than this," he muttered, though in truth it was fine. He just wanted to complain hoping that he wouldn't really have to wear it. For that matter, he just folded it over his arm.


His thoughts wandering, and deciding not too spend too much time talking of what he had to wear, Kami asked, "My cousin can stay here too right? Since there are families here?"


Arath paused for a moment, then nodded.  "As long as she is willing to help out around the Farm, there shouldn't be a problem." 


"I don't see why not. Now where are we going?"


"WE aren't going anywhere.  I am going to stay here and enter you into the books, and YOU are going to situate yourself in the barracks at the north end of the Farm.  There will be four long buildings side by side.  Go to the one furthest east and ask someone to show you to a bunk."  He paused for a moment.  "But change into your uniform first," he said, pointing to a door across the hall.  "The Asha'man are instructed to put down anyone showing signs of madness, and I don't want them getting the wrong idea with you."


"Paw! This whole place doesn't make sense." He did seem to get a bit nervous though. Kami looked down at the coat, pouted again and looked up. "Okay, fine. I will see you later then.  By the way... are you going to be one of my teachers?"


Not if I can help it, thought Arath.  But keeping his face neutral he said, "I oversee almost all of the training here.  I'll probably teach you at some point, but there will be several Asha'man training you."


Kami nodded slowly and felt the fabric of the coat. He seemed to be thinking rather hard right then. "I guess I'm on my own, then," he said softly. He looked up at Arath with a wary look before curtsying to him in his own dismissal.


Arath watched as Kami left to change, shaking his head slightly.  Sitting at his desk he dropped his head down into his hands and sighed.  "Just when I thought I'd seen it all," he whispered to himself.

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Kami knew he probably shouldn't wear his beloved dress anymore, so instead of going across the hall to a private room he slipped out of the building altogether. He carried the coat folded small in front of him as if trying to hide it. As he walked down the street he tried avoiding any looks cast his way this time, all to aware now of how serious these men seemed to be. He walked faster and didn't stop to even meet anyone's gaze until he was back in his room at the inn.


"What are you carrying?" Helena asked him as soon as he came in.

"Unfortunately, my new uniform... ah, I hate such things."

"But you look good in black!" she tried encouraging him.

Kami just gave her a sour look. Helena got off her bed and helped him out of the dress and then he tossed on his male clothes from home--a rather nice, white silken shirt, and black silk pants. He had to travel in style, after all. He put on a black belt with a silver buckle in the shape of the house crest and put on the high-necked black coat over that. It was rather too big for his slim frame. "Itchy," he complained.

"Oh Kami--or, I guess I should call you Shayne."

"I don't want to let go of myself completely."

"But you need to change and adapt." Her look was a bit worrisome. "Come over here so I can clean off your make up."

Kami dutifully walked over and sat down before her. She wiped off his lipstick and eyemake up so he was looking rather plain. "Aw, you're so handsome."

"Don't say that. I want to be 'pretty' not 'handsome.' And I need to do something about this coat." He reached into his traveling back and pulled out a needle and thread.

"Oh, I'll help you," Helena offered.


Around two hours later Kami made his way to the barracks as Arath had instructed him. His coat adjusted now to fit his form--rather snugly, especially at the waist--and with just a hint of liner under his eyes, he walked into the eastern most building.

As soon as he did walk in the four men inside looked up and gave him strange looks. He felt a little pressured.

"Ah excuse me, Arath told me to come here to get a bunk."

"Right, you are?" one asked in a deep voice.

"Ka... ah, Shayne Kami Miser, sir."

"Miser, eh?" the man looked him over, a grimace coming onto his face.

As in miserable, he thought sourly.

"Right, well, follow me," the deep-voiced man said, leading him along. "Do you have some possessions on you?"

"They are at the inn."

"Well you can't bring a lot here. A few clothes, fine, but there's little room to be crowding up."

"Right..." he sighed, following him to a few empty beds toward the back of a large room. Stands and tables were few. I'm not going to like it here at all, but I guess I have the make the most of it... ah, I want to go home!

"Here, this can be yours. I'll put you in the ledger. If you have any questions, go to Arath."


He watched the man go. Kami was under the distinct impression the man did not want to deal with him, and his companions were still looking at him funny. He decided to ignore them. Taking note of where his bunk was, he decided to go inform his cousin and find Arath again for what to do next.

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