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Hiya!! *waves*


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Hi everyone! *g* I'm all right, just starting my 2 weeks of a break from uni (mid-semester) and still have lots of homework to do. YUCK. But oh well, 3 assignments down, 5 to go for this semester. And then 4 exams. I am doing library and info studies so one day I will be a librarian or something like it ;) My mum bought me this really stupid librarian action figure (whose weapon of choice is the Dewey Decimal System *lol*).


I'm going out quite a bit, still single though (the eternal single, that is!!!). I'm learning the guitar. Right now I am working on guitar solos, particularly those by Louise Post from Veruca Salt. She is my guitar goddess after all.


Mum bought me groceries today. She is such a good mummy. :) And I just finished a beer.


There you go, some random updating stuffage. *g* I would like to hear how you're all doing too!


(Hi to the one I don't know, too - Rob! Hehe)

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Hmm I may have seen your name around Estel but no, don't really know ya *s*


Kayls for some amazing reason I'm still burnt out *lol* I have not the vaguest spark of interest in trying to RP right now. It's sad but true hehe.


Still it's fun to see what kind of adventures everyone's getting up to.

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