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To quote Wikipedia:


Nihilism (from the Latin nihil, nothing) is a philosophical position which argues that the world, especially past and current human existence, is without objective meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value.


Now, the titles of Elan Morin Tedronai's most prominent philosophical works:


Analysis of Percieved Meaning, Reality and the Absence of Meaning, Disassembly of Reason


(BWB, p. 50 )


Also, Elan Morin Tedronai's announcement of his defection to the Shadow:


"It was Elan Morin who at the same time first announced to the world what it was that they faced.  He called for the complete destruction of the old order - indeed, the complete desctruction of everything."


(also BWB, p. 50 )












Do I really have to point out the similarities .... ?


That's pretty damning evidence against me, however I would like to say a few things:


Sure, he called for the complete destruction of everything, but does that really mean everything (as in, destroy existance), or does that mean everything as in, all everyone has ever known? There is a big difference.


Because destroying everything everyone has ever known does not constitute the end of the universe necessarily, it only means a change.


However, looking at the nihilist thing,it doesn't mention the view of the future, and it doesn't necessarily call for the end to existance. Which means that if Ishy fits the bill, he could've been attempting to give live purpose by changing the world.


Except that he wrote a book entitled Reality and the Absence of Meaning .... and he's working for someone who is openly fighting the Creator .... and the statement from the BWB covers both kinds of destruction ... it says, again, "He called for the complete destruction of the old order" ... which seems to be what you're saying, a sort of change the world thing ... but it doesn't stop there .... "indeed, the complete desctruction of everything."


Ok, I got it. Thanks.


One thing though, I really dont understand why, even in the absence of meaning, he would want to destroy the world. If he wanted his soul out of the pattern, he could go through a waygate or something.



Ok, I got it. Thanks.


One thing though, I really dont understand why, even in the absence of meaning, he would want to destroy the world. If he wanted his soul out of the pattern, he could go through a waygate or something.

Because that wouldn't remove his soul from the pattern? We don't know any way to do that except for a few throwaway lines that are possibilities and possibly some types of shadowspawn.


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