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The History Quiz Thread


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That is correct! And what do we have for Nighteyes for playing? That's right, ladies and gentlemen, we have an all inclusive stay at "The History Quiz" complete with your very own chance to ask any question dealing with history you wish! Soooooo, ASK AWAY, NIGHTEYES!! And thanks for playing!



This post of The History Quiz brought to you by our sponsers: The dice roller (anytime you need to know what you rolled in a fight, check out the dice roller); Brew (It'll cure what ales you, if it doesn't kill you first); and our very own M-G, Corki (He rules The Band with an Iron fist, but he's still puddy in our hands!)

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The QWERTY keyboard layout was devised in the 1860s by Christopher Sholes and the design was patented by him in 1868 and sold to Remington in 1873.


It was essentially designed to stop the key pairings becoming entangled on the type bars, which typists would have to manually untangle, frequently blotting their work. It was also laid out to make two handed typing more efficient as one hand can move into position as the other strikes a home key. :D

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National Play-Doh Day is September 18th


In 1956, Play-Doh Brand Modeling Compound, a non-toxic reusable modeling compound developed and introduced by Rainbow Crafts in Cincinnati, was first demonstrated and sold in the toy department of Woodward & Lothrop Department Store in Washington, D.C.


Play-Doh had been tested/introduced one year earlier (1955) in select schools, kindergartens and nursery schools. Originally, it had been made for removing wallpaper.



That would make it celebrating it's 51st year as a toy, but it's 50th as a sold toy. Your call.

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