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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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I'm trying to cure myself of my Fiddlesticks addiction...gradually.

Going total "cold turkey" is too hard.

One "fix" per week.

That's where I am this week.

Don't know about next week.

One week at a time.

* pants *

* wheezes *

Just the thought of not spamming in Fiddlesticks is like Uno trying not to swear.



I'd be telling a lie if I said I don't miss it.

But, as usual, the wife is right.

I was getting hooked.

Only...well...Fiddlesticks isn't...what SHE said it is...(stupid).

It's my escape from that other world...you know...the one that sucks...that...place called...(YUCK)...[glow=red,2,300]reality[/glow].

* shivers *


But, too much of a good thing can cause trouble.


I'll stop by when I think I can handle it without getting all long winded or something.







Light, but I do miss those smiley fellows.



Hi, queen-baby!!!  :-*

Got my face back!!!

Thanks to my fellow butt bombers!!!  ;D



Happy Father's Day to the dads.

No, I'm not wasting money on cards or gifts.

Although, that might be a good way for our new president to spark the economy...if everybody who has a dad buys him something...just think of how much cash will flow...SPEND IT IF YOU GOT IT!!!  ;)

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