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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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Our queen has broken the hearts of many male spammers.  :(

She hasn't found one yet that is up to her standard.  :(

Or, maybe she just doesn't like males.  :(

But, then too, she has demoralized a few females in her day as well.  :(

I guess a queen can't show partiality, huh.  :(

Good luck, Korin...maybe you'll be her first survivor.  :)

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I'm still alive so far.

The wife says if I don't get off my butt and quit eating I'll die.


I might die anyway.





I haven't been getting online because the last time I was here she tried to call me from work with an "emergency" and couldn't get through because I was "on that @*&%!$@# internet again".  So, I've been staying off.  Not that I'm afraid of her or anything.  Well, maybe a little.  After all...she does keep my clothes springtime fresh.  ;D  Anyway...I'd best get off from here in case she has something important to call me from work about.  ;)

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