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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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Trying not to spam is like trying not to smoke.

You can do it for a while, but then, sooner or later, you just gotta.

Addictions are addictions, no matter the form.

As the long-since-passed Loki once said, "i nta gona stopit, damit! n u cant make me!". (old boards, "Newbies Beware", page 7, post #918, Friday, August 13, 2007 -- an unforgettable classic)


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The Wagons of the Tuatha'an are sleeping.

CoL is stale.

General Wheel of Time Discussion if full of narrow minded bores.

My queen dislikes my long winded posts in Fiddles.

The orgs are...aaahhhh...ORGS!!!

SG and BT have a few spammers.

Wolfkin pups are fun for a few minutes.

Fake tequilla is tasteless and has no kick.

Vegetarian chili is always good but nobody cooks it like mama.

I could use a nice ice cream bath to lift my spirits.

And an appreciative audience.

* considers juggling his balls *

Been there.

Done that.

Old crap.

Even channeling isn't the thrill it once was.

Am I growing up?  :o




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Grandkids dominated Saturday.

Mom and dad are headed for Florida for the winter (snow birds fly south)...visited them for a while today.  Snowed again today...not much...gloomy outside.

Stress test tomorrow.

Gotta work the holiday Monday (opening day of deer season was Saturday, so Monday is a paid day off for most of the people in the shop...I'm one of the "lucky" ones who gets to work...at least I have a job, I guess).

In early Tuesday and Wednesday to cover for hunters on vacation.

Not in a very spammy mood.

Maybe Thursday?

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