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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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No, but she might as well be (in my eyes)...most beautiful mother of three on the face of the earth (she might be "listening", you see).




I won't be spamming evenings for a while...starting the "old folks" shift this afternoon...stay up late...sleep in late...no alarm clock...the house to myself all day while the wife is at work.  :)




Sloppy Joe...slop...Sloppy Joe. (she hates that song)  :D  I like it.  :D

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* feeling a little rusty *

I haven't put on a First Fool's performance in some time.

* doubts that anyone really cares one way or the other *

* ponders *

Should I waste a half hour thinking up a fake performance?

Or, should I go take care of the "honey do" list that the wife left?

* ponders some more *

Do what I want to?

Do what I should do?

Please me?

Behave and do like I'm told?

Try to tickle the fancy of a few spammers spread all over the world?

Try to gain favor with the wife?

* can't stand any more pondering...too much like work *

* throws back the house coat to show off his white cloak *

* takes off the white cloak and folds it neatly *

Hey...I'm a neat Court Bard, OK?


* considers taking off the florescent pink shirt and bright purple pants that his Tinker friends gave him *

* decides the Tinker clothes match his lime green First Fool's hat just fine...and the audiences usually don't like to see him naked...leaves the clothes on *

* tugs at the tops of his knee-high boots in case he wants to do a ballet routine...need the toes nice and tight for that *

* puts on his gleeman's coat with all of the secret pockets...that's where he keeps his balls *

* ponders *

Am I ready?





* feels the secret pockets *




Milk bones...left over from the visit to Wolfkin...check.

Overall appearance...

* notices a spot of the Tinker's vegetarian chili spilled on his coat *

* picks off the dried up chunk of tomato...or onion...or garlic, maybe...tastes it...pops it into his mouth *

Still good!!!


* licks his finger and dabs at the smudge of chili *

* licks it off and goes back for more *

Just can't get enough of that good vegetarian chili!!!


* stain is nearly not noticeable *

* pretty well gone *


* considers Travelling to the wagons to get some more *

* decides against it...the half hour is getting away fast...better get back to the performance *

Overall appearance...check.



What to do.

I'm pretty sure I've juggled my beautiful balls here before.

I probably ate fire...don't remember.

I'm almost positive that I've told a tale or two?

* ponders *

I don't remember singing.

Or playing the harp.


* ponders some more *

Oh, what the frog-spit!!!

I'll do all three!!!


* waits for a response from the audience *

* not so much as a whisper *

* nothing *

Tough crowd.



* strolls over to where his harp is stored in it's case *

* takes it out *

* puts it back *

* looking disgusted *


This crowd probably wouldn't go for the harp, anyway!

* half hour is almost gone *

* turns and plugs in his REALLY HUGE guitar amp *

* plugs in his Les Paul (Epiphone...can't afford the Gibson) *

* waits for the tubes to warm up, then cranks the amp up to MAX volume *

* throws back the tails of his First Fool's hat letting the bells on the ends of the tails jingle *

* turns and takes a big old toke of some good Two Rivers tabac...holds it...turns back grinning *  ;D

* gives his guitar a couple of Pete Townsend style smacks in the key of E *

* lets the sound gradually fade *

* from somewhere in the distance comes the rest of the band playing "Black Magic Woman"...they're waiting for Gwampy to play the lead *

* Gramps is pleased, indeed *

* makes that LP scream *

* appears to be almost in a trance *

* such sweet, sweet music *

* he's having too much fun *


* the half hour expires *

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