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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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In the old times when I came to the magical land of Fiddlesticks the whole list of posts was solid with "Today" for two pages.  Times change.


* goes down his mental list of former spammers like Rand with his dead women *

Loki Reddffern (always number one)

reyler (without a capital R)








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I'm enjoying myself.


Peter Pan syndrome, you see.


I might grow up some day, but not if I can avoid it!





Check out today's RP in the UP THERE thread...if you DARE!!!




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My feelings have been deeply hurt.

I won't be doing any RP for a while if ever.

All that's left is the Gwampy thread.

It's not fun like it once was.

If I didn't already have free internet, I could quit paying for it and save some money.

Thanks for letting me keep my dirty old man status.  ;)

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* runs through his mental list of former spammers *

* hears "another one bites the dust" inside his head *

* tries to channel but sees the taint oozing back over saidin *

* travels toward the light *

* fades into the sunset without so much as a goodbye *


Hi, Red!


Hi, reyler!


Long time no see!


* has found former spammer's heaven *

* watches the Gwampy thread slowly sinking to join the 3,000 year thread *

* waves to all of his posts *

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