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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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I declare you a lapsed spammer, Gwampy *inscribes a large letter F on his forehead*


* rubs at the F *

* won't come off *

* channels some Air into a bottle *

* points the bottle mouth toward the F *

* releases the Air *

* tries some Spirit *

* doesn't work *

* mixes some Fire and Earth just so *

* makes the F flare up briefly, then turn brown *






* spots a bottle of lipstick remover sitting conveniently on a nearby table *


Hey...this is fantasy...ANYTHING is possible!!!  ;D


* picks up the handily available cotton ball from the table *

* pours some remover into the cotton ball *

* looks into the mirror hanging on the wall right where it should be *  ;)

* dabs the lipstick remover onto the F *

* the F slowly fades, then totally disappears *


I should have known from the start how her majesty would mark me.  :-*



* is hung over from all of the Halloween candy *

* grandkids had fun at Gwampy's house *

* time to put the jack-o-lanterns onto the compost heap *

* candles go in the garbage...wouldn't know where to look for them by next Halloween if we did keep them...such a waste of good wax *


Gwampy got a nice new treadmill for Halloween...gotta go assemble it.

Bye for now.



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  • 2 weeks later...

* tries to look embarrassed *



Sorry it took me so long to return.

I've been putting every extra minute into "The Gathering Storm".

Finally finished it at 12:28am Eastern Standard Time this morning.


On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being perfect, 1 being total waste of time and hard earned cigarette money) I think I'd give it a 6 or maybe 7.


6.5?  ::)  ???


I enjoyed it and had trouble putting it down, but I'm not in a great hurry to re-read it in further scrutiny.  Very little of it shocked me.  Some parts were not in line with my expectations.  Some themes were slighted, others were overdone.  It was no where near as badly overdone as Perrin's quest to recover Faile in the previous book.  I'm itching to read comments in the spoiler section of DM, but gotta go to work.  Just enough time to stop here and let you know I'm not dead yet.  :)


Bye for now.



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* clasps hands behind his back *

* opens wide *

* moves head frantically side-to-side trying to catch all of the figs *

Hate to see good figs go to waste.  ;D


Yes, I am a slow reader.

Always have been.

Comprehension is TOTALLY gone if I hurry.

Gave me fits getting through college.

And I still pick up new stuff during re-reads.



Forgot in my previous post:  notice how I so adequately avoided any spoilers?  :)


Kinda sounds like I was disappointed when I read that post.  Not really.  Brandon said he's not RJ.  I could not have come close to even attempting to pick up that ball and run with it...even with a computer and spell checker.  He did a great job.  But, it didn't leave me wanting more like "Eye of the World" did.  It was more like "Elantris".  Nicely done.  Understandable.  Easy to consume.  Good plot, not great.  Somewhat predictable.  One or two grins.  Semi-smooth transition from one character to another.  A smidgen of foretelling.  Yup.  6.5 is about right.


Stove buzzer is going off.

Bye for now,



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Paperbacks aren't real books.


The thing that was most different to me, stylistically, was that where Jordan was subtle sometimes to the point of leaving readers completely oblivious, Sanderson feels the need to beat the reader over the head with things. For instance, who didn't figure out why they weren't cracking Semirhage about fifty pages before Cadsuane did? And even then, her POV had to go and spell it out, just in case you missed it.

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Paperbacks aren't real books.


The thing that was most different to me, stylistically, was that where Jordan was subtle sometimes to the point of leaving readers completely oblivious, Sanderson feels the need to beat the reader over the head with things. For instance, who didn't figure out why they weren't cracking Semirhage about fifty pages before Cadsuane did? And even then, her POV had to go and spell it out, just in case you missed it.







::) :o


* points left pointing finger toward her majesty *

* continuously rubs the top of that finger with the bottom of the other hand's pointer *



* thinks it over *

* shrugs *


Oh, well.

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