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The person above me game! >Xtra Newbiefriendly!


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THe person above me was orphaned by chipmunks in 1822 when a rhinocerous attacked his home and then he swore vengeance upon rhino kind everywhere... upon realising this was too difficult, he changed it ot revenge upon dodo kind everywhere, and soon annihilated everyone of them with his home made genetic splicing kit and a needle... then he went off to become an accountant but that didnt work out because he was dyslexic when it came to numbers, so he set sail on the seven seas as a fictional character for eighteen long years until he became washed up on an island with loads of monkeys- erm... germans?, err... clowns on... eventually he became their leader (by mastering untold arcane magics) andled the clown invasion of 1066 which ultimately led to the demise of king larson of- erm... france... and after that he retired to write his autobiography... AND BECOME A DUCK!!!

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