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SG Division 'Declare Your Love to Dias Week' :D

Ranulf Ryan

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Well, since we all love Dias, this thread is dedicated to him. Let's all tell him that we love him in our very unique, corny, most mushy way. At the end of the week, Dias, the object of our affection, our Audit and OOC Executive, would choose the winner in different categories.


1. Most mushy

2. Most corny

3. Most likely a schizo

4. Probably serious

5. Most Unique

6. Most likely to become a stalker

and lastly 7. Dias' love of his life award :)


Rules, there are no rules, just post all your love lines and direct them all to Dias!!!


So guys, let the loving begin!!!

Winners will get a cookie :D

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Dias, I * love you **, I wish I could live with*** you and **** look at your face! If you were ***** woman ******, I would ****** sleep with you ******.






*do not

**at all


****never ever

****the sexiest



*****you turd




P.S. I know, I can do a lot better, but I only have like 5 minutes left, so deal with it :P

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there are only 2 things i think of when i think of you



1: Who the Heck is Dias??


2: Do i wantto find out his who he is, stalk him like my ninja training says i should, sneak up behind him, hit him with a blunt object, run away, wait for him to wake up and repeat process.... once i am tired of that should i try to then stalk him till i become tired of that and then thow a bow-shuirken into the back of his neck making hima parapoligic, then laugh at him till the ambalance come and then hide...... wait a few months then find him and have a long nice chat while cutting off his important parts... tHEN FINNALY roll himout into the street to be hit by a grey hound buss.........

OR just stab him....


tell me which is better peopel

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Ah, Bren, you know my love for you is pure and true and not weird or stalkerish:) It is, however, slightly inappropriate though not in the same way as Rand's...Also, I'm a girl and he isn't. Pick me! Pick me!


And now just to raise my standing with you my dear:


FF7 is the best thing ever. Yes, thing, not just game. Its awesomeness transcends categories. I also love Hero. I think I might go watch it again. Right now. Especially the scene when the two assassins fight their way through all those people. Awesomeness.


*licks Rand*


Hmm...not sure what that was about...

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Hehe, good work Ellorian!

... but I'm sure you can do better. Hehehehe....


Ramza, I am Dias. Touch me and your life is forfeit. Existence denied.


Rand's doing pretty good, if he can keep it up.


Roka made me laugh too, always a good thing. You better give me some more though, sometime when you don't just have another 5 minutes.


Ata.... I'm not feeling the love, Ata! WHY WON'T YOU LOVE MEEEEEE??!!


Get Jimmy and Marak over here! I'm sure they can be in with a shot for this. Hehehehe....HEHEHehehe...





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Heh, Bren, I thought about telling Ramza that you would more than likely eat his face (or something equally as unpleasant) if he touched you. Apparently that might have gotten me more points :)


Hmm...Maybe I will try to write you a haiku or something. Or I could just kill off Rand and there by eliminate the competition...


Wait! I have an idea!!!

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Ata, you are not allowed to direct your love to anyone this week excpet to Dias *nod nod* now love him gawddaarnnit!!!!



dias i so love y.. *is licked by elli* hmm.. that feels nice ... *is licked again* hmm...noo!!! i wont be unfaithful!! stay away woman!! i'm a one man man kind of man! LOL *goosebumps* jesu...

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*has idea* we should cary on this tradition


it could be done by that the last person get to pick the new person...aka when the week is up dias post a new person who has a declare your love to week *nods*


sooner or later we would get around

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Oh master of all things malevolent

To whom even the Incarns genuflect

Thou, Great One, art ever benevolent

Upon this, we- the masses- do reflect.


Dark ruler of all that we hold dearest

Commander of Dreadlord and assassin

At thy name we are filled with fear... umm... -est

Thine enemies know terror out and in


Our love for thee reaches beyond the stars

Whether they burn red or blue or orange

Thine glory is praised in inns and bars

Crap, there is no word that rhymes with orange.


Hmm, you know, when you get right down to it

Looking back, I realize that I'm full of sh**


Thank you.



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*stabs quibby repeatedly* die die die die!!!!

ell join me in stabbing him, he's gonna win for sure if we wont exterminate asmo!!!


Asmo to Ell:: Yoouuu!!??? NNoooooooooooooo!!!!




ell: we can arrange that, i already have an activity set for you :)

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