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Arrya, Laith - White Tower (Warder Trainee)


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Name: Laith Arrya

Age: 32 born (Adar 998 NE)

Place of birth: Cairhien - River Erinin - Selean


Physical Description

Height: 5'9'

Weight: 185

Eyes: Dark Brown

Skin: Dark

Hair: Black

Body: Slim/Muscular


Other: High cheek bones makes him handsome but as a woman who's face was chiseled from stone. Has scar over left eye.



He is very out going. Highly optimistic. Aside from being disciplined he can be a tad bit adventurous. 


Character History

Brenin Arrya was a good man born in a Arad Doman. He was an even better warder. Celia Selana was the daughter of a carpenter. From Cairhien. Laith came along shortly after the two had met. He never knew either his father nor mother. He knew that his mother was a commoner from Cairhien and his father from Arad Doman. The midwife had told his uncle that his sister Celia had died clutching the boy in her arms. 


His father was a man who took hold of his bond an rode off to protect it. He also died soon after his Aes Sedai had sacrificed herself to protect the White Tower. Brenin Arrya simply gave up hope soon after. Before he died have gave Laith his cloak in hopes that after year's of training Laith may also become a warder. 


Since the day both of his parents died Laith went to live with his uncle and his best friend Calin Draman Arrya. Calin happened to be his cousin. The boys were always getting into some sort of mischief. Chasing off Miss Parram's chickens and the such. Even playing jokes on the other commoner children. The two once snuck into a prominent chapter house outside of Cairhien where illuminators stored their fireworks. The boys thought they would light a few and scare the town folk.


When the door was closed behind them Calin handed Laith a torch. Laith bent down to light the waxed tail of a firework sticking out of a box and the boys turned to scurry towards the door. The door would not open. When the box went off they are trapped inside. The explosion could be head from Selean to Taien. The house collapsed. There was not much left of Calin when his father, Laiths uncle and the towns people arrived. Laith also had lost his sight in his left eye and bares a scar on his face to remind him.


After the incident Laith blamed himself and became anger that he had lost most of his family. Driven by his desire to make a life for himself and to live up to his fathers expectations he decides now is the time he picks up the warders cloak. One day he tells his uncle that he wants to train with the warders. He's ready. He would rather die with honor than to die in as a commoner. If he is to lose his life then he dies he will be with those he lost. Laith is sent off with his fathers cloak as he packs in into his traveling bag he smiles at the thought that he has a chance to make his family proud. 


Character Reputation:

He is know to be loyal to the end. Sacrificial to a cause.






Edited by Arie
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Very good bio!

I apologize for the delay. I think I missed this because it was posted in the Club instead of the RP forum.

I'm not sure if you noticed but all of our RP stuff has been moved over here:




Bio approved, so please start having some fun 🙂 But I will move your bio over to the appropriate board!

Edited by Jagen Sedai
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  • Arie changed the title to Arrya, Laith - White Tower (Warder Trainee)



Please respond to this thread by January 31, 2024 or this character will be moved to INACTIVE.

You can reactivate this character at any time. Just PM any member of the RP Staff!

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