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Name: Isaiah Lur Fane

From: Caemlyn, Andor

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 180lbs

Body Type: Athletic(He looks like me, jeeze)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown

Age: 21

Alignment: Dreadlord.

Personality: Cool tempered, and a kind hearted person. He’ll lend himself for the betterment of others, but won’t make a real sacrifice of his being.


Isaiah was born and raised in the city of Caemlyn, the second born of three children to a merchant family. His father’s business allowed his children to be schooled from a young age, so Isaiah is well versed in a multitude of skills, from diplomacy to engineering, mathematics, and business. During his studies is when he moved into darkness. A study of politics integrated with human reason made him aware of repetitious cycles of war, peace, and collapse. “A strong age, one that can never collapse..” was his answer. His instructor took notice of Isaiah’s conclusions, and presented him with a means to achieve a strong age. Darkfriend. Though the word made his stomach turn, the possibilities it opened were undeniable. It didn’t take him long to make his choice, and his vows were soon to follow. Darkfriend. During that time, he didn’t believe that the vows went deeper then words.


Isaiah, now finished with his studies, is currently helping with his father’s business, unknowingly those vows would soon have to be answered.


Just wondering why there is no mention of the channelling since they are to be a dreadlord, unless they don't know they have the ability yet?

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