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Awesome! I'm just starting up in a group, looking forward to it!


And yes to pbp définition, have read through a few games on other sites, and seems like it would be fun to try and incorporate somehow here - potentially even better as I feel the creative writing quality would be higher... just have to figure how it would all best come together...

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On 6/2/2023 at 6:29 AM, Cass said:

Have you played RPGs or similar in real-time or play-by-post settings before @Qstar and also @Siera and @CaddySedai?


Like Kathleen said, there's also the option of shorter-term adventures here now (in the Portal Stone/One-shot) that don't require super in-depth bios etc to play and could a fun intro/way to start out!

Loving the idea of a 'Fall of Malkier' type adventure too @CaddySedai - would you like to run one?


I haven't gotten around to DnD but it's been something on the to do list. Would like to get something going. I also have not ran a play-by-post. If a rp is out together I would be interested in joining.

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On 6/29/2023 at 10:26 AM, Qstar said:

I haven't gotten around to DnD but it's been something on the to do list. Would like to get something going. I also have not ran a play-by-post. If a rp is out together I would be interested in joining.




Do you have a character arc/story idea in mind that you'd like to play out with Laith at this point, Qstar?

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On 7/2/2023 at 9:50 AM, Cass said:




Do you have a character arc/story idea in mind that you'd like to play out with Laith at this point, Qstar?

Laith has been weary of becoming a warder lately. He thinks of his parents. Their love and their bond couldn't save them. Probably want to save him. However, these thoughts are to be challenged.


With that, I'd probably work through the mechanics of Laith being bonded to an Aes Sedai. Through the bond, his loss of sight is healed by the one power. With restored sight, his technique and strength increases.


The healing is temporary, however, and must be restored at any given moment. So, the arc is simple. Laith must learn to trust and depend on being bonded to an Aes Sedai if he is to fulfill his goal of never again losing someone he cares for.









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Ooh, interesting!

I honestly keep forgetting what Characters I started to invest in and what I’m doing with them. 😛 *goes to relook through her biographies…..*


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Ahh! *proceeds to insert condensed character summary..*


Laith has an interesting backstory. His mother was Aes Sedai and his father a warder.


See bio...☺️


Feel free to reach out! 

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