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"Back in my day" The Game.


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Rules: One upmanship at its finest. The sillier the better! 


Here is how it began....


CaddySedai: I used to walk ten miles from home to the local internet cafe in order to post every day on the 14.4k modem. 56k? Hah… you think we had Sean Connery money? No. We had 14.4k and we liked it. During winter it was in six to eight feet of snow - uphill both ways - and under that snow it was just nothing but broken glass and old razor blades.  Back then we didn’t have any shoes - you just walked so much the soles of our feet turned into leather. And you know what, we had fun. And we liked it. And we never complained. 


SinisterDeath: Man you were loaded! Back in my day, we trained pigeons to delivery binary code for our internet!


CaddySedai: Oh man...I would have to apologize then for any bandwidth drops.... You see I was so poor we often had to eat those pigeons just to save up enough money to be able to afford to even say the words AT&T.


SinisterDeath: You ate? F'in rich you were. If we weren't working 30 hours a day, we were lucky if we got rock soup for dinner!


CaddySedai: You had 30 hours to work in a day? What were you - made of money? I actually had to sell back all the hours in the day and only have about 1 minute 14 seconds left.

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Woah woah woah there King George III, how lucky you were to have that! I wish I could have had a vehicle made of rust. See back in my day we couldn't even afford to have the chemical composition of rust actually combine so we had to just hold handfulls of ferric hydroxide in one hand and ferric oxide in the other and just imagine them as a singular compound! 

Edited by CaddySedai
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Threaten me with a good time why don't ya? I wish I even had rocks and trees back in my day. I had heard tales of them but all we had were drawings in the community picture book that we children fought over in Thunderdome matches.

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Look at you, Aunt Entity with your swaggy Thunderdome, Back in my day we didn't have the pleasure of beating each other to death for fun!
We were too busy scavenging food from the Giant Sloths, while being hunted by Dire Wolves and Sabretooth tigers!

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Giant Sloths? Dire Wolves? Sabretooth Tigers? Oh look at you Mr. Science Guy with your dangerous but potentially lifesaving foodsources. We were lucky back in my day to find even single celled organisms to eat while we were desperately trying to pull ourselves out of the primordial ooze. 

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Primordial ooze? Okay Jeff Bezos, I WISH we could have crawled our way out of that scrumptious Ooze.

Back in my day, we didn't even have arms to crawl out of the billion tons of dirt that crushed us into diamonds!

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Look at you Elon Musk being crushed into the hardest and most artificially valued gemstone on this planet. I wish I could have been a diamond and would be that useful! I ended up having the hardness value of talc - so literally the opposite experience you were so blessed to have!

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Pff, ok there Mozart. Being able to savor the blessed relief of death? 


Back in my day we did not simply die but were forced to row the black ships in the fleet of the dead - forever tormented - never resting - never ending pain and suffering. 

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Chill out Megan Fox with your blood obsession. At least you had the ability to make ends meet. Back in my day we didn't even have blood - simply a hard black ichor that we had to manually force through our veins to survive! And that was the good days.

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Whatever MGK, at least you got good days.
Back in my day, we didn't even have days. We existed in a timeless void where the past, present and future all happened simultaneously in a quantum entangled singularity! 

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God I envy you Mr Scott Lang with access to the quantum realm where time was a circle. 


Back in my day we existed on a true two dimensional plane and time was at a perpetual standstill!

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  • 4 months later...

SinisterDeath: Time warp? Pffft, that's nothing! I had to navigate the astral plane and battle cosmic entities just to find a glimmer of Wi-Fi signal. And when I say glimmer, I mean one pixel of signal strength! CaddySedai: Wi-Fi? You had Wi-Fi? In my time, we had to communicate through a series of blinks and interpret Morse code from fireflies to access the ancient dial-up internet. One wrong blink, and you were stuck with a wrong webpage! However, there are other places to look, such as online casino Canadian Dollars, a list of which can be found at reason I frequent there. SinisterDeath: Fireflies?! Luxury, I tell you! We had to wait for comets to pass by our planet once every hundred years just to send a single email. And if the comet didn't like you, you'd be space-mail-less for your entire existence!

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  • 3 months later...
  • Community Administrator
On 7/17/2023 at 9:30 PM, CaddySedai said:


I'm sad that guy turned out to be a spam bot. (I removed the spam link, Balefired em, but preserves the post as a warning to the others.)


Cause back in my day, my bots were cylons. 

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Gannet-on-a-stick! You could afford right angles! Look at Mr. Money bags! 


Back in my day, we had to work for ten years of back-breaking labour just to have an isosceles triangle. A right angle wasn't even in it. My dad sold his heart and both of his lungs just to look at a right angle. That's why the Daleks had such an easy time of it, with their hilarious inability to cope with a small step.

Edited by HeavyHalfMoonBlade
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  • 10 months later...

Yesh, look at you Alex Honnold, scalene the heights of luxury there.


Back in my day we didn't even have a second dimension, never mind polygons and your fancy smancy angles. Everything was right here, right now, and I tell you it was awful crowded.

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