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Fictional Character Showdown!


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  • Community Administrator

But the united states shot king kong dead with there lil 50 cal machine guns mounted to there lil planes.

King Kong died from bullets.

Godzilla has never? been killed, only subdued.

(And don't mention the subsequent sequals to the king kong movies, as those were just poor plot mechanics and people trying to make a quick buck..)

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Guest Emperor

Godzilla is like an adolescent having a temper tantrum in a store... except the store is Tokyo or NY. I am going to compare the new Godzilla movie to the newer Kong movie.... Kong takes it again hands down. Of course, Godzilla does like his doritoes.....

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Guest Emperor

So you are either voting for a non thinking dinosaur (grooowwlll my roar is loud, let me stomp on stuff) or a giant almost human gorilla (me like Jane, I strategize).

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  • Community Administrator

Yes, that strategy includes, kidnapping the lady, and climbing up to the top of a skyscraper, effectively cornering himself to be killed by 50cal machine gun fire..

<3 that strategy.

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Guest Emperor

Your right, he should had just ran around the city and knocked over buildings... very calculated....


I like this silly argument we are having....

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Guest Emperor

Ok lets break it down a little more then.


Godzilla has T-rex like hands that are really not a threat. He does have a tail that he lamely swings around and cold breath.


Kong has strong arms with opposable thumbs and at least the capacity to think, be it sometimes misguided.


Once Kong gets around that stuff Zila breaths, he would put him in a headlock and put the sleeper on him. Or grab his little tail mid swing and twirl him around his head.


So it will go like this (darn you for getting me started)


Godzilla stumbles drunkenly to a new town and stumbles against some buildings. He growls a few times, some asian tourist looks up and says his name and godzilla makes his way down main street stepping on people but with no real aim in life except being green. During his drunken excursion he steps on Jane. Kong, watching from the top of the Empire State building lets out a bellow because he had been working that action for a few weeks now. Kong quickly climbs down and confronts the drunken lizard. The epic battle has begun. Godzilla bellows out a growl, because he is just a dumb lizard and doesn't get he is about get his hiney kicked. Kong rushes the lizard and Godzilla girl strikes him with his pathetic limp hands. Kong makes his first mistake of the match and laughs a deep monkey like laugh. Godzilla doesn't understand what the fuss is about, but feels a little tickle in his throat and coughs up some of that white fire or frozen breath or whatever he does. Kong stops laughing and dodges behind a building, losing much of the hair on the back of his legs in the process. Kong will no longer toy with this giant lizard and climbs the building, jumping from the top to do a complicated elbow drop. Godzilla looks up in time to see a hairy elbow pop him in the nose. Godzilla bellows and waves his flimsy arms. Kong, not losing his advantage puts a sleeper hold on the lizard and wraps himself around the back of Godzilla. Like every movie that incorporates this move, Godzilla stumbles around and slams Kong into some buildings. Kong holds on but grunts in pain. Finally Godzilla passes out. Kong has won.

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  • Community Administrator

Except you forgot, that was just kongs hazy dream, as he failed to dodge the firey breath, and got burnt to near death.

Meanwhile kong is in a giant hospital bed being nursed back to health by mini-kongzillas...

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  • Community Administrator
kong vs zilla would more or less be like kong vs the t rex in movie. same ultimate outcome. i mean he took on three big dumb lizerds at once' date=' one handed and wone. kong all the way[/quote']


A t-rex is barely what, 20-30 feet tall?

Kong is about twice that?

Godzilla is easilly as tall as most skyscrapers in tokyo/newyork?

Eassilly 100 feet+ tall..

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Another reason why the Kong in the Godzilla vs King Kong film wasn't really Kong. If he was as big as he was in his own movie, the Empire State Building would never had been able to hold him. Fake Kong may have beaten Godzilla, but Godzilla would kick the living you know what out of the real one.

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