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If you were Shadowspawn

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Guest Barmacral

Gholam... I mean, being the ultimate fighting machine with ONE living enemy ever? How awesome would that be?


I voted gholam because then I'd be flexible enough to give Zlata a run for her money!


mmm, Zlata...


Plus, I'd have an excuse to drink blood.

Guest LurkingFadeFetcher

Any of them would be cool except Draghkar, and Trolloc,

who wants to be the worthless cannon fodder? But I have to go with Gholam! :twisted:


I'd vote Shaidar Haran if he was a choice...


I love the scene before he makes Moggie's mindtrap and they're walking down the tunnel with the spikes. They gradually get lower and lower for her while he always has plenty of head room. She's scrambling to catch up to him where there's more room but never can gain any ground. Then finally she's slinking on her belly with the spikes digging into her while Shaidar Haran is just strolling along perfectly comfortable.


Yeah, I kept trying to see the advantages of the other Shadowspawn... just to be different. Even thought a "Grey-man" might be an option...


Unfortunately there's no comparison. Gholam wins in every respect. Intelligent, Deadly, Unstopable (Unless your name is Mat Cathoun, and then you're just a problem to be dealt with), and only a few of your kind in existance?


Gholam for the WIN! :twisted:


A gholam's life must be pretty lonely, you know. Not so with the others, especially Trollocs. :wink:


Dragkhar, worthless cannon fodder? How could you slander those beauties so?!


I forgot to make Gray Men a choice--I guess that's because their power is to make people overlook them. :lol:


Mmmm, wasn't sure whether to make Shaidar Haran a separate choice. He certainly has powers above ordinary Myrddraal (such as the ability to have his way with the Chosen) but I was afraid y'all would say he should have been put with the others. Oh well.


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