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Hi. I'm new here. :)


I just started the Wheel of Time series about a month ago to pass the time while waiting for the next entry in George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series (which I assume I'll get knocked for around these parts, but anyhoo...)


I'm currently on The Path of Daggers and have really enjoyed the series to this point. Great cast of characters and really a number of totally awesome scenes, many of which I've reread dozens of times already just to absorb the awesomeness.


I figured I'd join up in case a question comes up or I need to run some thoughts by people with solid knowledge of the series, but I also enjoy art, both looking and creating. I actually made a picture of Nynaeve last night that I'd share if I can ever figure out how to upload it.


I'll also give advanced warning that I am a strong critic, even of things I'm very fond of. I won't usually shy away from pointing out things I think were poorly done in a book (movie, whatever) if it is relevant to the discussion at hand. That doesn't mean I hate the books, just that I don't consider any author infallible, even granting that he's "telling his story." ;)


As far as the standard noob stuff goes, Lord of Chaos is my favorite book in the series so far and Rand is my favorite character, though I have a silly literary crush on Nynaeve.


In case you were wondering, Bnots is pronounced bee-knots, and it's what most of my friends call me these days for reasons too complex to get into.

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welcome B-Notz! (youdon'tmindificallyouthat,right?)


*waits one second* ... good. mine.


you've told us everything we needed to know about you to try & handle you. feel free to correct our assumptions at any time; we really need the CC & we really only listen to CC from newbies.


*hands over a silver leash* ... this ish for you. use as you see fit. or hang it on your wall. kait is fine with whichever you decide, as long as you decide.


so - *rubs hands* - since i'm here, i get to plug!


BotRH - the official music Org

WT - the "official" RP(Org?)

Fiddles - the "Org" thatisn'tanOrg! SPAM lovers/haters ONLY! *newbiesignorants not allowed!*

Illuminators - the official fine arts Org

SeanChan - shave your head before you join. & don't talk about anything but what we tell you to!


& now i bow back. *bows to air*


*tacklehugglompsB-Notz* ... hope to see you kicking around in some of those areas!

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Guest Barmacral

Knocked for? Hardly, quite a few of us have read ASoIaF and quite enjoy it. Myself, I've only read a couple of the books because I'm too poor to buy the later ones and I've not got a membership with the local library.


LoC has recently won an Emperor Award as the most liked WoT book all around. (Emperor Awards are run and voted for and everything else entirely on this website)


For now you'll probably find some stuff you like in the Structured WoT discussion, but until you've read KoD I'd advise avoiding the General WoT discussion.


You will also want to visit the Illuminator's Org, as we are all about creativity over there. One of the chapterhouses is specifically for the artists.




Edit: Seeing as how Kait has beat me to welcoming you, I'm going to advise that you take everything she says with a spoonful of salt. :D

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Guest Egwene

Hi Bnots :D *wonders about the complex reasons for the name*


For info on how to discuss the books whilst avoiding those spoilers Barmy is talking about, check out the info thread here on the Newbie Board. You'll find threads about other books as well as recommendations on the general discussion board.


In the meantime, definately check out the Illuminators Org which is the creative corner here on DM. Your critiques will be welcomed as long as it is constructive criticism.

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Guest Emperor

Ummm, I dont understand her description of Seanchan (rubs his bald head) but we are the movie, tv and gaming org. Stop by and jump into any discussion you want, or make a new one.


ASOIAF is a much better series than WoT in my opinion. The day that Jordan is brave enough to kill off any of his characters... other than the Forsaken... I might become a fan again.


Welcome to DM.

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Guest Barmacral

That probably would have gone over better for you Kait, if you had gotten the person right. I'm the one who mentioned the salt, not Empy. Ha!

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Guest Barmacral

She constantly has white powder around her nostrils. I always thought it odd that she would sniff the flour before she baked with it.

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