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To Keep and to Cut


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So let’s all come to this topic agreeing on a few things. 

1. This show COULD be great and last 8 seasons. 
2. There is scenes that MUST be included to make our hearts happy. 
3. somethings have to be cut. 
4. Cuts are ok. 
5 If someone wants to cut one of our fav scenes, we won’t get mad, but explain why it is awesome!!!


Now I would love to know everyone’s fav scene that they hope is present in the show, and then one  storyline we could live without. 


Keep: Every single scene with the Aiel. They are my fav society. 
Cut:The entire Ghealdon Storyline. The prophet… Elayne and Nyn butting heads and being annoying.. . I can live without all of this. 

Edited by Katherine
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13 minutes ago, Katherine said:

So let’s all come to this topic agreeing on a few things. 

1. This show COULD be great and last 8 seasons. 
2. There is scenes that MUST be included to make our hearts happy. 
3. somethings have to be cut. 
4. Cuts are ok. 
5 If someone wants to cut one of our fav scenes, we won’t get mad, but explain why it is awesome!!!


Now I would love to know everyone’s fav scene that they hope is present in the show, and then one  storyline we could live without. 


Keep: Every single scene with the Aiel. They are my fav society. 
Cut:The entire Ghealdon Storyline. The prophet… Elayne and Nyn butting heads and being annoying.. . I can live without all of this. 


The only Aiel scenes that I don't want to see is all of the Shaido stuff after Dumai's Well.


Keep: Most, if not all, of the the scenes and storylines with the Seanchan.


Cut:  Most, if not all,, of the majority of the plot lines connected to the Bowl of the Winds. 

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Keep : Galad, Gawyn, Berelain, Aviendha, Seanchan

Cut : Cadsuane, Amys and Melaine, Morgase, Gareth Bryne, Davram Bashere, alas he is already gone Bayle Domon, all of the Sea Folk plot, Shaido, flicker flicker flicker


Reduce the Forsaken to a manageable number like 5 , let go of all of the unpalatable - lets be honest noone is allowing Semihrage in this show or for that matter Rahvin or Graendal


Just stop adding stuff...

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Keep: Dumai's Wells (obviously), all of the aelfinn and eelfinn scenes, Noal and the Jain Farstrider reveal, Mat's rescue of Moiraine


Cut: That whole long, drawn out and entirely unnecessary subplot where Egwene leaves the Two Rivers, does some stuff, becomes the Amyrlin Seat somehow, and winds up participating in the Last Battle.

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Keep: Egwene training with the Aiel wise ones. The plot with Perrin and Faile in Two Rivers. Every scene that has Loial or Verin.

Cut: People spending a lot of time deciding on their outfits in dreams. Anything involving spanking. I love the white tower politics but there are too many sisters to keep track of...maybe condense some of that, especially under the Elaida era.

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I could write tons of these but here are some…



1) Perrin’s return to the Two Rivers 


2) Caemlyn throne room with the heron marked blade (season two maybe?) 


3) Cairhien and Daes Dae’mar  


4) Callandor 


5) Keep the Black Tower 





1) Masema 


2) Elayne succession (or condense) 


3) The circus


4)  Shaido stealing Faile (or condense) 


5) Cut some of the White Tower politics 




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1 hour ago, dorotea said:

Keep : Galad, Gawyn, Berelain, Aviendha, Seanchan

Cut : Cadsuane, Amys and Melaine, Morgase, Gareth Bryne, Davram Bashere, alas he is already gone Bayle Domon, all of the Sea Folk plot, Shaido, flicker flicker flicker


Reduce the Forsaken to a manageable number like 5 , let go of all of the unpalatable - lets be honest noone is allowing Semihrage in this show or for that matter Rahvin or Graendal


Just stop adding stuff...

Gah!! I love Amy’s and Melanie!!! Melanie marrying her husband ( can’t remember his name) and becoming sister wives with his existing wives did a great job world building ! 

I love Amys….. but I guess realistically you could combine her with Sorilea

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24 minutes ago, JaimAybara said:

I could write tons of these but here are some…



1) Perrin’s return to the Two Rivers 


2) Caemlyn throne room with the heron marked blade (season two maybe?) 


3) Cairhien and Daes Dae’mar  


4) Callandor 


5) Keep the Black Tower 





1) Masema 


2) Elayne succession (or condense) 


3) The circus


4)  Shaido stealing Faile (or condense) 


5) Cut some of the White Tower politics 




Omg please no circus!!!!

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10 minutes ago, Katherine said:

Omg please no circus!!!!

I know! Ugh. It just doesn’t have the same charm thematically that it had for previous generations. I never enjoyed it. But, I get why he had it, it was a subplot and vehicle for something to happen character wise while they were traveling. I think the only part of the circus I liked was Birgitte using her bow in an act. What should they replace it with? Because there are a lot of tie-ins to other plot lines with the circus. 

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8 minutes ago, Still Trench said:

Keep: Rodel Itrualde and his rolling string of epic defeats 


Cut: Ebou Dar, all of it, cut out the entire country and all its inhabitants and especially the Bowl of The Winds, or at least make it a serving platter or maybe a gravy boat. 

I would have liked the bowl of the winds more if the Seafolk were explored more. It also did serve as an important stopgap, but yeah, take it to Goodwill. 

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36 minutes ago, Dozer said:


Cut - All of Padain Fain political maneuvers with the Whitecloacks or condense


Maybe a hot take here, but what about this?


keep Fain and have Perrin kill him with Mat as a change in the last battle? That way he actually gets closure for the murder of his family which is directly linked to his moves with the Whitecloaks. I always thought the death of Fain was misplaced/not quite right. My only big complaint in the last battle to be honest. 


Edited by JaimAybara
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28 minutes ago, JaimAybara said:

Maybe a hot take here, but what about this?

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keep Fain and have Perrin kill him with Mat as a change in the last battle? That way he actually gets closure for the murder of his family which is directly linked to his moves with the Whitecloaks. I always thought the death of Fain was misplaced/not quite right. My only big complaint in the last battle to be honest. 


Definitely cool but his commitment to the Way of the Leaf at this point really doesn't lead to vengence



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58 minutes ago, JaimAybara said:

Maybe a hot take here, but what about this?

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keep Fain and have Perrin kill him with Mat as a change in the last battle? That way he actually gets closure for the murder of his family which is directly linked to his moves with the Whitecloaks. I always thought the death of Fain was misplaced/not quite right. My only big complaint in the last battle to be honest. 



You're missing the worst part about the last battle: Bela dies.  Bela should have survived, and been the horse Rand 'stole' at the end. 


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7 minutes ago, Theseus78 said:
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You're missing the worst part about the last battle: Bela dies.  Bela should have survived, and been the horse Rand 'stole' at the end. 



That goes without saying…but in all honestly, in reprints, having a shaggy mare walk up beside him as he lights his pipe would be perfect. 


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Instead of cut: I want a whole spin off on the wolves. There. I said it. Gimme wolves!


Keep: as much as is needed to make the story flow naturally.

Cut: everything that stops the story flowing.


There is a drawback in knowing and loving the books, holding on to our preciously loved scenes in our own imagination. We have filled in the blanks of the books ourselves and added to the story that way. There may be scenes that I love, in my mind, that just never really played out that way, actually, in the books. I will never see those in the series. Logical.


So I am looking for an experience in seeing the story told new, with a few hooks and supports from the books. Kinda like how fairy tales are told over and over and are never the same. I still love every telling of a Cinderella or Red Ridinghood story.

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There's one thing that I want to see kept above all else, Tuon exactly as RJ wrote her.


I want to see her treating women who can channel as animals and truly believing it's the right thing to do. I want to see her proud of how she breaks her Damane. I want her relationship with Mat to be exactly the same. I want an actual portrayal of what a good person brought up in that environment would be like.


If they go with the generic "I don't actually believe in this stuff and it's all going to change when I'm in power" then I'm going to be very disappointed.


Cut all the Forsaken resurrections except for Moridin and Arangar, those two are enough to show the Dark One's power.

Edited by AusLeviathan
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-Rand trying to bring the tiny girl back to life in the Stone

-Dumai's Wells as a whole. The capture, the torturing, the battle, the aftermath



-Mat's fight with Gawyn&Galad


-Moiraine's death

-Perrin's return to Two Rivers. Makes me cry everytime.

-Bubbles of Evil

-The One Power as powerful as it was in the books. No debuffs needed.




-Shaido after Dumai's Wells. Only few should survive.

-Condense Faile's capture.

-Some of the abusive stuff from Perrin's and Faile's relationship. Never liked it.

-Condense Mat's journey to Caemlyn. Someone could make a gateway for them.

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