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Welcome to the Real


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Welcome one and all to the new boards, as you can see they are not that different to some of the off site OOC boards each Div has. Hopefully this will help smooth over any problems with the move....so enjoy yourselves, and try not to break the boards too often






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  • 1 month later...

*laughs at Blade*


Good words, my fellow Community Bander! Nothing beats a Community side Battle Brew! ;)


Well, this is the ORG Leader of the Band of the Red Hand here! I know in the past I have tried to forge links between the RP and Community side with the Band of the Red Hand, but that failed as I lost the link to the RP side. But now we are back together in one place, I hope we can go ahead and rebuild those links as our members swap between the two parts.


Our campfires are always open to you if ever you want to spend time with us. I hope that some of you take this offer up and we try and rebuild this link, as I feel it should be an important one. If you like talking about travelling and music, then you fill fit in right with us! Also, if you like having a little bit of fun and games, you will fit in as well.


I know in the past I have said I would RP with you, and I do plan to. Unfortunately I have hit a rather busy period with lots of revision, exams and work to contend with, but I hope that come the summer, I should be able to participate a lot more.


I have a feeling you will be proud of us as we actually have our own mini RP thread/story called The Quest. We are restarting this up now the change in boards in complete. It has proved a success in the past, and I hope it will do again in the future. Plus we have an RP style game based on the luck of rolling dice!


Enough recruiting! ;) I knew Estel has done the same in the past, and managed to snag a few Community Banders to your cause! Recruiting isn't the main aim of my post here. My main aim is that both the Community and RP side can build a long and fruitful working relationship together.


I hope you all join in with me when I shout:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Blood and Bloody ashes!!! :evil:


Its taken me four days to get in here! My stupid spam catcher on my e-mail got my register e-mail from Dragonmount. I've been searching through hundreds of spam to find it...




...but, the good news is I finally did find it, and now I'm here!!!


Ya for me :wink:



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