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[BotRH] The Hornsounder - March 2007 Edition


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1. Editorial (Mystica)

- Introduction of HS

- HS Team


2. BoTRH (Corki)

- Word from Marshal-General, Corki

- Current Active Banders

- Banders' Birthdays by Tigara

- Columns

~ Marshal-General's Recommendations

~ Dear Horn

~ Gaul’s Story

- Band Awards

- Band Org Game by Footman/Deathdealer

~ Monthly update

~ Feast of Lights

- Band Lottery by Bridmorgan

- Band Travels by JimRaynor

- Music of the Band (Apollo)


3. Regiments

Archers (Amavia)

Cavalry (Direwolfjon)

Infantry (Footman)

~ Infantry News by Taymist

~ Official Infantry Brew by Karaj


4. Raw Recruits (Horn)

- Introduction of the RR Program

- Current Active Recruits

- News and Announcements

~ news

~ novelties/changes

~ promotions and awards for Recruits


5. Red Arms, the Band's Nutball Police (K’Jar)

- Introduction of the RA system

- Current Red Arms

- Announcements & Rewards

- Spotfines & Challenges


6. Specials (Mystica)

- Intro by EiC

- Snacks: What to feed a horse by Raw Recruit JimRaynor

- How the Joust Once Was by Raw Recruit Tiresias

- The Wonderfulness of Taymist by Private First Class Gaul

- Why I Chose the Infantry by Corporal JimRaynor


7. Entertainment (Mystica)

HS Contests

~ HS Scavenger Hunt by Mystica

~ HS Word Scramble by Mystica

HS Games

~ Crossword Puzzle by Taymist

~ Wordsearch by Horn

~ Arrowword by Karaj



8. Dragonmount (Mystica)

- Introduction by Mystica

~ Orgs

~ ~ Black Tower by Safia

~ ~ Illuminators by Safia

~ ~ Ogier by Taymist

~ ~ Seanchan by Emperor

~ ~ The Kin by Taymist

~ ~ White Tower by Maria

~ ~ Wolfkin by Taymist


9. Wheel of Time – (Taymist)

- 4th Age Podcast

- Robert Jordan Blog

- WOT Online Store




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Welcome HS Reader!


Hornsounder is the Band of the Red Hand’s newspaper. Now, before you head off again, thinking this is just too boring to bother checking out, allow yourself a moment to get at least a view of what HS has to offer you. For you will discover that this is not your average, basic, read-only newspaper. In fact, HS counts on your active participation, involvement and feedback to reach the quality and fun level the team is aiming at.


This month you are witnessing the birth of a whole new Hornsounder. Indeed our team has been working hard to give the newspaper a complete and full make-over. There were times in the past when you would be confronted with a singular, non-stop, monotone line of articles. Hornsounder is now organised, structured and interactive.


More than that, HS now expands its borders towards the whole of the DM community, inviting members of all Orgs and Divs to participate in the fun. That includes those of you that are lurking about, not (yet?) part of any Org or Div. For you too are a member of Dragonmount and therefore Hornsounder is your newspaper too. Although Hornsounder is and remains a BoTRH newspaper and therefore the bulk of the newspaper will cover the Band’s news, announcements and events, each Dragonmount Org, Div and General board have now a place in the paper.


You can (and hopefully will) be part of your Hornsounder. Be it as a Reporter, joining in on one of the Competitions that will be organised or by playing one of the free standing games. The choice is entirely up to you. Banders have access to all the aspects of Hornsounder but Non-Banders too can be part of it, albeit somewhat limited.


How does this new Hornsounder work?


See the following post to get aquainted with the workings of the new Hornsounder and how you can participate as a reporter or in one of the competitions/games.


The whole Hornsounder Team wishes you a great time on your discovery of the many fun, strange, interesting and hilarious events hidden somewhere in your newspaper.



Editor in Chief


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Hornsounder’s team is made up by an Editorial and a Reporter team. You will notice some people emerging in both teams, which is not a typo. Some of our members are so enthusiastic and find the things they do for Hornsounder so much fun that they simply want more, which I am happy to oblige.


The Editorial and Section Senior Reporter team is somewhat static and will remain the same for some time.

The Project/Freelance Reporter team on the other hand can shift with each edition.


1. (semi) Permanent Team



- Editor in Chief (EiC): Mystica

- Senior Editor (SE): Tiren Sormia

- Graphic Editor (GE): Son of Battles


Section Senior Reporters:

- Band of the Red Hand: Corki

- Band Org Game: Footman/Deathdealer

- Music: Apollo

- Columns: Horn, Corki, Gaul

- Lottery: Bridmorgan

- Travel: Mystica

- Banders Real Life: Footman/Deathdealer

- Band Awards: Taymist

- JoTS monthly winner: Mystica

- Archer Regiment: Amavia

- Cavalry Regiment: Direwolf Jon

- Infantry Regiment: Footman/Deathdealer

- Raw Recruits: Horn

- Redarms: K’Jar

- Specials: Mystica

- Entertainment: Mystica

- Dragonmount: Mystica

- Wheel of Time: Taymist




2. Monthly Team: March 2007


Project Reporters

- Competitions: Scavenger Hunt (Mystica), WoT Word Scramble (Mystica)

- Games: Arrowwords (Karaj), Crossword (Taymist), Wordsearch (Horn)

- Travel: Banders travels in February and March : JimRaynor

- Infantry Section: Karaj


Freelance Reporters

Raw Recruit Tiresias, Raw Recruit JimRaynor, Gaul



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A warm welcome to everyone reading the Band's newsletter, The Hornsounder. I hope that you enjoy reading the articles which Banders have put a lot of time and effort into.


So, what is the Band of the Red Hand ORG all about? Well, our ORG focus is music and travel. Banders write reviews about any albums, old or new, that they have as well as any gigs and concerts they have been to and various locations around the world they've visited. Responses to these reviews are encouraged, which gives Banders points and these points allow for promotion through the ranks.


When you first join the Band, you become a Raw Recruit, where you experience life with each of the three Regiment (Archers, Cavalry, Infantry) and the Band itself as well. After your three weeks of doing different tasks as a Recruit, you can then pick the Regiment you wish to join and thus become a fully flegded Bander.


The Band is not all about work, as we have many fun activities going on. Apart from our assortment of simple games, we have our ORG Game, created by Canis Rufus with the help of Mallett. Everything is based on the roll of dice, so build up your stats to give yourself the chance of getting better rolls! Once you've taken the seven easy lessons, you can then challenge any Bander to a duel in the Arena and bring great glories to your name! Look out for Festivals of Games as another way to achieve recognition!


Over the coming weeks, the Band will be shifting its focus at DM. Yes, there will still be spam threads but we are moving towards music discussions to encourage activity there, as well as getting non-Banders to interact with us. There will also be the Artist of the Month, which a Bander will champion and lead the discussion on. This will be an extremely exciting time and I hope everyone joins in the fun that there is to have.


As you can see, the Band is a place with a variety of activities, hopefully catering for everyone's needs. There are various activities for those who want points to go up the ranks, or fun and games for those who want to socialise. The Band is open to everyone, so come and join the fun at the best ORG at DM!






The M-G's Recommendation

(by Corki, Marshal-General of the BoTRH)




It is brilliant to resurrect this thread from the deepest, darkest depths of The Hornsounder! The way this article works is that I choose one things (place, film book, music artist, whatever) and review it and give it a mark out of 10. So, for this month, I am picking a film on a topic that is closely associated to my degree - the film 300, based on Frank Miller's comic book on the Battle of Themopylae between 300 Spartans and the hordes of the Persian Army.


So, on the first night the film was out in the UK, off I went, trying to hide my historical knowledge of events based on Herodotus. I am pleased to say it didn't fall into the category that Troy did. I haven't read Herodotus in a while, but most of the film was based on his version of events. I also pleased that they got several quotes from Herodotus in, as well as the epitaph to those 300 Spartans. I've never really studied the Spartans in great detail, but the introduction of the film gave good basic information on the way the Spartans brought up their children.


I don't know what others thought, but I found the film extremely slow, and this sort of made me lose interest in places. I think this was enhanced by the slow motion special affects during the fight scenes, which, to be honest, got a bit boring once you saw them for the first time. But I can understand why this was done, and that was to get the comic book feel into the film.


Over the weekend, I read an article in The Times newspaper that said the film was Pro-America and Anti-Iran. If I hadn't read this article, I don't think I would have noticed this at all. However, I really do not know what the Iranians are complaining about - the Persians (Persia is now modern day Iran) got beat eventaully, and the victors always write the history. And of course, it's going to be biased.


What did strike me was this comparison between perfect and imperfect, as well as good and bad. Yes, the Spartans did pick the best men and I liked the way that the traitor was shown to be a cripple. If this was actually the case, I don't think we'll ever know! The exotic nature of the Persian army was well illustrated with the various different men thrown into battle, and the Greeks did view the Persians as exotic barbarians. And well done for all the use of the gold in the Persian army, and especially on Xerxes! If you ever read Aeschylus' play, Persians, this image of gold is very apparent!


Overall, I thought it was a good film, with some good points like the portrayal of the Persians as it was from Greek eyes, but sadly some bad points like Thempoylae being next to the sea. It was a lot better than Troy (that wasn't difficult!), but it wasn't in the field that Gladiator was. I will probably end up buying the DVD when it comes out, and I am also interested in reading the actual comic book to see how different the book was from the film.


Now, as a Classicist, I'm just wondering what next ancient historical event they are going to cover...





Dear Horn

(by Horn of Valere, Executive Officer)





I am currently obsessed with the color orange, for some strange reason. I don't even like the color! I just seem to be stuck in this Orange rut, where everything I wear has to be orange...I only eat orange foods, and lately, I have even painted my house, every wall, and piece of furniture orange as well. EVEN MY DREAMS ARE ORANGE :o :o :o Please Help!


Thank You!

Blue in an Orange World



You don’t need help! You have just found the meaning of perfection. Just try to keep it up!




I have recently become a Raw Recruit in the legendary Band of the Red Hand, but I have ambition. I don't want to be a low rank like private or a corporal - I want power! Power! So, Horn, can you tell me how I can achieve my power? Tell me about the strengths and weaknesses of those in power, and how I might give these people a nasty accident?


Thank you,

Power Hungry Recruit



There is not just one way to get power here! If it is rank that you want, you can easily get points by writing Jak o’ the Shadows verses or writing responses to Reviews. If you do those, you will go up the ranks in no time! If, however, power is what you want, that is simple too! First, you need to find someone with power. Second, either seduce them, or hire someone to steal their passwords from them. Then you can get into their account and have them declare you their leader! It is simply genius! Just tell them Horn sent you, and the Redarms won’t mind at all!




I know marriage is a difficult thing, and the first year is always supposed to be the hardest, because you are each adjusting to each other. I need some advice though. I am not working right now, but I do bring in big checks periodically, that are equivalent to what I would have made per year had I been working a part time job. Just because I am not working, does that mean that I am the one who has to cook for my significant other, do all of the cleaning, and follow my spouse around picking things up that are just thrown around without a care? My spouse seems very unwilling to compromise on this, with the sole excuse of being the one working. But I also go to school, maybe I’m not there as often as my spouse is at work, but I do have things to do. What do you think? Am I overreacting?


Thank you!

Disgruntled Maid in Manhattan



First let me congratulate you on your recent marriage! You really do present me with a hard question, but rather than take the route most columnists take, I won’t take the easy way out and just suggest counseling.

Perhaps there would be a way after all to convince your spouse that this is a team effort. Try figuring out just how many hours each of you has school or work each week. Do the hours compare? If they do, sit down with your spouse and show him that you work just as hard as he does, the only difference being your payout will come at a later point after you graduate. Perhaps when he sees you are working just as hard as he is, room for negotiation will open. If you need to, also add in time spent on homework!


And if that doesn’t work, tell him if you do all the work at home, everything is decorated in Orange from that moment on! If he does what you ask, you win, but if he does not, you get an Orange house! Yay!




Gaul’s Short Story

(by Gaul)



Chapter 1.



Gaul was in the heat of battle. It was just a mile into the blight. A trolloc started running at Gaul, and Gaul sprinted at the monstrasity and sliced it's leg. It fell to the ground and men and trolloc alike trampled all over it. It was,of course, dead now. Gauled turned around and saw a trolloc literally an inch from him with an arrow in it's chest. It fell to the ground, and of course his freind Sheli was there nocking another arrow.... and shot it towards him!She was a Darkfriend! Gaul ducked and heard the arrow hit flesh. She was shooting at a trolloc that was behind him,"Well, you saced my life twice today Sheli... in the same 30seconds,"Gaul looked at the trolloc running to Sheli. Gaul was at the trolloc and impaled it with his spear, "Now all I have to do is save your life again," Gaul laughed,"It is ok old friend," Sheli said with a smile. The reason Gaul and Sheli were in the blight was because Lord Mat,probally ordered by the carn'a'carn, ordered them to go into the blight and kill any shadowsouled, to make the job easier on the borderlanders. Gaul and Sheli walked off to some underbush and hid there for some unsuspecting trollocs.

After an hour or so some 8 trolloc came trotting down the road. These trollocs were actually heavily armed. Sheli looked at Gaul and Gaul nodded. Sheli knew the plan. Gaul sprinted up behind the trolloc party quietly and cracked a trolloc's neck. Then he speared the next trolloc in the neck. Both silent kills. Soon about 2 arrows were in the sky and caught two trollocs. Both falling to the ground. The other four trollocs had their sheilds up looking at Gaul. Gaul rushed at a trolloc and slit it's neck. He threw his spear at a fleeing trolloc, the other two trollocs started to run away. Sheli jumped out of the underbush and starting shooting arrows. The two trollocs had feathers sticking out of their backs.

While Sheli and Gaul were moving the bodies into the bushes, Gaul saw a letter on one of the trollocs and read it,"Oh no!" Gaul exclaimed, "What is it Gaul?" Enquired Sheli. He let her read it. Sheli said "Run to the main camp Gaul and tell the Marshal General Corki, He needs to know this. I will stay here and move the bodies. I will start heading to the caveraly camp and borrow a horse off of them so I can meet you in the main camp. Or in the infantry camp," Gaul nodded and ran as fast as he could.


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The Org Game Monthly Update

With Mr. Pink, Footy, and Grim

(by Deathdealer)



Mr. Pink - Let’s talk first about the games that finished up this past month! What do you say, Grim?


Grim – What do I say? I say you can take yer flaming games and shove ‘em up yer-


Mr. Pink – OooooKay!! Thank you, Grim, for that commentary! I’ll just review those fights for the folks back home! This past month saw only a few fights, as most folks were nursing hangovers from the Feast of Lights. With that in mind there were only three finished fights this month! The first fight was a lovers’ spat on a deadly scale. Our M-G Corki stepped up to the love of his life, North Star. In the end, it was the old Cav soldier over the Archer. For a fight that started on May 6th of 2006, you can only imagine what people had to say about the results! Let’s check out this tape of our field correspondent, Footy.


Footy (previously taped) – Well, I’m here with one spectator that was there at the beginning of the match! Sir, what did you think about this fight?


Old man with two foot long beard – What?! What did you say? What did I think of the fight? I’ll tell you! I was a young, clean shaven man when the fight started! I spent my entire life savings on the expensive dogs and brew they sell at the arena, and now I’m bent back and old!!


Footy – There you have it folks! One long fight!!


Mr. Pink – Well, there it is from the man on the scene. The other two fights did not end in any such fashion, as the two losers were disqualified for failure to finish the fight. Leaving Cuma and Cannis the losers and Footman and Corki the winners!


Now we move onto the fights that are in progress. Before we go to our field correspondent, Footy, let’s here from my studio counterpart, Grim.


Grim – Studio counterpart?! Sound too close to you thinking we’re bleedin’ equals, sonny Jim! Let me tell you this here one goat kissin’ thing! We ain’t counterparts, partners, friends, family, and we sure as bloody ashes ain’t equals!!


Mr. Pink – Thank you for that comment, Grim. Down to you, Footy!


Footy (in the midst of a battle) – Alright, ladies, gentlemen, and Banders! We have more fighting going on here than an Aiel blood feud! The fights in the arena are Kris of the Infantry fighting against Tay and Kieran, while Tay is fighting Kris, Kieran, Corki, and myself!! Kieran isn’t only fighting those women, but also against Froix, but little action is happening there! As for this field reporter, I’m defending against Northie, Sir Riva, and Taymist at current! The only other fight that is active at the moment is K’Jar vs. DJ that just started! Let’s go take a look at the current standings between the M-G and the Infantry C-G! The fight is about midway through, with Tay and Corki both looking strong! Corki with his large pointed stick is barely able to keep up with the bare fisted –


Grim (interrupting from the studio) – Could you get her to fight bare chested? What? What do you mean my mic is on? Who the hel- (Grim’s voice cuts out)


Footy (continues as if nothing had happened) – with the bare fisted Infantry leader. Both are giving all they’ve got, and it is showing by the blood and bruises on each fighter! Back to you, Mr. Pink!


Mr. Pink (not knowing he’s back on) – What in the Light were you thinking, Grim?! I have a mind to jump up on this desk and kick the living sh- (realizes they are on, and turns from Grim.) Thank you, Footy!


Grim – Kick the what outta me?! I’ll rip your head off and spit down the hole!! I’ll tear your legs off and beat you with them!! You are a dead man!!! (Security comes, and then more, and then more, and finally remove a kicking and screaming Grim)


Mr. Pink - Well… Again, thank you, Footy. That wraps up this month’s Org Game Review with Grim, Footy, and me, Mr. Pink! Join us next month for more blood and guts! Good night, and good fight!




The Feast of Lights – An In Depth Look at the Band’s First Competition.

(By Footman Grim)




The beginning of January saw the start of The Feast of Lights Festival. This was the very first Band wide competition that utilized The Band’s Org Game. Using the acquired skills of Strength, Accuracy, and Speed, The Band members competed in six different events.


The first was the Arm Wrestle to determine the Bander’s ability to swing a sword, hold steady a lance, or draw back a bow repeatedly in battle. With delightful efficiency, the arm wrestle went off without a hitch, and saw some very close competitions. In the end it was Footman over Northstar by one of the closest matches in the entire festival, requiring a tie breaker! Sir Riva, of the Cavalry, rounded out the top three, enabling all Band Regiments to be represented on the medal table!


The next covered event was an Archers’ skill of dagger throwing. Each contestant had a few moments to grab as many daggers as they could from the table before heading to the target. At twenty-five paces, the man-sized stuffed target seemed small and impossible to hit. With the bull’s eye worth four points and rings going down to one point the trick of the match was getting enough daggers quickly (without getting cut) and then possessing the ability to throw them. Taymist, the current Infantry Captain-General claimed a respectable Bronze medal, while Sir Riva came through for the Cavalry for the Silver. In first place for the Gold was the favored of the Festival, the Infantry’s Footman.


After the Dagger throw was the joust, widely considered the most popular of any Festival. With the thunder of hooves and the determination of riders, the joust saw fierce competition. Not everything went as tradition dictates. Footman competed in his first joust horseless, while Sir Riva wore a gumbo pot for a helm. In the end, the Marshal-General showed off his battle prowess in taking home the Gold for the Senior Staff. All-in-all, the Cavalry dominated the event with 3 out of the top four competitors hailing from the Cavalry.


Following the Joust was the Strongest Red Hand. Each participant had only to lift a stone five times. Unfortunately for the lifters, that stone weighed as much as two grown men! With plenty of sprained backs, pulled shoulders, broken toes, and even a few concussions, the stone lift had more casualties than any other event in the Festival! In a total upset, the one favored to destroy his competition, Footman was knocked out in the first round by Archer Northstar. Taking the longest to finish, due to injuries, the stone lift may have seen its first and last Festival in the Band. Bringing in one more Bronze is Sir Riva, while the ladies, Tay and Northie lifted their way into the finals. Northie brought home the Gold/Silver for the Archers while the Infants gained a Gold/Silver through the efforts of Taymist.


The next to last event was a competition of skill, aim, and steady hands. The archery booth varied from whimsical rounds dealing with breaking bows and bent arrows, to the dead aim seriousness of total concentration. Showing off the skills with horse bow or long bow and everything in between, the contestants fired at four moving targets of varying distance per round. Each round the targets moved faster and faster, making the fourth shot on each the most difficult due to speed and distance. In the end it was Northstar’s abilities that earned her a Bronze. For the other two of the top three, their abilities were so closely matched, that they ended in a tie for first place. Both Manny and Footy brought home Gold for skills with the bow!


The final event was a determination of speed and endurance as Banders raced on foot against one another. With three heats starting out, the members of The Band of the Red Hand proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that some would survive a retreat only at the sacrifice of those slower. The final heat for the event saw some lightening quick feet belonging to: Goldeneyes05, Vorkia, Manriva, Corki, Northie and Taymist. In the largest upset of the entire event, an unranked opponent ran his heart out to capture the Gold for this final event! Goldeneyes05 showed everybody that the underdog can still compete and gain fame and glory!


As the events drew to an end, the closing ceremony took place. The Band of the Red Hands Marshal-General presided over the event and awarded the medals and trophies. The two trophies given out were for the Champion of the Feast of Lights and for the most creative participant. Both trophies were created by the Hornsounders own Graphic design Editor, Sheli!! This reporter is delighted to say that both of those trophies were a prize to win and will hold a special and honored place on my mantle next to my Matrims!!


The last announcement our esteemed leader had to make was the winner of the Regimental competition. In third place was the Archers, followed by the Cavalry in second. The winner of the first Regimental competition of the year was the Infantry. With 5 more competitions to go, though, it is anybody’s competition!


The evening seemed to be ending as Corki made his closing comments, but the Regimental Generals had other plans. In a stunning display of skill at arms by all three Regiments, the Cavalry, Archers, and Infantry Generals began a second ceremony. This one opened with unparalleled horsemanship and perfect lance work. With the help of impossible Archery skills, the second ceremony lit the night up in the glow of red fire and amazing fireworks. The Infantry joined the fray with a delightful dance of flaming swords, as the three Generals moved across the field in perfect unison, moving their duel flaming blades at blurring speeds. To end the display, the lady Generals of the Archers devastated targets with bulls eye after bulls eye, causing them to flame up, and lighting a Red Hand that was 5 spans high!


With the display over, each Regiment produced gifts to each of the three Band Commanders. From the Archers came a bow for Corki and enchanted quivers to Corki, Vorkia and Horn. Following the Archers, came the Cavalry with three colts as gifts to be trained by the three Senior Staff members. These horses had the ability to communicate with their owners with telepathy, and could be trained into formidable warhorses. The last Regiment, the Infantry, presented cuendillar swords to each. Along with the gifts was the acknowledgement that the XO, UC, and MG were of all three Regiments. But the night had one last surprise. As the last Infantry sword was presented to Corki, the Band broke into a chorus of Jak o’ the Shadows in honor of the three leaders. At the end of the song, each leader was presented a coveted Everful Stein or Flask.


Following the gift presentation, acceptance speeches were made by the moved Band leaders before the ceremony broke into what the Band does best: a party!


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February 2007

(by Bridmorgan)



Welcome to the newest edition of the Hornsounder and one of its new columns! Every month the winners of the previous month's lotto will be posted here along with some commentary by yours truly.


As I was tallying up the winners, I noticed something startling. Is it me or are there certain people who win every month? Footman, Nighty...are they lucky or is it somehting else. Or maybe it is just that there are so few Lotto players each week that the odds are for them. I think it's time that all of us that haven't signed up should! Why let these select few who win every week continue to rake in the chips. I say we make a stand and sign up for the Lotto so this travesty will not continue! And so without further gilding the lily and with no more ado, I give to you your winners of the February Lotto!


North Star - 16

Twinflower - 13

Nighteyes - 9

K'Jar - 8

Lord Horn - 5

Sir Riva - 5

Corki - 4

Footman - 3

Danya - 2

Direwolf Jon - 2

Mystica - 2

Taymist - 2


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February and March Travel Reviews

(By Jimraynor)


Over the past two months, since our last edition of the Hornsounder, Band members have traveled quite a bit. These travels have taken many Banders to places quite as interesting, as dangerous and as fun, as Robert Jordan's fantastical travels. Places such as fabled Ireland, urban St Louis, and rugged New Zealand. To kick off the article, I'll start with a place not so near but very dear to me, New Zealand. Our very own Cav member, Aiotanga (Tanga for short), visited the mountain of Taranaki, NZ, for his Aunt's 90th birthday party. The scene is as picturesque as most of New Zealand dominated by the picture perfect mountain of New Zealand, the kind of place that you think of when you hear "mountain", a perfect rugged spire with a straight snowline about three quarters of the way up its peak. After much preparation Aiotanga and 200 relatives partied almost constantly for 24 hours, finally wrapping up after his auntie left (an admirable accomplishment considering the miserable state of many reunions in the States). From fun to "interesting" we present Mystica's visit to Ethiopia a grand adventure complete with malaria, giant mosquitoes, electrocution, and bitemarks from toilet seats. The food is spicy requiring more stomach than a Texas chili bar and rejoices in the name of Injera.


Ye Olde Ireland, or some such. We had a record two visits to Ireland over the past two months (making me question how good the beer must be) one visit from Bridmorgan and one from Taymist. Brid went to Blarney Castle, Ireland and noted the cow patties, nettles, fairy rings and five star hotels, all of which Ireland is famous for, I think. Anyway, now to Tay who visited Omagh in County Tyrone, Ireland, a busy town easily accessible from the capital city of Belfast among other places. The main activities here; golfing, shopping and lots of each with some seem to include fishing and unique museums, such as the Ulster American Folk Park dedicated to Irish who immigrated to the States among other places.


Lastly but most certainly not least the States, Dover Downs Delaware and good ole Seattle Washington herself, home of one of my most hated football teams, the Seahawks. Firstly, Footy, our resident in slippers (pink), visited Dover Downs, Delaware to work the slots with family, most certainly there to gamble away his life savings at the horse races, the Casino and the fancy hotel. Or not. Footy did well, coming out ahead at the slots. However, stay away from virtual blackjack as the dealers are unnaturally lucky. Footy gave good gambling advice and enjoyed the food, if not the senior citizens dancing. Seattle on the other hand was graced by a visit from our good XO, Lord Horn, what the beautiful city did to earn such a visit is far beyond me, it makes his recommendation carry far more weight with us poor lowly recruits. Anywho the Space Needle is Seattle's most notable feature, a towering spire with a UFO on top built for the 1962 World's fair. A far less notable feature would be Seattles underground, left over from when the city was raised to accommodate local conditions. Despite being less noticeable, Lord Horn praised the underground as interesting and worth a visit as the reputable (and far less so) parts of town. Other features of Seattle include Starbucks (the original), a pig statue and Grunge music. By far an eight out of ten on my to do list.


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by Apollo



Welcome to the Hornsounder's brand new Music Section. As many of you already know, the Band of the Red Hand serves as, among other things, Dragonmount's Music organization. To serve that end, I have been given the possibly dubious honour of putting together this section every month or so. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy!


~ Apollo

Lieutenant-Captain, Infantry Regiment



The Good, And The Bad



The Good:



Noel Gallagher: How bout it, Chief? The Oasis lead guitarist and sometime singer has had one hell of a month. He's continued on with his solo gigs, playing at sites such as Moscow and two consecutive nights at the Royal Albert Hall in London for Teenage Cancer Trust. He was joined by Oasis rhythm guitarist Gem Archer, percussionist Terry Kirkbride, and also by musical legend Paul Weller for covers of The Jam's "The Butterfly Collector" and The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love."


Paul Weller: The legendary frontman for The Jam and The Style Council reportedly spat on a picture of Sting backstage at his gig with Noel Gallagher at the Teenage Cancer Trust. Well done.


Kings of Leon: Now, I know the rest of you haven't heard their new album yet, but trust me: it's absolutely mega.




The Bad:



Sting: Just because he exists. And, also, because he's managed to sell out now even more than he did initially with The Police. You don't need the money, so why are you here? Go back to being every middle-aged housewife's favourite solo artist. You'll still be irrelevant, no matter what you do.


Kele Okereke: The Bloc Party frontman recently called Oasis "one of the most overrated groups of all time," and that "they made stupidity hip." Besides using the word "hip," a hanging offence in my book, he then went on to slag off football and beer drinking, while endorsing class A drug use. Tell you what, Kele, since you've gone to uni and all that, and are supposedly smart, why can't you make a band even half as good as the "stupidity-glorifying" Oasis? Your band hasn't even bloody started. Bad name, bad songs, bad albums, bad singer. Just go away into your dark corner and leave us be.




Album of the Month:



*Note: This goes by U.S. release dates, seeing as how I live in New York now.



Amy Winehouse, Back to Black: You really can't go wrong with Amy Winehouse. She has just about everything: an incredibly soulful voice, songs hearkening back to the glory days of 60's girl groups, and even a few moments that bring gospel to mind. Direct and brutally honest, this album is without question the best soul record to come out in years.


Honourable Mentions: Yours Truly, Angry Mob by Kaiser Chiefs, Costello Music by The Fratellis.



About the Author:



A native of Manchester, England and a noted survivor of Britpop and Creation Records, Apollo is an active member of the Band of the Red Hand, even though he travels extensively to various parts of Europe and the United States, for many reasons, but usually relating to whatever band he happens to be playing with or working with that particular week. You can reach him through PM's on Dragonmount or at atripp277@gmail.com








March At The Range

(by Amavia, Lieutenant General)



It has been one hectic month for the archers!! We have had not one, not two, but three members that left/ went on extended LOA.


First of is Odds, who as we all know had a very difficult time… We all wish Odds the very best with this and hope that perhaps one beautiful day she will return to us as a archer.

Untill then we will miss her very much.


Secondly after so many archers left in the past few moths Goldy (sei’cair) has also decided to leave us. Although he has said this may not be permanent (we surely hope not)

So perhaps we will see him back again to I for one can’t wait to go on with the movie he had planned to make!!!


And as last but surely not least our very own CG decided to go on a semi-permantent LOA

She had a difficult time in RL and decided it was best to focus on that! Hopefully thing will go well in the future, and perhaps we will once again pride ourselves with her as CG. This time hopefully for a full term …


Well as you can read the archers are not having their best month every but we hope to change this very soon. We are going to make some serious changes to make sure the archer have a long and happy future! I for one am absolutely not thinking about leaving! And I am very positive that we will get through!


But it has not been all sad news,

Footman and Taymist from the Infantry have been awarded a special award from the archers for their help in our regiment! Congratulations to both of them!!


About the March


Last month we had lots of fun in Saldea, dancing around in the bitter cold. One of our newest members Johhny decided to open up a new tavern and named it "the sun spot" it became a warm place in those cold lands...


This month we have arrived in Two rivers!!! We have had a great time celebrating Bell tine and dancing around the may pole -with ribbons in our hair-


As for the games well Corki has mentioned that they might be used (Perhaps at a festival), so don’t hesitate to take the lessons so you can be part of them!


We will soon be on the move towards a new location again!!


So we will start to pack up our things and head out to........




We hope to see everyone over there!!!





From the Horse’s Mouth ~ News of the Cavalry!

(by Direwolfjon)



Greetings from the Yard!!


The Rider’s of the Storm have been a busy group this March! Some have been dealing with spotfines, some participating in the jousting challenge, and others working on many various tasks throughout the band.


Three new members have joined the Cavalry this month, Taliquemet, a RR from a while ago, returned and is starting to get on his page duties. We also welcomed Faile home! She just recently joined the band and enjoyed jousting. She fits in well and is starting her page tasks soon too. Another brand new member that just recently entered the band is SBoydW. We welcomed him home and have him in his page tasks currently. This one seems a little mischievous, so you might want to keep a close eye on him.


Congratulations to Taymist and Sir Jon the Direwolf on their being awarded the highest honor in the cav, the Regimental Wreath. They were both awarded this on the last day of February. Both of them truly deserved this great honor. Tay has given up much of her time and is involved with so many things in the band. Sir Jon has given up his time to help take over as joustmaster in the cavalry. He has also been willing to step in to take on whatever is needed of him. Congrats to both of you on an honor that is so truly deserved!!


In other news:


Sir K’Jar was promoted to RAL. He has continued the tradition of corruptness in the RA’s. He has his crew out there and ready to slap a spotfine on trouble makers. Slip a little extra brew or get on their good side and you might have a chance. Congrats to K’Jar on achieving this well renown, but hated spot in the band!


The Cav’s Redarms, have been keeping people on their toes when they plan on creating mischief. There has even been a case where RA Ty gave RA DJ a spotfine for shooting Footy with fireworks. These RA’s may be corrupt but they sure do have a lot of great spotfines that are being awarded to banders. So the next time you plan on breaking a band law, you might want to look over your shoulder from one of these three.


Sir K’Jar was promoted to Senior-Lieutenant at the beginning of the month. Lady Bridmorgan was promoted to Under Lieutenant. Congrats to both of you!! The mid-month promotion period went by with no cavvers getting promoted. This was the first time in quite some time that no cavalry member was promoted in a promotion period.


Sir Jon the Direwolf started an open jousting challenge for the entire band. He had 10 people enter the challenge and the jousts are underway. They appear to be going smoothly and he hopes to continue having them at least twice a year. The good news is that it is bringing the regiments closer together.


Congratulations go out to several members: Taliquemet, JR, and SBoydW on receiving their Achievement pins!


There were a couple of birthdays celebrated in the cav this past month. Lady Razzles birthday was early on in March. Although we’ve not seen her around much lately, we wish her the best on her birthday and hope she had a lot of fun. Also having a birthday this past month is the Lady Katiora. We wish her the happiest birthday as well and hope she had a wonderful day! Last but not least, our CG, Sir Manriva celebrated his birthday on the 28th. Happy birthday again to all of you.


There was a new team of leaders in the Cavalry this month. Sir Manny has become the CG of the Cav. He has many things planned for the Cavalry and they seem to be moving along smoothly. Lady Kat is the LG of the Cav. She has taken this role on nicely and has been working on the Cav’s website. Lady Brid has stepped into the BG spot and has been working great with the RRs. The Redarms for this term include the RAL, Sir K’Jar, Sir Jon the Direwolf, and Page Ty. As mentioned before the RA’s have people on their toes. The RLOs for the term are Lady Angyl and Sir SoB. The RLOs have been doing great this month and have helped to add our new members to our ranks. Jobs well done to all of you!!


So there it is….from the Horse’s Mouth for March!




What's New?



The Horse Caverns

(by Lady Twinnie)



The Cavalry is pleased to announce the opening of The Horse Caverns and introduce you to, Loial, the Cavalry Historian!!


This is a project of the combined wishes and talents of many members of the the Riders of the Storm. Captain-Generals have been working towards adding this third board in the past year, and finally it has come together! Sir Auld Manriva and Sir Goldeneyes created the White Chamber with many hours of work and dedication in preserving the History of the Cavalry’s Knights and Ladies. Lord Horn, in his tenure of leadership, put forth the regiment as the champion of the Arts and to be the sponsors of discussions concerning the Arts. The Horse Caverns will host a variety of topics, for all Band members to participate in, that carry forward Horn’s dream. The third aspect to be found in the Caverns will be the important threads of the Cavalry records.


Loial, the Cavalry Historian, will be the Curator and caretaker of the Horse Caverns. We are happy and pleased to welcome this young Ogier to our family and look forward to all of you meeting him! A bit shy, he shares our love of the Cavalry, the people, the memories and the anticipation of the future!! Loial extends this invitation to all Band members:


I invite you take a walk and spend some time here! You will find our Meadow, where the mighty Warhorses, the weapons of the Knights and Ladies, live! In another direction you will find The Pasture, a place of peace and beauty, in fact the land outside the opening of these Caverns! Take time to rest in the Library of JotS! There is always a comfy chair, and a cuppa to enjoy while you read the creative, amusing and sometimes thought provoking songs of the Rider’s!! When you are ready to journey on, you will at times find ongoing discussions about authors, literature and visual artists that you are welcome to join in!! We ask that you do not spam on any of our threads in the Caverns please. The discussion threads will be clearly marked and I hope many of you will participate with us!!!


The Horse Caverns will be an ongoing creation! Be sure to stop by often to see what’s new!!





Infantry Row – March 2007

(By Taymist – Captain General & Deathdealer – Lieutenant General)




The Infantry are the foot soldiers of the Band. We’re the ones that get down and dirty and fight face to face, hand to hand with the enemy. What are our weapons I hear you ask? Anything that isn’t a warhorse or a bow essentially. You can wield an axe, a sword, a quarterstaff…. or just fight hand to hand if that’s what you prefer!!



Monthly Update:



Welcome to the Infantry news desk for the March round up.


The month began with the new Staff settling in and with promotions for Taymist and Footman to Captain and Nighteyes to Master Sergeant. Mid month saw a clean sweep for the Infantry with no less than 4 members being promoted. Karaj made Corporal, Mystica made Senior Lieutenant, Apollo became a Lieutenant Captain and Footman became the Band’s first Banner Captain. Well done all.


Following an unexpected leave of absence, 12th has returned to take up his duties as Red Arm and has succeeded in spotfining himself twice so far. Kris has also returned from her own planned leave of absence. Good to have you both back. As they have come back to us, so Kieran has had to go for a short time. Karaj has replaced him as the Infantry’s second RLO.


The Infantry happily welcomed another two new members this month. JR and Tiresias, we’re delighted to have you both join us and issue you a warm welcome.


Various recruits passed through The Barracks, gaining their Infantry Recruit Pins in the process. Congratulations to Faile, Tiresias, JR and Kait.


Several Infantry Regimental Awards were given and the lucky recipients were Mystica and Footman of the Infantry and Lord Horn, our Executive Officer. Footman and Taymist also received the Archers’ Regimental Award and Footman was awarded the Band’s Luck of the Dark One Award.


The new Blademaster training program and the Morat/Mahdi mentoring program for new members are both progressing well. Kara, our first Mahdi gained her Infantry Member Pin and JR, as the latest Mahdi, has been assigned Taymist as his Morat. Taymist also gained the coveted rank of Blademaster and Mystica has completed training for her testing.


Fun and games abounded throughout the month as Kara set up a new Reading Room for book discussions, Footy memorably opened a Beauty Parlour for a brief period and Gaul narrowly avoided a spotfine for poisoning the MG with his cookies. Footy was also seen sporting a very fetching (not to mention disturbingly pink) pair of flip flops courtesy of a spotfine from Odette and a new menu was introduced to the Tavern as part of an RR task, causing some raised eyebrows from the Cavalry when horse meat was included.





Don’t forget to stop by the Archer Regiment’s Bel Tine Festival where you have the opportunity to dunk various staff members, sign up for the upcoming competitions or even open a Booth yourself.


The Cavalry are holding an Open Joust competition, so pop in to support your Regimental members if you aren’t taking part yourself.


The Guild of Blades:


The Infantry began a school to train members to become Blademasters. As of now, there are only two active Blademasters in the Infantry of the Band: Ashandarei and Deathdealer. A Blademaster in the Infantry is more than just exceptional with a sword. In the Infantry, we take pride in both our Org and DM. Members that have become Blademasters and those that aspire to be members that play an active roll in The Band of the Red Hand at DM and the offboard site. They help out where they can and do their best to set an example by being a courteous member of the Org. Many steps need to be accomplished to gain the title of Blademaster and only members of the Infantry know what those steps are. The first to complete those steps was Taymist, the current Infantry Captain-General. Kristine, the former C-G and current Redarm, and Mystica, the Editor in Chief of the Hornsounder are already in the home stretch of the program, and we hope to see two more Blademasters very soon. As you can see, the current and future members of the Guild of Blades are upstanding members of the Org and they are also folks you want guarding your back, not in front of you as an opponent!



The Official Infantry Drinks

(By Karaj)



There are three official Infantry drinks, all with the kick of a mule and all with enough alcohol to pickle your liver for life!

There is the ever popular Guinfantry (or guinny for short), the Tsorovan Chardonnay (for guests of course) and the Combat Cognac (a late addition).

Now, the most popular, prolific and arguably the best Infantry drink is that old favourite...the Guinfantry. It is similar to a Guinness with, of course, an extra potency, and well worth the drink. It has more bite than a crocodile and more kick than an annoyed camel!

The next favourite is the Combat Cognac, as the name suggests it is a cognac with that extra infantry style kick that'll definitely put hairs on your chest, invented by our very own Footman also known as Mr Pink and various other pseudonyms. And since it has been invented by him, I'll let his quote describe it: "It’ll put hair on your tongue, and then burn it right back off again!!"

The final Infantry drink is known as the Tsovaran Chardonnay, or TC, for short, although it is a drink for special occasions, like a meeting with the MG, it still has that extra something that makes it an Infantry drink thorough and through. It may come in a wine glass but don't let that fool you, it has to be in a specially reinforced glass as it may just dissolve an ordinary one.

So if you are going to drink with the Infantry, be sure that you can handle your drink....because whichever drink you decide on, will certainly curl your toes at the very least!











February/March Edition



The months of February and March have been good months for recruits! 10 active recruits have graduated the program, 5 of them earned the Raw Recruit Stripe, the award for finishing all their tasks in a timely manner, and one Raw Recruit has returned from his extended Leave of Absence and has been promoted to the rank of Private First Class!


These are the recruits who graduated, and the regiment they have joined!


Karaj – Infantry

Myrelle – Cavalry

JohnnySolstice – Archers

Safia – Archers

Gaul – Infantry

SboydW – Cavalry

Faile – Cavalry

JimRaynor – Infantry

Tiresias – Infantry

Taliquemet – Cavalry



Also, it is my pleasure to introduce you to a brand spankin’ new monthly tradition: The naming of the Outstanding Recruit of the Month! Since this is for the past two months, you’ll get one for both February and March. The Outstanding Recruit of the Month is the recruit that has stood out to me as being the most motivated and most dedicated recruit. The Outstanding Recruit must stand out from his/her peers, and a reward for this prestigious title is the prize of one org point.


The Outstanding Recruit of the month for February is: Karaj!


The Outstanding Recruit for the month of March is: JimRaynor!


Although it was made on the 28th of January and is starting to be old news, I sort of consider a new aspect of the Recruit Program to be noteworthy for March news. The Recruit Tents are there for Recruits only to hang out together. (The link only works for Band members as it is on our private boards, so if you are not one of us, join so you can see what I’m talking about!) Its purpose is so that recruits of separate Regiments can interact, and the recruits can use this thread as a place to ask questions to myself, the Executive Officer, or to my assistant Taymist, the Training Officer.


In other news, I now have an Orange Loin Cloth to wear under my Orange Armour. I’ll admit, Footy’s infamous Pink Loin Cloth was my inspiration but I was a participant in its creation, and though he probably has forgotten, it is actually on loan to him from my MYSTERIOUS SECRET STASH, so don’t blame me for copying! I am only… borrowing an idea!



Signed, your Executive Officer (The XO),


Lord Horn




hsclear.jpghsclearhalfsize.jpgThe Band's Nutball Police



March Round Up

(by Sir K’Jar)



Hello everyone. I'm Sir K'Jar your local RAL. This month has been one for the books. Since taking over the reins from Footy, I have continued in the tradition of corruption... um upholding the Laws of the Band. As you can see below, my RA's and I have done an outstanding job of keeping the Band safe from evil doers.

I must give credit to my RA's. They have done a excelent job. 12th even Spot Fined himself.... TWICE. Now that is dedication folks. In addition to almost 20 Spot Fines we have had 2 Trials. One guilty and one innocent. As it turns out the guilty verdict went to the previous RAL Footy. Bad boy.

So, just remember Banders, we are out there. Big Brother is watching. Oh, one more thing....Bribes are always welcome.


I would like to give special thanks to my 2IC Odds. She was an outstanding help to me in my first term as RAL. We will miss her greatly.




The Team This Term






Tiren Sedai





12th Regiment






Safia al'Maaz




Spot Fines



Myst - 4

Footy - 2




12th - 3 (2 he gave to himself....now that’s dedication lol)

Gaul - 4








Footy - Guilty, misuse of brew

Gaul - Innocent, Attempted poisoning of the MG



This Month’s Trials

(by Safia)



Ok, this month we haven’t had very many trials but here’s the scoop on the ones we have had.

12th Regiment has been accused of the misuse and abuse of Official Band Drinks, meaning he did something horrible to the brew many times over and is finally being punished for it. 12th claimed guilty/not guilty, blaming his many “selves” I suppose they are. The votes were three to three between guilty and not guilty but the final verdict was 12th being guilty. Sorry 12th!

Next comes Gaul, who has been accused of assaulting a superior officer by poisoning the MG Corki. Gaul replied in his defense that he gave warning in the beginning of the post, and he did not directly poison Corki. He had poisoned cookies and Corki ate one at his own peril. Also, stated by Footy, Corki said himself that he is feeling no side effects, so he is no longer poisoned at all. He has therefore been declared not guilty. Good defense there, Gaul!

Last but not least, Footy, who was also accused of misusing Brew. He had soaked boots in Bandy and then used them as chew toys for DJ. His case is he did NOT put the Bandy in the boots. The Bandy was in a Band-approved container to soak, and then were allowed to drip dry over another Band-approved container. He claims that this is the same as Nighteyes’ ability to use Bandy in making cakes, who happens to be a Redarm. Apparently, Bandy would taste the same no matter how many boots you soaked in it. Caver, however, rebukes such arguments with the fact that using alcohol while cooking is a common practice, while soaking ones boots in alcohol for chew toys is not, along with the fact that Footy was wearing said boots at the time. The verdict, Footy is guilty and has to wear pink flip flops as his signature and must dye the PLC to orange. Therefore, the PLC will now be referred to as the OLC until the punishment is over. And that concludes this month’s trial report.





hsgrey.jpgIntroduction from the Editor in Chief




Welcome to the specials section of the Hornsounder.

What you can find here are:

- the full articles of summarized pieces found in the other Sections

- the loose articles from Banders that are not assigned to any one Section

- independent and Sectionless projects and coverages

- various undetermined pieces of work from both Banders and Non-Banders


The articles and coverages that are posted here can cover any topic, be it about WOT, Band, DM related topics or anything else that might be of interest to share with our readers.


Now without further hesitation, I wish you a lot of reading pleasure with this month’s collection of articles.









Snacks-What to feed a horse

(by JimRaynor – Raw Recruit)



Horses have extremely sensitive stomachs, a quick change in diet will kill a warhorse faster than a hunters arrow. Usually it is best to keep a solid mix of high quality grain, UNMOLDED HAY!! and pasture the horse for a little grass (same as hay but it has the added bonus of exercising the horse.) As for actuall treats, apples (be carefull to feed the horse just the edible parts) and carrots work well but only small amounts at first till the horse adapts to the new food.


What not to feed a horse and why? (not for the faint of heart or the tight of pursestrings)


Do not feed a horse anything sweet, or majorly different from its natural diet (such as choclate chip cookies) Why you may ask? Here is why......


Once upon a time Daddy Raynor bought mommy Raynor a horse, not just any horse but a horse sired by a great and famous showhorse. This foal cost more than many a car and being young was very sensitive. When Mr. Raynor brought the foal home he fead it a specialized grain. Unfortunately it was different and the horse develpoped an intestinal blockage known as collic. Mr. Raynor Statyed up with the horse for sixty hours before the vet recommended a fancy Georgia Animal Hospital, as the insurance didnt kick in on the horse for two more weeks Mr. Raynor drove the horse four hours away to the vet. The horse was backed off the trailer and dropped graveyard dead. To this day mom and dad remain angry over that incident that happened16 years ago..... ..... .. ..... .. The End.



Eat pretty much the same thing that horses eat, just add bandy! Can also eat the hay that is molded so the horses dont have too. Can eat apple cores also, must have at least some raw fish before a fight.........




How the Joust Once Was

(by Tiresias - Raw Recruit)



The Joust, tilting, a game of war, a challenge of skill. The Joust brings to mind images of medieval knights galloping towards each other at break neck speeds with lances aimed at one another's hearts. The origins of this deadly form of entertainment are thought to have originated on the battlefield. Knights on a horse have the higher ground and are a threat in any army. Often mounted knights would find themselves squaring off against each other. Regardless of how the knights were armed, when this happened it was often referred to as a joust. Knights would use swords or maces to try and knock his opponent off his horse to the ground where he was vulnerable.


This type of jousting was the necessity that mothered the invention of the lance. Essentially, a lance was a long wooden pole that could be used to dismount an oncoming rider from a distance far enough away that he never became a threat.


Like most forms of combat, Jousting quickly became a form of sport and entertainment that developed its own form of rules. The game of the Joust was referred to as Jousting au plaisance as opposed to the combat oriented, to the death, Jousting a l' outrance. The earliest games included any type of mounted combat where the two mounted knights would simply try to dismount his opponent. They would use whatever means necessary, lances, swords, maces and even plain old kicking.


Eventually stricter rules were set into place, and Jousting became the sport more popularized in modern day literature. A long fence was erected in a field that served to separate the two combatants, the use of weapons other than lances was forbidden and a scoring system was set into place, of course the scoring system and specific rules could vary greatly between events and locations. The general and most common scoring system was a three point system. One point was awarded for a lance strike to the torso, two points were awarded for a strike to the head, and a full three points was awarded for dismounting your opponent. As time progressed, the definition of what constituted a successful strike needed clarification, the general consensus was that a lance must be broken by some agreed upon length.


Contrary to common belief, jousting is not a solely European sport, in fact all over the world there were forms of jousting taking place. One of the more interesting versions is from India where mounted knights would ride through an enemy's encampment. The purpose was not to kill the enemy but to incapacitate the enemy's greatest military assets, their elephants. A rider with great skill would ride through the enemy camp and aim a sharp lance at an elephant's toenails. The toenail of an elephant is extremely sensitive and this would render the elephant totally useless for several days.


In the Band of the Red Hand, thanks to the Cavalry, we have a safer form of Jousting au plaisance. Sir Son of Battles was kind enough to do some research and looking back the records of the Cavalry's Joust, I was hoping to see a trend in which members are successful and which were not. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much of a trend. If there is a leader of the pack it would have to be Sir K'Jar with one win and one tie. However Sir K'Jar's slight lead may be over taken by Sir Son of Battles who is currently winning a Joust with yours truly bringing his total score to a possible two wins.




The Wonderfulness of Taymist

(by Gaul)



This article I'm going to talk to you about is about the wonderfulness of Tay, aka the CG of the Infantry. She is so wonderful because she helps people out a lot, including me. She’s good with the Raw Recruits and new members. She is the most wonderful CG in the Band. She's bilingual too so that adds to her wonderfulness. She stays up all night on the computer. THAT SHOWS HOW WONDERFUL OUR CG IS! That’s my crappy 2 minute thought of writing up how Tay is wonderful (and stays on the comp all night)




Why I Chose the Infantry

A Cautionary Tale intended to warn against the Dangers of Footy’s Infectious Insanity.

(by JimRaynor)



I was an RR like any other, searching for a niche amongst the Band’s ranks where I could live the good life, warm, dry, not to much work, maybe a saddle instead of marching. That’s when it happened, from out of nowhere on the first day of my mandatory Infantry training, I decided to spend the rest of my miserable life, fighting, drinking and slogging through the mud with this decrepit bunch of ground pounders known as the Band’s Infantry. I can only point out Tay’s natural charm and the sheer mind numbing veracity of Footy’s pink shoes as the culprits (oh yeah and Mysty who might have strangled me and thrown me into the river had I not complied). This triple whammy intended to, (along with judicious amounts of hard work) brainwash the recruit into blind compliance, must be avoided at all costs lest you end up like me, a poor misbegotten soul doomed to spend the rest of his life drinking and singing JotS at the top of my lungs. Other things to watch out for are Kara’s exuberance, the sheer unadulterated fun of all of the tasks assigned to you, both as an RR and as a Mahdi such as myself, and lastly but certainly not least, you must beware of Footy. The Master of Disaster, terror of the BotRH, ex wearer of the mighty pink sandals, Blademaster Grim, who can drink a Cavalry Regiment under the table and still be ready for the Archers. Footy, the best darn Blademaster on DM and capable of all sorts of mischief, so feared that Tay and Mysty both cut short their LOA’s just to make sure he didn’t burn down the Barracks. Just because something is the best choice is no reason to go do it (IE skydiving)! I have warned you my friends, join the Cavalry, join the Archers or come and sing with the Infantry and learn the meaning of too much fun!


Bella gerant nostri…-Mahdi JR, Corporal of the Infantry by the Grace of the Light and Corki’s Brilliance.









HS: Scavenger Hunt March 2007

Open to everyone

(by Mystica)




Below you find 15 questions to which you are to find the answers. These can be found on any of the public boards of DM.




- PM your answers to Mystica before 20 April 2007

- Any answers posted on the boards automatically results in disqualification

- Only the first pm sent in will be considered. So make sure you double check on typos and if you aren’t sure yet of your answers take the time to check them out. No additional answers or corrections will be accepted.




- the 10 people with the highest scores will be announced as winners

~5 Banders and (if enough non-Banders join in) 5 non-Banders (because this hunt is rather easy for Banders, so this gives the non-Banders a chance to win too)

- in case of a tie, the date & time of submission will determine the winner

- the winners will be announced in the next Edition of Hornsounder




- Band members that win will receive 5 Lottery Chips + HS Scavenger Hunt Medal Pin of the Month

- Non-Banders will receive the HS Scavenger Hunt Medal Pin of the Month

- Prizes will be handed out in a thread on the public board of the BoTRH on DM.



1. What are raisings called in the BoTRH?

2. Name the 3 Regiments of the BoTRH

3. What can you win with the Lottery?

4. What is the Band equivalent of a Bond?

5. What is absolutely forbidden in the Band?

6. What is the highest rank in the Band and who holds it?

7. What is the police force of the Band called?

8. What are the Matrims?

9. Quote 5 reasons to join the BoTRH

10. Who was raised to Captain on 15th Feb 2007?

11. Which are Apollo’s 3 favourite Christmas Songs?

12. What solution did Canis Rufus offer Corki for the annoying habits of a neighbour or roommate?

13. When did the Lottery Board of the Band go up and what is it called

14. Who are the last 5 new Recruits of the Band?

15. Which 5 orgs where nominated for ‘Most Improved Community Organization’ in the Empy Awards?




Wheel of Time Word Scramble

Open to everyone

(by Mystica)



Puffin’ and moaning over his history books, Olver glared secretly at the Red Sister sitting behind the table she had confiscated as her desk area. Seemingly unaware of the boy, the Sister continued writing her letter with calm and even strokes.


It’s so unfair, Olver thought, they’re all having fun at the fair and I’m here with these stuffy history books! Who cares about some ancient dude that did ancient things in ancient times anyway? Pfffff. Taking great care not to let his voice get too loud, Olver shifted on his seat, his eyes returning to the board on which a bunch of tiny square woodblocks were placed in random order. Mat had made that board for him, so he cherished it greatly. Little had he known, both he and Mat alike, how this game board could be so corrupted into an instrument of learning.


The Sister had cast one look on the board and come up with the idea to use it in the boy’s lessons. She had said that the best way to learn something was to combine pleasure with content, though how this could possibly be ‘fun’, Olver had yet to discover.


He was supposed to use the letters on the board to form words that would be the answers to the 20 questions she had given him. Answers he could find in these blasted books. Letting out a heartfelt sigh, Olver once more bent over a book called 'How Nations were born’, praying quite thoroughly someone would come to his aid.

She had said he had to finish all 10 questions before he could go to the fair.


It’s so unfair, Olver thought once more…



Will you help poor Olver make it to the fair before the sun goes down?


Competition open to everyone: Banders and Non-Banders alike



- unscramble the following 20 words/phrases

- send them to Mystica in a PM only (posting them will result in deletion of the post + disqualification)

- deadline: 20 April 2007

- only 1 pm per player (so double check for typos and take your time to find as many answers as possible)


The first 10 correct submissions will be announced as the winners in the next HS Edition.


Here we go…


onkreahat yelecc

shudgearts fo license

rhuliat apandreg

thayr onace

ringabek fo eth drowl

blow fo het diwns

ingoal brala

nairlym ates



larctys nothre



imantuons fo stim




valergnit leoppe

messirts fo covines







(by Taymist)


This puzzle is just for fun. The web page is interactive, meaning you don't have to print anything out. Just click on the clue you wish to start with and enter your guess in the box that appears. Words will automatically be entered into the grid. Enjoy !!


WoT Crossword Challenge





(by Karaj)







(by Horn)



Seven words relating to the Band of the Red Hand can be found below!


Can you find them?


Check next month’s Edition to find out the correct answers!










Lent, Cajun style.

(by K’Jar)


Boudreaux walks into a bar in Dublin, orders three pints of Guinness and sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn.When he finishes them, he comes back to the bar and orders three more.The bartender ask him,"You know Boudreaux, a pint goes flat after I pour it; wouldn't you rather I pour fresh pints for you, one at a time? Boudreaux replies: "Well, you see sha, I have two brothers.One in Nova Scotia, and the other, in France, and me, mais I'm from Louisiana. When we all left home, we promised we'd drink this way to remember the days when we drank together." The bartender admits that this is a nice custom, and leaves it there. Boudreaux becomes a regular in the bar, and always drinks the same way: he orders three pints and drinks them in turn.One day, he comes in and orders two pints. All the regulars notice and fall silent, speculating about what might have happened to one of the absent brothers.When Boudreaux goes back to the bar for a second round, the bartender says, "Hey Boudreaux, I don't want to intrude on your grief, but I wanted to offer my condolences on your great loss." Boudreaux looks confused for a moment and then a light dawns in his eye and he laughs and says:"Oh, no, no, no, arrybody's fine.I've just given up beer for Lent."



Impatient Pet Owner

(by Dragonlover)


This guy was lonely and so he decided life would be more fun if he had a pet. So he went to the pet store and told the owner that he wanted to buy an unusual pet. After some discussion, he finally bought a centipede (100-legged crawler), which came in a little white box to use for his house. He took the box back home, found a good location for the box, and decided he would start off by taking his new pet to the bar to have a drink.

So he asked the centipede in the box, "Would you like to go to Frank's with me and have a beer?" But there was no answer from his new pet.


This bothered him a bit, but he waited a few minutes and then asked him again


"How about going to the bar and having a drink with me?" But again, there was no answer from his new friend and pet. So he waited a few minutes more, thinking about the situation. He decided to ask him one more time; this time putting his face up against the centipede's house and shouting


"Hey, in there! Would you like to go to Frank's place and have a drink with me?


A little voice came out of the box:...........


I heard you the first time! I'm putting my shoes on!"



The Meaning of Panda

(by Corki)


A panda walks into a bar, sits down and orders a sandwich. He eats the sandwich, pulls out a gun and shoots the waiter dead.


As the panda stands up to go, the bartender shouts, "Hey! Where are you going? You just shot my waiter and you didn't pay for your sandwich!"


The panda yells back at the bartender, "Hey, I'm a PANDA! Look it up!" The bartender opens his dictionary and sees the following definition for panda:


"A tree dwelling marsupial of Asian orgin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. Eats shoots and leaves.








Welcome to the Dragonmount Section of the Hornsounder.

Eventhough we may belong to one or a few of the groups from DM we can not forget the larger community we all sprung from. Therefore, it is my great pleasure to be able to announce here the coverage of all the groups belonging to DM.


Our goal was to give each group a voice in the Hornsounder to introduce to the general public their specific organization or division and to share with us some (if not all) of the latest news and events that happened within each group.


For this first Edition I am pleased to present you with a variety of items from the organizations’ side where almost all of the orgs have rallied to the request for submitting their piece. Those still missing we hope to welcome to our Newspaper in the next Edition. For the General and Division groups of DM an overall article can be found covering the entire group in one as here it is less a collection of separate groups with separate characteristics.


I hope you will enjoy reading about the Groups you belong to, will get curious about those you don’t belong to and maybe don’t know well yet and find in general a pleasant read overall in the below presented articles.








(by Safia)



The Black Tower is a great place to wreak havoc and destruction without actually hurting anyone. It is the perfect place to meet people and spam. But, however much everyone claims the BT is all about spamming, that is not totally true. That fits Shayol Ghul better than anything. Obviously, the point is to increase in rank. This can be done several ways. You can join in One Power fights with other members to boost your stats, write reviews for book, movies, and games, shockwave comp, and other random activities that can be found throughout the boards.

The newest activities in the BT are the raids on the Aiel Org. I myself have not taken part yet, but plan on doing so momentarily. This was originally started by an organized raid on most other Dragonmount organizations, and the BT decided to retaliate.

Also, there are several ranks in the BT, divided into to divisions; the Light and the Shadow. The ranks for the Shadow are all random, so I can’t exactly explain those, but the basic ranks for both divisions are Civilian, Soldier, Dedicated, and Asha’man, following the books. There have been several new civilians added to the ranks, including Desiree (who was actually a member who has returned, so she’s actually Dedicated), nightseto, Tommy, and more I’m sure I have forgotten. Xavier and myself have been upgraded to Soldier. Roran Bloodlust was moved up to Dedicated, and Shadowmaker to Asha’man, the latter which sent shivers up the spines of all in the BT of lower rank.

There haven’t been very many new announcements lately, except some posts in the private boards trying to get new members to join certain factions (Light v Shadow).

On the other hand, Safia al-Maaz (that’s me) has been bonded to Shadowmaker (or Shadowgamer as he is sometimes known), Cashew, and Roran Bloodlust. Chaelca has henceforth been banned from bonding because she has five bondees (not really, it was a joking decree, but it was rather entertaining). Otherwise, it has been rather quiet at the Bt, what with Tayol, the org leader, having his finals for the past month. That’s pretty much it for the BT!






Back from the Dead

By Barmacal



The CoL has had a very interesting series of events over the past month or so. The first time I personally noticed its existence was when Kathana made a post saying that the CoL was to be deleted in one week’s time. I asked what exactly was done here, and learned that it was the comedy troop of DM.


Shortly after this, the CoL was deleted. It was over, Justen’s Org would never be seen again.


Then there was the big bang, the rollback, the crash, the day of much return, the you-get-the-idea. The day when we lost something like two weeks worth of threads.


On that day, the Children of the reared its great head once again, and undeleted itself.


There was a flare of activity right after that, and a renewed interest in keeping the board alive. Currently we are in a stage of rebuilding, and rekindling interest in keeping us around.




(by Safia)



The Illuminators Organization is a place for all the creative people in Dragonmount to get together and share what they do. There are several different divisions, including the Crafters, the Gleeman, the Scribes, the Artists, and the Smiths. Each has their own designated interest category. The Gleeman chapter house is a place for actors and actresses, those who love the performing arts. The Crafters chapter house is a place for all to share their hobbies and display them. In the Scribes chapter house you can post your writing and get constructive criticism from your peers, much the same as with the Artists, except it’s with artwork rather than writing. The Smiths chapterhouse is for avatars, signatures, and websites.

As for recent news, the Crafters and Gleeman chapter houses are the most recent to be added to the list. There have been several projects led by the Illuminators, such as the “Best Signature on DM Contest”, the “Cookbook Project”, and the “Crafter’s Baby Challenge”.

The Best Signature Contest is pretty self-explanatory. Different people use their creativity to try to create the best signature and then test themselves against everyone else. The Cookbook basically is a place to put some of your favourite recipes down for others to see and enjoy. The Crafter’s Baby Challenge is where you can put ideas down for things that can be made for mother’s and their babies, and mother’s to be, including our very own Lor who is going to be a mother soon! There are some pretty interesting suggestions in there already, such as the Quillow, a quilt that can be folded into an actual pillow. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to join in!





(by Taymist)



2007 has seen an influx of new members at the Ogier Org mostly thanks to Tigara, recruiter extraordinaire. Many of the latest arrivals have taken on key positions within the Org. For instance, Amethea has become the new Librarian, Tay and Dice have elected to assist Jaimelai as assistant brewmistress/brewmaster and Shamaeso is the new Weapons Master.


A highly successful Invasion of the Wolfkin recently led to the creation of a new Tequila Ale and provided entertainment in the shape of an epic battle between Goldeneyes05 (Wolfkin Org Leader) and Myth (Ogier). Myth and Goldeneyes are both bonded Warders of Kelly Sedai, the Ogier Org Leader and they were a little apprehensive at how she would feel about them hacking lumps out of each other !! All turned out well, however, with a joint party afterwards at the Ogier public board.


March also saw the Grand Opening of the new Neon Leaf Club. Members from all Orgs were invited to join in and come along to sample the various Ogier Ales. Around the same time, the Ogier held a St Patrick’s Day colouring activity with several pictures supplied for decoration, ranging from leprechauns and teddy bears to pots of gold and rainbows.


The Ogier would be delighted to see visitors and extend a warm welcome to all.





(by Emperor – Org Leader)



DM’s home for Movie, TV and Gaming. The Seanchan boards host an array of topics ranging from upcoming movie news, current TV shows, reviews of current movies, popular video games and much, much more. Our boards also have up to date movie trailers and movie/TV shows of the month discussions. Please feel free to drop in and participate.


Going ons:


We have introduced a new ranking system found here based on the Mafia: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12156


The Seanchan has been doing reviews of new movie releases. Stop by and check them out if you want to see what is coming out in theatres.


Our most popular discussions at the moment revolve around Lost, Heroes and Battlestar Galatica.




(by Taymist)



The year got off to a busy start at The Kin. They always have lots of projects on the go and 2007 is no exception. January kick started things with a Kin Soup Kitchen, which involved donating cans of soup to local food banks and submitting members’ favourite soup recipes while February saw a Valentine Card Exchange.


The Spammers’ Challenge thread, aiming to reach 10,000 posts is racing along and is up to 3845 and counting, so do pop along and help. A Yearbook CD is also in the works, with every member picking their favourite song to be included. The CD will then be sent out to everyone.


Big news came with the announcement of The Eldest’s impending motherhood. Delight and joy abounded as the members began plotting what gifts to shower her with and admired the latest scan pictures. We’re told that the baby is currently nicknamed “Peanut” but that may have to be changed shortly to something a little larger!!! Congratulations Lor.


New members have been plentiful as Daruya, Kellan, Calypsa and Faile all joined up. A warm welcome is extended to each of them. January saw three Raisings from the Blue to the Green Sash, with Lyenna, Safia and Taymist being promoted and Son of Battles was also Raised to the Red. Well done all.


Finally, a Happy Anniversary to Lor and Kynwric who celebrated their 3rd year of Bonding.




(by Maria, Keeper of the Chronicles)



Hello, and welcome to the fourth edition of the White Tower Newsletter.









21 January: Daruya, Gentled Ben, Harmony, Odette

11 February: Kalythase Breen

26 February: Kara_J

9 March: Calypsa, Tessa

18 March: Taren


Manshima/Tower Guard:


22 January: Demandred Valerius

4 February: Do’vran, Taymist

11 February: Vorkia


Aes Sedai:


15 January: Twinflower was Raised to Aes Sedai of the White Ajah

16 January: Nailea was Raised to Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

18 January: Mystica was Raised to Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

21 January: Amavia was Raised to Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah

22 January: The Don was Raised to Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

12 February: Daruya was Raised to Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah

7 March: Zardi was Raised to Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah

11 March: Tigara was Raised to Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah




1 February: Ata Djore was Raised to Der’Manshima

4 February: Lord Daemon Dracos was Raised to Der’Manshima

23 February: Ghaul was Raised to Der’Manshima




18 February: Paetric was Raised to Sword Captain for the Warders

12 March: Tessandra announced official resignation as Red Ajah Head

March: Dwynwen Sedai was Raised to White Ajah Head






7 February: Jaydena Sedai of the Green Ajah bonded Warder Demandred Valerius

14 February: Arie Sedai and Cleopatra Sedai, both of the Green Ajah, bonded as Souvra’dar

24 February: Elias Sedai and Taya Sedai, both of the Green Ajah, bonded

7 March: Tigara Sedai and Nynaeve Sedai, both of the Yellow Ajah, bonded as Souvra’dar

7 March: Jhaenara Sedai bonded Sword Captain Paetric

7 March: Kelly Sedai of the Green Ajah bonded recruit Goldeneyes05

7 March: Accepted Kara_J bonded recruit Shamaeso

12 March: Accepted Taymist bonded Sword Lieutenant F Horn of Valere




This has certainly been a very interesting month at the White Tower. It will probably be best remember for “that time something happened and an entire week of our lives disappeared”. It was certainly an interesting experience.


Next month there will be a report on who has replaced Tessandra as Red Ajah Head. We will also come back with the results for our summer reading list.


If you want to participate in the newsletter, or if you have any comments, feel free to email me at mortma[at]gmail[dot]com



Until next month –


Walk in the Light,


Maria Sedai

Keeper of the Chronicles

Editor of the White Tower Newsletter





(by Taymist)


This year has been extremely busy so far for the Wolfies amongst us, as one Org Leader resigned and another was chosen. Goldeneyes05 was announced as the new Pack Papa on Saturday 17th March, taking over from Poledra. That revelation followed hot on the heels of another exciting event, Goldeneyes’ Adoption of his new sister, Ar’tara, who had been acting Org Leader for several months. They held their beautiful Adoption Ceremony on Friday 16th March on the public Wolfkin board in the Glade of Alcair Ma'vron.


A further Adoption Ceremony was held at the Glade on Tuesday 20th March as Taymist and Dice adopted each other, strengthening their close friendship.


Other news includes an influx of new members, thanks to a recruitment drive and the return of several old ones. Darksmoon and Febronius were eagerly welcomed back to the fold, both having been Pack Papas in times past. Taymist was announced as the new Editor of the internal Pawprints newsletter and Tigara took on the role of Puppy Master.


Raisings were greeted with delight as Dah’mir, Wolfsbane, Kiara, Taymist, Tigara and Moose all made Packmate while Sheliara, 12th and Danya made Wolfbro/sis.


The Wolfkin also held a successful Invasion at the Band of the Red Hand in conjunction with the Warders. Although no winner was declared and sadly, the thread was lost to DM’s timewarp, much fun was had by all concerned. A party was held afterwards at the Band’s Stumbling Soldier tavern.


The final piece of excitement was the publication of the first edition of the Pawprints newsletter which has been greeted with delight by Org members and others.



A Few Words With The Pack Papa



Why did you want to be Org Leader at the Wolfkin?


Goldeneyes05: Well, we needed a strong leader. Someone who could represent the Org’s interest with the DM Staff and someone creative enough to come up with new ideas to keep people interested. I had a small amount of experience in that area and I knew I had the heart to do it. I just had to get in there and make it happen.


And what are your main plans for the Org now that you have the job?


Goldeneyes05: To increase activity across the board. I want to see the Wolfkin become one of the main powers at DM. Reworking the points structure to keep old members interested and coming up with activities to keep the Pack as a whole interested are my primary goals.


Do you intend to stay true to the history of the Wolfkin and if so what are the most important parts of that?


Goldeneyes05: I do intend to stay true to it. I want the Pack to stay fun loving as ever. I plan on renewing our friendship with the Ogier Org, as that has faltered in recent times. Also, coming up with some stuff from the old days such as the temporary titles that have fallen into disuse.


I hear you've recently reintroduced the Wolfkin's Adoption Ceremony... do you think this will strengthen the Org and if so how?


Goldeneyes05: Yes, it will bring the Org closer together as a family. I hope to see more of these ceremonies take place in order to tighten the bonds that hold us together.






The 4th Age Podcast

(by Taymist)



Dragonmount’s very own Podcast came online on April 20th 2006 and has been going strong since. You can listen to it HERE..


The podcast covers all kinds of things in the Wheel of Time. It is a condensed list of news found on various WoT sites, as well as a potential outlet for "breaking news" utilizing DM's connections. It’s also a discussion panel, a comedy stage and just about anything that is yet ANOTHER form of Wheel of Time madness. The shows are all in MP3 format, so you can listen to the podcast on any mp3 player, on your computer or even burn it to CD !!


As of March 15th 2007, projected broadcasts were as follows:


Episode 30: Thom had been recorded and was off to the editing process.


Episode 31: Logain

Episode 32: The Aiel

Episode 33: Min



Don’t forget to stop by The 4th Age’s very own forum boards at Dragonmount and put forward any ideas or views you may have. There are various discussion topics to take part in.


If you want to call and leave a message for Jayson or Carrie to include on the show, (or just want to leave a message in general), you can call the number below:




That number is toll free in the United States, Canada and parts of Mexico. Its an eFax number so you can only leave a message as there is no live person on the other end. Speak clearly and state your full first and last name. By calling in, remember you are giving Dragonmount permission to use the recording for the podcast.


For now, if you can't use the number, there is still an easy way to send a voice message. If you have a microphone you can record your message with programmes like Windows Media Player (which most people already have). Just record your message, save, then email it to the team at: podcast@dragonmount.com


Also, if you're interested in helping out, send an audio sample to podcast@dragonmount.com .




Robert Jordan Blog

(by Taymist)



RJ’s Blog has proven to be, understandably, very popular with all of the Dragonmount members and visitors. The latest entry, from Wilson, RJ’s brother/cousin, was on March 4th 2007 and contained some very positive news.


RJ is visiting the Mayo Clinic every 90 days and last month’s visit was the first of those but lasted longer than expected. The medication regimen had to be changed due to some nasty side affects. Testing required that RJ come off his blood thinner, the steroid and the miracle drug, Revlimid. After months on this experimental drug got him into a near “normal” range, he was being pulled off for at least 30 days. The great news is that the Lambda Light Chain number was tested at 2.74. The polyps and the “mass”, which RJ had described before, are also gone. So, back on the Revlimid. Let’s pray that the numbers continue downward, that his body continues the slow march of shedding the beta amyloid deposits and that he regains his strength.


Many of the replies to this news were sadly lost during the DM hard drive failure but have since started racking up again.


Last month saw a post by RJ himself, regarding the search for WoT fan art to be made into a calendar. Several different WoT sites’ members were asked to participate and final judging is to be done by RJ himself. The normal royalties this calendar will earn, along part of the profits, will be donated to Amyloidosis Research at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.


You can search the entries by month, back to September 2005, and catch up with all of the details of RJ’s illness and check on the progress of his recovery HERE.




DM Online Store

(by Taymist)



So, like all of us, you’re a fanatic when it comes to WoT but you’re missing that crucial version of New Spring !! What do you do?? Good question and the answer is, pop along to the DM Online Store where you will find links to pretty much every version available.


If you’re looking for something a little different, have a look at the WoT computer game or the WoT Soundtrack. Fancy yourself as a Blademaster? Arms of Valor in Atlanta, Gerogia is linked at the Store for you to go and purchase your very own Heron marked blade with a special 5% discount for DMers.


Future plans for stock include hats and t-shirts so do keep an eye open for new additions. You can take a peek at the goodies on offer HERE


Holy crap, that is a long newsletter :P


It looks very good, Myst. I don't have time to read it all through right now, but from what I have read it looks very very good.


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