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Hi, everyone! I've never been a lurker here, so I'm still looking through everything and trying to get my head around it. But I thought I'd start out by saying hello - before I forget to.


And I admit I feel an inane pride seeing myself as the newest registered member ... *sniff* 8)

Guest Egwene

Good to see you Kait, congrats on seeing you name up in lights :D


check out the info thread here on the Newbie Board - it should give you a pretty good idea about what is what... if not... tell me what's missing so I can improve it.


Any questions, just ask... have fun exploring!

Guest Emperor

The Seanchan org welcomes all new people. Please feel free to stop and visit and post to any thread you like.... as we have many covering entertainment topics.. .or start one yourself if there is topic we are missing.


Thanks. I've been part of a lot of message boards, so I'm familiar with how it works. This looks like a really interactive place. In a good way.


I'll look at that Org - I think I'd prefer a smaller one atm, just to ease into things. But we'll see. And I was wondering - is there an innate difference between the Orgs? They're essentially what members make them, aren't they?

Guest Barmacral

Hiii everybody!


Hi Dr. Nick!


Hi Kait!



hmm... doesn't flow, but whatever, welcome!

Guest Egwene

In answer to your question, Kait...


yes, there are a lot of differences between the various Orgs. Some have a more defined purpose than others. Again, check out the info thread... most of them have a short write-up there on how they perceive themselves.


It really depends on what sort of place your are looking for... got any specific interests like music or writing or serious discussions?

Guest Egwene

Good to see you over at the scribes, Kait 8)


Fiddles? That the music group?


People are usually in more than one Org, no? The Illuminators seems rather focused. Not that that's a bad thing. Just wondering - any recommendations on places I should check out? For good reasons I mean =P

Guest Barmacral

Naw, fiddlesticks is just a place for wonderful wonderful spam






And Join the Children of the Light, we're in a rebuilding stage, kind of a relaxed comedy org (or something along those lines)


well fiddles isn't really an org either..... but you can worship me as it's head if you like! :wink: :P 8)

Guest Barmacral

Nobody likes a tattletale.


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