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Father's Day Plans?


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Any plans to celebrate?

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Lily, I've seen a lot of women on FB remembering their fathers.


Taltos, I agree with you.


James, I hope your son calls. You know what I did once? My older son was ignoring our birthdays, holidays etc. So on Chanukkah, when I normally sent him a card with money in it, I sent him just a card. Love you. I didn't say a word.


About two months later, we went to visit him in Arizona where he was stationed. When we got there, we were given a bottle of Israeli wine and some flowers. It wasn't sucking up. It was genuine.



James, I thought Wonder Woman was fantastic.


We usually go out to eat and then a movie, maybe. My youngest is a fireman, so we likely won't see him.  The other is in Seattle, so he'll get calls.

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