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Admin Note: Due to the character's plotline, Ivo will be adventuring with Kira Sedai outwith the Tower for a while to increase his WS. He'll then return to Tar Valon to complete his Warder training. These two intend to Bond so I'd like Kat to CC please.

DM Handle: Lady Greyfist
Character Count: 1

Character Name: Ivo Pylos
Nationality: Illianer
Age: 22

WS: 4

Physical Characteristics:

Ivo’s round face is ruddy and covered in freckles only made more pronounced by muted green eyes crowned by a sober brow. His Illianer beard, finally thick and even, is the same warm brown as his unruly, cowlick ridden hair. Ivo is built like a mountain; taller than many others he’s met and broad in every sense of the word. An unknowing eye may take him for portly until it realizes that his bulk is far more muscle than fat. His muscles are those of a practiced lifter from hefting crates of product into wagons but they are not aesthetically chiseled. His concern for his looks encompasses only his strict adherence to hygiene and grooming his beard. (He gave up on his hair ages ago.)


Ivo comes across as sullen and grouchy. He’s a pessimist and prepares himself for the worst in everyone and everything. He suffers from Resting-Sour-Face, even when in a neutral mood, and has a tendency to stare unnervingly when his mind is, in reality, just far away. He has a soft spot for children, women and cats thanks to having two older and two younger sisters and having grown up with so many cats in his home.

He was painfully shy as a boy and that has manifested as an aloof and quiet air in the adult. Ivo loves making music and dancing because it is one of the few ways he feels comfortable expressing himself. He also, incongruously, loves a good fight. Having been slow, shy and chubby as a child, he had collected his fair share of bullies. After all, children can be cruel. He only suffered it for a time before he discovered that rounding on his tormentors, even when they were all flocked together, and releasing his anger with fists and feet was strangely cathartic. However, standing up for himself was not a once and done kind of affair. It was a dance he had to repeat many times throughout his youth. As such Ivo can’t stand to see others being bullied and, now that he is big and strong, he’s happy to let off some steam with a good tussle against people who really deserve it.

Character History:

Ivo was born the middle child and only son to a semi-prosperous Illianer merchant. His sisters and he grew up in apartments built into the top floor of his father’s two-story storage warehouse. When one lives above a store house one also finds oneself living with the half dozen or more cats keeping the store house on the first floor rodent free.

Ivo struggled with making friends due to his size, (he’d been large from birth as his mother, a diminutive bird of a woman, would proudly exclaim), and shyness. Thus, he spent much of his free time with his sisters and their many cats. Master Pylos would often bring his wife and children gifts when he returned home from a trading excursion; a necklace from Cairhien for mother, a doll for Belinda, Altaran slippers for Julsea, a bolt of silk from Tarabon for Carra, or a dress of Andoran cut for Druscella. Of all the novelties and trinkets his father had ever brought him, Ivo loved most the ceramic Ocarina his father had found for him in Ghealdan. The boy had taken to it like lightening; playing with and learning it any chance he got. Was Ivo supposed to be helping unload or move stock with his ox-like strength but nowhere to be seen? It would be a safe bet that if you followed the sound of screeching notes you would eventually find Ivo hidden away somewhere.

Master Pylos tried everything to get his reserved son to come out of his shell and shine as a merchant like his sisters but it was an uphill, losing battle. Ivo couldn’t come across as friendly or inviting; frankly, he intimidated people away from the prospect of shopping. Even when a brave soul did manage to approach the stall where the Pylos family sold their excess dry goods off-season, Ivo tended to sell the product At Cost, turning no profit from the exchange. He seemed far more content to guard his sisters while they managed the stall. This behavior was how Ivo found himself, sword and cudgel on his belt, traveling with his oldest sister, Druscella and her recently acquired husband, Peitre, on Druscella’s first excursion with her own caravan. Their father wasn’t traveling as far these days thanks to his advancing years and it was Ivo’s last chance to shape up into someone that could manage the business for Master Pylos. Both Druscella and Carra had men who were coming into their own as merchants; the sons of their father’s business partners. They seemed pleased with the idea of marrying these men as they had practically all grown up together. Ivo didn’t hate Peitre anymore, really. Peitre had been one of the smart few to stop bullying Ivo after he’d swallowed a tooth and Carra’s fiance had been just as aloof as Ivo despite being a far better merchant. If Ivo returned from this excursion having learned nothing then the business would skip over him and be promised to Julsea or Belinda when his father could make no more journeys himself. Master Pylos thought this might be an incentive for Ivo to shape up; rather Ivo saw it as an opportunity to get out from under the expectation, to work as he preferred, and perhaps convince Druscella to keep him on as a guard permanently. A life of looking out for someone seemed far more appealing to him than one of counting coins.


Bio looks fine. My only questions are more about how the training will work and ensuring they understand that its all happening in main timeline.


So AS is it full age, and their relationship is just beginning. If AS does any retro playing (teaching novices etc) she will be expected not to have warder.


Just be prepared to wait out the training time and go forward :)


If all of that is understood, consider this CC' d

  On 5/12/2017 at 11:03 AM, Kathleen said:

Bio looks fine. My only questions are more about how the training will work and ensuring they understand that its all happening in main timeline.


So AS is it full age, and their relationship is just beginning. If AS does any retro playing (teaching novices etc) she will be expected not to have warder.


Just be prepared to wait out the training time and go forward :)


If all of that is understood, consider this CC' d


All is understood on Kira's side.

  • 2 weeks later...

Totally understand. Ivo doesn't exist in Kira's timeline until she is 40, if Kira gets retro-played then it would take place at a time where Ivo was still clutching to his mother's apron strings. Haha. I understand that they're not going to bond right away, not until Ivo has reached Tar Valon with Kira and completed Warder training. At this point the bond they will be forming is one of friendship and trust so that, by the time they do Bond Ivo will feel quite comfortable with the job, Kira will know he is the best man for the job, and the only change is that thanks to the Bond the job will actually get a little easier. 

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